Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

Rotating Equipments: Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Rotating Equipments: Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Grand Preanger Hotel, Bandung | Sep 28 - Oct 1, 2010 | Rp.7.250.000,-    per participant



Most of plant's equipments are rotary. Therefore, understanding the principles of rotating equipments is very essential. Identification of failure modes and monitoring methods of failure symptom are important as well, for establishing the most effective maintenance program.

This course begins with discussing the definition of rotating equipments, their types and their primary functions, as well as the general characteristics of rotating equipments in relation with their performance. Then, a detailed discussion on primary rotating equipments, namely pumps, compressors, turbines and fans/blowers, will be given. The discussion includes the classification for each type, the performance characteristics and the frequent failure modes. This course is closed with a procedure to conduct alignment of axles and predictive maintenance for rotating equipments.



  • * Engineers / Equipment's Operators

  • * Maintenance / Workshop technicians

  • * Quality Control engineers.

  • * Process & Manufacturing / Engineer

  • * Other professional who wants to have a better understanding and take advantage from the course.



  • Understand the functions and general characteristics of rotating equipments.

  • Able to evaluate the performance of rotating equipments.

  • Understand the classification and the performance characteristics of pumps, compressors, turbines and fans/ blowers.

  • Able to identify the anomalies and the failure modes of rotating equipments.

  • Able to conduct alignment of axles.

  • Understand the methods to implement predictive maintenance for rotating equipments.



  • * Definition of Rotating Equipment, types, functions and general characteristics.

  • * Pumps: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.

  • * Compressors: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.

  • * Turbines: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.

  • * Fan/ Blowers: classification, performance characteristics and frequent failure modes.

  • * Alignment of axles.

  • * Summary of rotating equipment's failure modes.

  • * Predictive maintenance for rotating equipments.

  • * Method for test performance of the equipment

  • * Equipment installation requirement

  • * Equipment log book

  • * Operation manual & parts book

  • * Software for operation & maintenance

  • * Pedestal Crane

  • * Geometric Dimensional Measurement Techniques



DR. Ir. Edy Suwondo
DR. Ir. Edy Suwondo  is a lecturer at the Aerospace Engineering Department, Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB) and a member of the Aircraft Design, Operation and Maintenance Research Group, ITB. He has been working in the area of maintenance since 1992. His expertise is in Reliability Centered Maintenance, Reliability Control Program, Maintenance Planning and Life Cycle Costing. He has conducted various research in those area at GMF AeroAsia, Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), Nusantara Turbine and Propulsion (PT NTP) and Indonesian Aerospace Company (IAe). He involves also in various projects in his research group. Mr. Edy Suwondo received his bachelor degree from the Aerospace Engineering ITB and his doctor degree from Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands. His doctor research was in the applications of Life Cycle Costing in maintenance area.


Sep 28 - Oct 1, 2010
4 days

Grand Preanger Hotel, Bandung

Tuition Fee
Rp.7.250.000,-    per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.


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