Piping & Pipeline System: Base on ASME B31 Codes & API579 Standards
Hotel Banana Inn, Bandung | 16– 18 Februari 2011 | Rp 6.500.000,00
The global objective of the course is:
To give the participant the comprehensive knowledge of piping & pipeline system.
Each module has the specific objective:
- The participant will understand the difference both piping and pipeline system and what the necessities of each system.
- The participant will gain an in-depth knowledge of material specifications, mechanical properties of strength and toughness, and testing of materials.
- The participant will understand the pipe’s production processes, pipe welding and welding inspection.
- The participant will be introduced to the standard pipe (ASME B31 and API 579).
- The participant will understand the technical background to the design equations, and their application to the design of piping systems and pipelines.
- The participant will gain a practical understanding of piping and pipeline corrosion mechanisms, how to recognize them, classify them and resolve them.
- The participant will be introduce the nondestructive inspection and failure analysis.
- The participants will review case histories of field failures and will evaluate their cause and solutions to avoid recurrence.
Course Outline:
Day 1: Introduction, Material and Inspections Welding
- Piping System
- History of Piping & Pipeline Technology
- Main Aspects of Piping system
- Main Aspects of Pipeline system
- Code, Standard and regulations
- Code and Standard for Pipe and pipeline
- Piping and pipeline life circle processes
- Materials
- Practical Aspects of Metallurgical Properties
- Fabrication of Line Pipe and Forged Fittings
- Welding Overview of Pipe and Pipeline Welding Practice.
Day 2: Piping Design
- Piping Loads
- Piping Stress Analysis
- Piping stress requirement
- Piping span and expansion
- Layout and pipe support
Day 3: Faiure analysis and Inspection
- Failure in pipe and piping system
- Failure Analysis
- Corrosion
- Case study.
Pembicara :
Dedi Lazuardi
- Engineer - Mechanical Engineering, ITB 1990
- DEA – Applied Mechanic in Materials sciences, Universite de Franche-Comte – BESANCON – FRANCE 1995
- Doctor – Sciences for Engineer, COMPOSITES, Universite de Franche-Comte – BESANCON – FRANCE 1998
- Lecturer in Mechanical Eng. Departement
16 - 18 Februari 2011, Pkl. 09.00 – 16.30 WIB
Hotel Banana Inn, Bandung
Rp 6.950.000,00/Peserta
Setiap peserta akan memperoleh 'Certificate of Accomplishment', Gandaan Materi baik hardcopy (makalah) maupun softcopy (CD Materi), dan konsumsi (makan siang dan 2xmeals).
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