Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung | 23 – 27 May 2011| Rp 7.950.000,-
Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung | 7 – 11 November 2011 | Rp 7.950.000,-
Setelah menyelesaikan training ini diharapkan peserta dapat :
- Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar penggunaan peralatan sumur produksi di atas maupun di bawah permukaan, untuk lapangan-lapangan minyak dan gas bumi .
- Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dalam menagani problema produksi di lapangan yang disebabkan oleh reservoir atau fasilitas produksinya.
- Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana untuk gas lift, ESP, Hydraulic/Jet Pump, Sucker Rod Pump dan PCP.
- Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana untuk perancangan dan perancangan ulang separator, gas scrubber, gas dehydrator dan peralatan produksi lainnya.
Latar belakang : Operator/ Sr. Operator/ Jr. Engineer/Non Engineer
- Reservoir Background
- Exploration
- Exploitation
- Reserve Calculation
- Basic Production Engineering
- Inflow Performance Relationship
- Productivity Index
- Multiphase Flow
- Well Completion System
- Open Hole Completion
- Single Completion
- Commingle Completion
- Multiple Completion
- Downhole Equipments
- Tubular Device
- Packer System
- Circulating Device
- Nipples
- Joints
- Artificial Lift Method Equipments and Design
- Gas Lift
- Submersible Pump
- Sucker Rod Pump
- Hydraulic Pump
Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. and Team
Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. adalah dosen di jurusan perminyakan ITB sejak tahun 1979 sampai sekarang. Beliau alumnus dari ITB lulus tahun 1977, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Diplome d'Etude Approfondie Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE. Dan pada tahun 1985 – 1987 beliau mengambil program Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide (Methode Numerique) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE.
Dr. Sudjati Rachmat sering menjadi instruktur dalam banyak pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan perminyakan untuk perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia, diantaranya seperti Pertamina, Chevron, Badak LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Migas, PPTM Migas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, dll.
Topik-topik training yang Beliau sampaikan diantaranya adalah production surface and down hole equipment, Basic Reservoir Engineering, Sucker Rod Pumping Theory and Practice, Production Logging Engineering, Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization, Well Test, Operation and Interpretation, Well Design, Completion and Workover, Numerical and Statistical Method for Petroleum Engineering Problems, Oil-Well Stimulation, Hydraulic Fracturing, Statistics for Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Simulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Applied Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Simulation, Aspects of Horizontal Well Technology, Geology and Geophysics Modeling, Advanced Programming on Numerical Analysis and Industrial Information System, Management Information System, Well Stimulation of Oil and Gas Reservoir, Horizontal Well Technology, Transportation of Oil and Gas, Sand Control Technology, dan lain-lain.
Beliau banyak melakukan penelitian di bidang MIGAS dan telah mempublikasikan dan menseminarkannya di forum dunia.
Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung
5 days
- 23 – 27 May 2011
- 7 – 11 November 2011
- Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare) or
- Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, 1 week payment before training) or
- Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)
- Training Module
- Training CD contains training material
- Certificate
- Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
- Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
- Bag or backpackers
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
- Qualified instructor
- Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)
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