Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung | 09 – 13 Mei 2011 | Rp 7.450.000/peserta
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung |6 – 10 Juni 2011| Rp 7.450.000/peserta
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung | 26 – 30 September 2011 | Rp 7.450.000/peserta
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung | 12 – 16 Desember 2011| Rp 7.450.000/peserta
PLC adalah bagian system control utama dalam system control automasi di semua lini industry, sehingga memahami PLC adalah hal penting. PLC sebagai instrument elektrikal perlu dipahami dari sisi hardwarenya maupun dari sisi softwarenya. Lalu diperlukan pemahaman dalam pengembangan program PLC tersebut dan troubleshoot terhadap fault hardware maupun software. Training ini dirancang dengan muatan praktis yang banyak. Setiap peserta terhubung dengan computer sehingga bisa praktikum langsung dan terhubung ke PLC.
- Peserta memahami system hardware dan software PLC
- Peserta mampu memprogram PLC dengan metode yang mudah
- Peserta mampu melakukan troubleshooting
- Peserta mampu mengoperasikan PLC dalam suatu system control simulasi industri
- Opening + Pretest
- Overview of PLC System
- PLC Hardware(1): Rack, Power Supply and PLC Processor
- PLC Hardware(2): Input Output Module(Analog and Descrete Module)
- PLC Hardware(3): Wiring system and Communication Module
- PLC Hardware(4): Sensor(Input Devices) and Actuator(Output Devices)
- Interface Driver: Communication Software for Connectivity
- PLC Configuration: Procedure for Running a PLC
- Software programming(1): PLC’s Software Feature exploring
- Software programming(2): PLC’s Software Feature Function and Use
- PLC’s Memory: Memory Types, Partitions and Use
- Numbering System: Miscellaneous and Use in PLC system
- Addressing System: I/O Mapping system in PLC
- Boolean Logic System: Fundamental PLC Programming Requirement
- Bit Instruction(1): Rung and Attributes, Contact and Coil Representation
- Bit Instruction(2): Contact and Coil Programming
- Bit Instruction(3): More Complex Contact and Coil Programming
- Timer Instruction(1): Fundamental Concept, Types and Function
- Timer Instruction(2): Timer Programming in PLC
- Counter Instruction(1): Fundamental Concept, Types and Fuction
- Counter Instruction(2): Counter Programming in PLC
- Comparison Instruction
- Math Instruction
- Data Handling Instruction
- Programming Methode: Programming PLC Using State Based Design
- Program Flow Instruction
- PID(Proportional Integral Derivative) : Fundamental Concept, implementation and tuning
- PLC Troubleshooting
- Pos Test + Closing
- Teknisi (elektrikal, maintenance, process instrument dan kontrol)
- Engineer (elektrikal, maintenance, process, instrument dan kontrol)
- Supervisor (elektrikal, maintenance, process, instrument dan kontrol)
- Operator dan
- Semua pihak yang ingin memahami di bidang PLC
INSTRUCTOR : Ir. Mairodi, MT. and team
Ir.Mairodi, MT., lulusan dari Physics Engineering(Bachelor) Institut Teknologi Bandung dan Program Instrumentasi dan Kontrol(Master) Institut Teknologi Bandung. Telah berpengalaman memberikan pelatihan di bidang instrumentasi kontrol seperti PLC, DCS, HMI, SCADA dan Industrial Process Control. Pernah memberikan pelatihan untuk perusahaan Migas dan pertambangan serta manufaktur seperti PT.Bayer Urethanes Indonesia, PT Pupuk Kaltim, PT. Geodipa unit Dieng, PT. Krakatau Steel, PT. Medco LPG, PT. Arun LNG, PT. Star Energy, PT. Medco Energy Tanjung Jati, PT. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak(KPA), PT.ConocoPhillips Indonesia, PT. Babcock & Wilcock, PT.Petrokimia Gresik, Langsa FPSO PTE LTD, PT.Alstom Transport, PT.Unilever Indonesia, PT. Siemen, PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda, BP Indonesia, PT. TJB Power Services, PT. Indonesia Power UPB Suralaya, CNOOC, TOTAL, PGN, PT. IPMOMI, PT. Rekayasa Engineering, PT. HM Sampoerna, Siemens Indonesia, Chevron Indonesia, PT. Medco, PT. PLN, PT. Elsicom Engineering, PT. Freeport McMoran Indonesia, Plaza Senayan, PT. KPC, INCO, VICO, PT. Ivomas Salim Pratama, dll.
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung
5 days
- 09 – 13 Mei 2011
- 6 – 10 Juni 2011
- 26 – 30 September 2011
- 12 – 16 Desember 2011
- Rp 7.450.000/peserta (bayar penuh) atau
- Rp 7.250.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
- Rp 6.950.000/peserta (peserta bergroup yang terdiri dari 3 orang peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)
- Training Module
- Training CD contains training material
- For practice session : All softwares related to this training is supplied and installed to participants’ laptop/notebook Training Provider's team / instructor
- Certificate
- Stationery: Notebook and Ballpoint
- Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
- Bag or backpackers
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
- Qualified instructor
- Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)
- For practice session: each participant is recommended to bring notebook/laptop for softwares installation and practice session
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