Gas Dehydration and Glycol Regeneration
Jayakarta Hotel, Bandung | Aug 2-4, 2010 | Rp.5.250.000,-per participant
Gas Conditioning refers to the steps taken to prepare gas for transportation, sales or further processing - such as recovery of natural gas liquids or chemical feed. This fundamental session deals with dehydration and hydrate prevention. Natural gas as produced normally contains water vapor. Water must be removed to a typical point of achieving a content of 7 lb/MMSCF for US transmission systems
The removal of water, or dehydration, is done to prevent hydrate formation (and potential plugging) or corrosion in the gas gathering, transmission system, or processing plant.
* Describe the activities associated with monitoring and regulating the dehydration process.
* Describe the activities associated with maintaining dehydration process performance.
* Describe the dehydration process maintenance activities performed by the production technician.
* Explain the typical malfunctions associated with dehydration systems.
* Discuss the safety systems associated with the dehydration proces
Day 1 : Principles and Operation of Glycol Dehydrators / Dr. Soemanto- Ir.Deddy Nugraha
* Water Content of Natural Gas
* Why Dehydrate?
* Principles of Dehydration
* The Vessels and Flow
* A Closer Look at Components
* The Flow
Day 2 : Glycol Dehydration-Operating Condition and Limits/ Ir. Deddy Nugraha
* The Rules May Vary
* The Contactor
* The Reboiler
* The Still Column and Reflux Condenser
* The Gas-Condensate-Glycol Separator
* Heat Exchangers
* Strainers and Filters
* The Surge Tank(Accumulator)
* Glycol Pumps
Day 3 : Glycol Dehydration- Maintenance, Care and Trouble Shooting/Ir. Deddy Nugraha
* Preventive Maintenance
* What record to Keep?
* Mechanical Maintenance
* Glycol Care
* Corrosion Control
* Communication
* When is there a problem?
* High Dew Points
* Glycol lost-From Contactor
* Glycol lost-From Reboiler
* Glycol lost-From Glycol Hydrocarbon Separator
* Glycol lost-From Miscellaneous.
The following selected participants should attend this course:
* Maintenance Engineer/ Superintendent/ Supervisor
* Rotating Engineer/ Superintendent/Supervisor
* Power Plant Engineer/ Superintendent/ Supervisor.
* No specified (Operator/Sr. Operator/ Engineer or Non Engineer)
* Everybody who wants to add knowledge and interest in the above subject
Prof. Dr. Soemanto
Prof. Dr. Soemanto (Chemical specialist) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan indonesia / LAPI Chemichal expert.
Ir. Deddy Nugraha
Ir. Deddy Nugraha is a dedicated experienced fulltime trainer and technical consultant since 2002. He holds a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from ITB, Bandung. He has worked nationally in a wide variety of industries including: technology, aerospace, utilities, auditing, mining and institutions thus engaged as a corporate consultant. He also holds certifications for those particular fields from Snecma, France; Engine Support Inc., USA; Danobat, Spain; DNV, Singapore; MTU, Germany and FAA Auditor, USA.
Mr. Nugraha is a member of Indonesian Society for Reliability and was elected as General Sectretay for 2004-2007 period. He has trained hundreds of managers, engineers and floor associates, subjects taught to include; CMMS, RCM, TPM, Project Management, Quality Process Control, Corrosion Control and Protection, Failure Analysis, Engineering Design, Instalation & Constrcution, Inventory Control and Management.
Major clients include: Pertamina, British Petroleum, Petrochina, Siemen Power, PT. Indonesia Power, PT. Krakatau Steel, Freeport Indonesia, PT. Surveyor Indonesia, Chevron, Medco Energy, PT. Aneka Tambang, Garuda Maintenance Facility, PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara, PT. Semen Padang, PT. Semen Gresik, PT. Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper, PT. Tjiwi Kimia, PT. Pupuk Kujang and PT. Kaltim Prima Coal.
Aug 2-4, 2010
3 days
Jayakarta Hotel, Bandung
Tuition Fee
Rp.5.250.000,-per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.
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