GOOD IT GOVERNANCE : Awareness & Implementation
Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Santika Hotel Jakarta | | 08.30 – 16.30 | Rp 3.500.000,-
Pelatihan ketatakelolaan dibidang teknologi informasi (IT Governnance) dirancang secara khusus untuk para security manager yang berpengalaman dan mereka yang mempunyai tanggung jawab dan peranan penting yang bekaitan dengan keamanan sistem informasi (information system security).
Pelatihan in juga ditujukan bagi mereka yang merancang, mengelola dan melakukan penyeliaan terhadap kondisi keamanan (security) system informasi perusahaan.
Pelatihan IT Governance ini didasarkan pada standar praktek (best practice) internasional yang akan memberikan kepada para eksekutif bekal pengetahuan yang memadai guna mengemban peran security management yang efektif di dalam perusahaan dimana para executive itu berada.
Materi pelatihan ini didasarkan pada standar pelatihan yang diwarnai oleh program pelatihan CISA ( Certified Information Security Auditor) dan direkomendasikan oleh ISACA dan ITGI.
Pelatihan IT governance ini dirancang dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan peserta dalam bidang pengelolalaan keamanan system informasi (security management), khususnya yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan dan implementasi IT governance dalam kegiatan operasional sistem informasi dengan dengan fokus pada security management.
Pelatihan ini akan memberikan kepada peserta peningkatan kemampuan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan dan implementasi IT governance di dalam organisasi mereka seperti :
- Memiliki pengertian yang utuh mengenai IT Governance dalam ruang lingkup dan kerangka acuan (framework) Information System Management
- Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan (skill) dalam menghadapi dan menyelesaikan permasalahan operasional sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan information security
- Peningkatan kemampuan yang berkaitan dengan perancangan, implementasi, pengelolalaan, serta penilaian atas kehandalan IT security system organisasi, dengan menerapkan konsep dan filosofi dari IT governance
- Kemampuan dalam membangun IT Work-plan dan medefinisikan ukuran kinerja sistem informasi
- Kemampuan dalam membangun kerangka acuan (framework) sistem informasi dan implementasinya
- Kemampuan dalam menentukan strategi delivery dan pembangunan model delivery
- Kemampuan dalam menentukan tingkat pencapaian keselerasan (alignment) antara IT dan bisnis organisasi dalam rangka mencapai tujuan organisasi
Good Corporate Governance and IT Governance
This part of the of the course highlights on introductory knowledge and issues on IT governance such as :
- Information Security Governance
- Information Risk Management
- Information Security Program(me) Development
- Information Security Program (me) Management
- Information Security Management
- Emerging Enterprise Model
IT Governance Process
This part of the course describes the structured relationship of processes to direct and control the IT processes in line with the goal to achieve organization objectives, the area of coverage are :
- Structure of IT Governance
- IT Governance Framework
- IT Governance Process and Action Plan
IT Strategic Alignment
This subject of training describe all aspect as related strategic alignment with main focus on IT Investment and Business Value, the coverage are:
- IT Strategy alignment with Business Strategy
- IT Deliverables as related (aligned)with Business Strategy
- IT Strategy and the balance and focused IT investment as related to Business Strategy
Deliver Recognizable Value to the Enterprise Risk Management
The purpose of this training part is to give capability to the participant in delivering recognizable IT Values to the enterprise (company) which covers such as :
- Plan for Implementing Strategy
- Driving Business Alignment
- Alignment Management Processes
- Value Delivery
- The Business Expectation
- Expectation regarding Working Method
- IT Value Delivery
- Views of IT Value
Risk Management
This part of the training shall enlighten the participants with all aspects of risks as related to IT Values delivery to the enterprise, the subject shall cover such as :
- Managing Enterprise Risks
- Safeguarding Enterprise Assets and Disaster Recovery
- Cost of IT Security
Resource Management
This part of the training shall escalate the awareness of participants on optimizing knowledge as related to IT infrastructure, the subject shall cover :
- Investment Infrastructure
- IT Operational Spending
- IT Assets Management
- Human Resources
- Balancing Cost of Infrastructure with Quality of Service
Performance Management
This part of the training shall provide to the participants the capability to select and use a framework (tools) to be applied in evaluating, directing and monitoring the portfolio of IT application in their organizations, the coverage shall be :
- Performance Drivers
- IT Balanced Scorecard (IT BSC)
- Capability Maturity Models (CMM)
Integration Strategies and Tactics for IT Governance
This subject of this training provide participants with the knowledge on how an organization get the capabilities in diagnosing and designing the IT Governance with the coverage such as :
- IT Portfolios at Local Business
- IT Governance Models
- Strategic Flexibility and the Impacts to IT organization
- IT value Drivers
- Design Logic for Governance
Structures, Process & Relational Mechanisms for IT Governance Incident and Response Management (Business Continuity Plan/BCP)
The subject of the training shall enlighten the participants with all issues and aspects of business continuity and the relation with IT governance, the subject shall cover as the followings:
- An information security steering group function
- Legal and regulatory issues associated with Internet businesses, global transmissions and trans border data flows
- Common insurance policies and imposed conditions
- Information security process improvement Recovery time objectives (RTO) for information resources
- Cost benefits analysis techniques in assessing options for mitigating risks threats and exposures to acceptable levels.
- Security metrics design, development and implementation.
- Information security management due diligence activities and reviews of the infrastructure.
IT Governance and COBIT Mapping
The subject the training describes on the framework for control and measurability of IT processes based on COBIT framework which covers:
- Performance Measurement Elements
- Critical Success Factors in IT Processes
- Related Maturity Model
IT Governance and ITIL
This part of the training describes how ITIL implementation shall support the achievement of IT Governance in an organization, the subject covers such as :
- ITIL Framework
- ITIL and IT Governance
Good Corporate Governance for ICT
This subject of the course provides the participants with one of the tool in order to achieve condition of IT Governance as using Australian Standard for Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in ICT (Information Communication and Telecommunication) which :
- Principle of GCG in ICT
- AS-8015 Model
This part of the training shall divulge and highlight to the participants practical and particular cases related to the subject of IT Governance.
Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan.
- 50% Theory
- 50% Practices
- Dynamic and interactive training presentation.
- Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
- Chief Information Officers (CIO)
- Chief Technology Officers (CTO)
- IS/IT Steering Committee
- Audit Committee
- IT Senior Manager
- Information Security Manager
- Senior Risk Manager
- Senior Audit Manager
- IT & Audit Staff
- IT Security Staff
- Risk Management Staff
25-26 April 2011 08.30 – 16.30
Harris Hotel ( Tebet ) / Aryaduta Hotel ( Semanggi )
- Rp 3.500.000,-/Person
- Early Bird : Rp 3.250.000,- (Paid 4 days Before 25 April 2011)
- Group Price : Rp 9.000.000,- (3 participants from the same company)
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