Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 13 – 16 Juni 2011| Rp 6.250.000/person
Sasaran dari training ini adalah memberikan kemampuan analisis dan praktis tentang pengelolaan yang efektif dan efisien dari material-material pada suatu proyek.
- Overview Principles of Material Management
- a. Objective of Material Management
- b. Function of Material Management
- c. Scope of Material Management
- Material Planning
- a. Project Material Requirement
- b. Schedule of Material
- c. Supplier Selection/Criteria and Procedure
- Purchasing
- a. Schedule of Material Purchasing and Procedure
- b. Financial Issues
- Inventory
- a. Location Selection
- b. Material Fascility Design
- c. Receiving, Handling, Issuing, Delivering Procedure
- Material Disposal
- a. Handling
- b. Report
a. Pernah terlibat dalam pelaksanaan proyek.
b. Latar belakang pendidikan Teknik dan atau Ekonomi.
c. Atau seluruh pihak yang perlu memahami tentang manajemen material untuk suatu projek
Ir. Iim Takwim, MM.
Ir. Iim Takwim, MM, sarjana lulusan Universitas Pasundan adalah Ketua Program Studi Teknik Industri pada STT Jabar serta Lecture of Production System, Management Information System, Simulation System, Product Design System, Product Design of Facilities, Research of Operation, System of Performances Analysis, Feasibility Study of Industries, Inventory Control and Network Planning, Performance and Productivites of Management Industries. Begitu banyak pengalaman profesi beliau di berbagai bidang industri , antara lain :
- Production System & Procedures Plan of Manufacturing at PT. IPTN
- Technical Staff of Industrial Engineering Division at PT. IPTN (Sub-Contractors, Off-Load and Industrial Domestic Guidance
- Assisstant Manager of HRD of Textile Industry
- Manager of Production in Garments Industry at PT. Fit-U
- Production Manager and Junior Consultan of ISO 9001
- Berbagai topic Training dan Scientific Work beliau, antara lain :
- Instructure Bar-chat and Line Balancing Job Establishment and Grading System
- Awareness and Introduction of ISO 9001 : 2000 (QMS)
- Junior of Management Representative ISO 9001 : 2000 of Production
- Iron Casting Technology at IRDMMI/MIDC and JICA-Jepang
- Management Strategi and Competency
- Total Quality Management
- Logistic and Supply Change Management (SCM)
- Integreted System of Industrial Management
- Cost Of Project and Tools Management
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Six and Lean Sigma
- Competency Of Professional-SDM, serta banyak lagi lainnya.
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung
4 days
13 – 16 Juni 2011
- Rp 6.250.000/person (full fare) atau
- Rp 6.000.000/person (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
- Rp 5.750.000/person (peserta bergroup 3 orang atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)
- Modul Training
- Flashdisk Training berisi materi training
- Sertifikat
- ATK: NoteBook dan Ballpoint
- T-Shirt
- Ransel
- Foto Training
- Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
- Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak
- Instruktur yang Qualified
- Transportasi untuk peserta dari hotel penginapan ke hotel tempat training – PP (jika peserta minimal dari satu perusahaan ada 4 peserta)
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