Comprehensive Understanding on Oil & Gas Industry: Legal & Management Aspect
The Park Lane Hotel, Jakarta Selatan | Thursday - Friday | 13 - 14 Aug, 2009 | 09:00-16:30 WIB | Rp. 2.900.000
The workshop concerning Comprehensive Understanding on Oil & Gas Industry: Legal & Management Aspect constitutes a comprehensive training to deepen our knowledge in legal and management aspects of oil & gas industry. This Workshop will be held in Indonesian language and presented by oil and gas law experts who have handled case and involved in oil and gas industry for many years.
After the workshop, the participant will be expected to have legal skill in order to understand legal aspect of oil & gas including understanding of:
- Characteristic of upstream & downstream activities (exploration, exploitation, processing, transportation, storage and trading);
- typical of of contract in oil and gas industry (TAC, PSC, JOB, JOA, EOR);
- various regulation and up to date info concerning the regulation;
- various obligations of the contractor to the government;
- cost recovery, AFE, Work Program and Budget, P.O.D, ROW; and
- the importance and implementation strategy of good corporate governance in oil & gas company.
The Workshop will be expected to be attended by:
- The representative of oil and gas companies
- Advocate and legal consultant
- Student of universities
- Other participant who are interested in oil and gas industry.
Day One, Thursday, 13 August 2009
Session 1: Overview of Oil & Gas Industry
Ir. Madjedi Hasan, MPE, MH (Mining Consultant)
Session 2: Regulation of Oil & Gas Industry in Indonesia
Alan Frederick (Legal Head of BP Migas)
Day Two, Friday, 14 August 2009
Session 3: Legal Aspect in Oil & Gas Industry
Rahayuningsih Hoed (Partner of Makarim & Taira S.)
Session 4: Oil & Gas Industry Contract: It’s Problem and Implementation
Wahyu P. Yudiantoro (Oil & Gas Practition)
Session 5: Good Corporate Governance Aspect to Oil & Gas Industry
Mohamad Fajri MP (Corporate Governance Specialist)
Course Instructors
- Alan Frederick (Legal Head of BP Migas). Mr
- Ir. Madjedi Hasan, MPE, MH (Mining Consultant). Mr
- Mohamad Fajri MP (Corporate Governance Specialist). Mr
- Rahayuningsih Hoed (Partner of Makarim & Taira S.). Mrs
- Wahyu P. Yudiantoro (Oil & Gas Practition). Mr
- Rp. 2.900.000
- + Discount 10% untuk 3 orang Peserta dari Perusahaan yang Sama
- + Exclusive Note Book Bag
- + Kirim 4 Peserta Gratis 1 Peserta
- 1 Kali Makan Siang
- 2 Kali Coffee Break
- Makalah
- Sertifikat
Thursday - Friday | 13 - 14 Aug, 2009 | 09:00-16:30 WIB
The Park Lane Hotel
Jl. Casablanca Kav. 18 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12870
[...] August 13, 2009 | Comprehensive Understanding on Oil & Gas Industry: Legal & Management Aspect [...]
BalasHapuscould you please send me further information of this course