Instrumentation and Calibration-YOGYAKARTA
Hotel Grage Ramayana Yogyakarta | Yogyakarta 11 - 13 April 2011|IDR 4.000.000,-
Peserta diharapkan akan mengerti dan memahami masalah peralatan instrumentasi secara umum dan konsep aktualnya serta faktor yang menyertai seperti setting up, calibrating dan troubleshooting pada instrumen sensor, transducers and system. Dengan pengenalan teori pengoperasian pada masalah umum, kesalahan konsep dan kerusakan pada sensor dan sistem tersebut.
- Reason for measurement / overview / history.
- Parts of the basic instrumentation & control loop.
- Using process & instrument drawings (P&ID’s).
- Process control signals and common transducers.
- Understanding the 4 to 20 milliamp current loop.
- Signal conversions.
- Basics of instrument calibrations.
- Position and speed sensors.
- Temperature sensors and calibration.
- Pneumatic and hydraulic pressure concepts.
- Pressure, force and strain sensors and calibrations.
- Level detectors and calibrations.
- Fluid and gas flow concepts.
- Flow detectors.
- Typical problems in instrumentation system.
- Smart instruments.
- Instrumentation data communications and network.
- Trends in sensors and instrumentation.
- Designing and installing instrumentation systems.
- Troubleshooting instrumentation systems.
Instrument Engineer, Teknisi, Operator listrik, Staf Maintenance, Supervisors yang familiar atau pernah mempelajari tentang “basic electricity”
lecturing, workshop, interactive consultation, and case study
Ir. Rini Dharmastiti, M.Sc. Ph.D
Yogyakarta 11 - 13 April 2011
Hotel Grage Ramayana Yogyakarta
IDR 4.000.000 – (non residential )
(termasuk picking-up service dari Bandara/Stasiun KA ke hotel, training modul, training kit, 2x coffee break, 1x lunch, souvenir, dan sertifikat)
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