Safety Instrument System & Control
Grand Seriti Hotel - Bandung | 7 - 11 Juni 2010 | Rp 8.250.000,-
The operation of many industrial processes involves inherent risks due to the presence of dangerous material like gases and chemicals. Safety Instrumented Systems SIS are specifically designed to protect personnel, equipment and the environment by reducing the likelihood (frequency) or the impact severity of an identified emergency event.
The best safety systems is not the most expensive but rather it is the most practicable system; this workshop focuses on the HAZOP management, Safety Standard Control, Hazardous Area & Electrical Classification planning and execution of automatic safety systems.
I. Process Safety Standard
- Convenes and ILO Recommendation
- Hazards Analysis Potency
- Hazard Identification
- Safety Life Cycle
- Safety Integrated Level - SIL Matrix
- Safety Instrumented System - SIS
- Markov Model
- Sample Calculation
- Hazard, Danger, Safety, Risk
- Hazard Analysis
- Fault Tree Analysis
III. Instruments of fire and blow up Prevention
- Fire extinguisher Method
- Classification Area
- Fire extinguisher Material (water, kukus, salt, foam)
- Sample of implements calculation
IV. Hazardous Area & Electrical Classification
- Definition of near miss, safety management
- Safety report
- Area & Classification Material
V. Hazard Control, Lockout & Tag out
- Definition
- Effective Program of LOTO
- Policy LOTO
- LOTO Procedure
This workshop that introduces managers, engineers and technicians to the latest standards and practices in the application of safety instrumented systems and Emergency Shutdown systems for the protection of hazardous processes.
DR. Ir. Sutanto Hadisupadmo, MT, IPM is a professor of industrial instruments of engineering physics, and is a Head of Laboratory of Industrial Instrumentation at ITB. He has over 20 years of experience doing consulting work in instrumentation issues and former Director of Instrumentation Center and Technical Services of ITB.
Mr. Sutanto has trained many short courses for PT. TOTAL Indonesie, Pertamina, PT. Petrokimia Gresik, PT. Badak LNG, PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, and PT. Jaya Ancol emphasizing on measurement control system, safety and security. He also holds a Diploma in Energetique from University of Perpignan, France.
7 - 11 Juni 2010
5 days
Grand Seriti Hotel - Bandung, Bandung
Tuition Fee
Rp 8.250.000,- per participant, excluding accomodation & tax.
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