Bandung | 16 – 19 Februari 2011 | Rp 8.500.000/Peserta
After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to :
- Understand the basic concept of indonesian gas blue print and natural gas industry in Indonesia.
- Understand the basic concept of gas handling processes and operation, and how to operate this technology in field application.
- Analyze the production potential of reservoir under with actual handling system processes and to plan the better development processes according to reservoir capacity.
- Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of gas handling processes, operation and Instrumentation.
- No specified (Operator/ Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer)
- Blueprint of Indonesian Natural Gas Sector
- - Lingkup Pengusahaan Gas Bumi Nasional
- - Pengaturan dana Penetapan Bidang Gas Bumi
- - Pengawasan Bidang Gas Bumi
- - Pengusulan Kebijakan Bidang Gas Bumi
- - Analisis SWOT
- Industry of Indonesian Natural Gas
- - Struktur Industri Gas Bumi Nasional
- - Skema Jaringan Pipa Gas Transmisi dan Distribusi Nasianal
- - Penyebaran Cadangan Gas Bumi Nasional
- - Produksi dan Pemanfaatan Gas Bumi Nasional
- Pipes Construction
- - Konstruksi Pemipaan di Darat
- - Konstruksi Pemipaan di Laut
- - Konstruksi Pemipaan di Artic
- Material Selection
- - Material Pipa Transmisi
- - Korosi
- - Penentuan Ketebalan Pipa
- - ANSI B 1.3 dan ANSI B.1.3.8
- Operation and Maintenance Activity
- - Jaringan Pipa
- - Leak Detection
- - Perbaikan Jaringan Pipa
- - Mesin-Mesin Rotating dan Reciprocating
- Ressure Decline on Gas Pippng System
- - Prinsip Dasar
- - Peramaan Aliran Gas
- - Transportasi Gas dari Lapangan ke Kilang
- Compressor
- - Tipe Kompresor
- - Diagram Mollier
- - Actual Horsepower
- Mechanical Comissioning dan Start Up
- - Hydraulic Control Well System
- - Data Aquisition System
- - Modifikasi Separator
- Introduction to Mesuring System
- Measuement Strategy
- - Volumetric Measurement
- - Displacement Measurement
- - Differential Pressure Methodes
- - Turbine Meter
- - Elbow Meter
- Orifice Meter
- - Persamaan Dasar
- - Persamaan Umum
- - Perhitungan Volume Gas
- Siytem Monitoring
- - Jenis-Jeenis Korosi
- - Weight Loss Coupon
- - On Line Electrical System
- - On Line Polarization Resistance
- - Hydrogen Monitoring
- - Visual Inspection
Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA
DR. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA is General Manager of Program Development Department of ITB. He was an extreme dedicated consultant and researcher with countless hands-on expertise in analytical methods, engineering mathematics, computer simulation, fluid mechanic, mass and heat transfer. Mr. Sudjati has published numerous articles regarding of researches and analyses in France, Australia, USA and Singapore.
His expertise has brought him to one of the top-notch expert hired among UNOCAL, MOBIL OIL Indonesia, PPTM Migas, PT. CALTEX Pacific Indonesia, LEMIGAS, PT. LNG Bontang, VICO Indonesia, GULF, ARCO and PERTAMINA. He is an active member of SPE [Society of Petroleum Engineers] and Fine Particles Society, US. He holds Diplome d'Etude Approfondie and Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide in Methode Numerique from UCB, France.
16 – 19 Februari 2011, Pkl. 09.00 – 16.00 WIB
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung
Rp 8.500.000/Peserta
Setiap peserta akan memperoleh 'Certificate of Accomplishment' , Gandaan Materi baik hardcopy (makalah) maupun softcopy (CD Materi), dan konsumsi (makan siang dan 2xmeals).
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