Hotel Banana Inn Bandung | 10 – 14 Januari 2011 | Rp 7.450.000/person
After completion of this training, participants will:
- understanding to system and maintenance management concept
- understanding to equipment failure
- understanding to maintainability and statistic application
- understanding to total productive maintenance
- understanding to spare parts support factor and availability
- understanding to maintenance reliability
- understanding to analysis of maintenance technology
- System and Maintenance Management Concept
- Definition,
- aim and maintenance improvement,
- maintenance strategy,
- maintenance effect,
- maintenance management,
- maintenance management aspect,
- strategic and operational of maintenance management,
- organization in maintenance department.
- Equipment Failure
- Failure definition and understanding,
- reason of failure,
- especial source of failure,
- failure pattern,
- the root cause failure,
- preventive of failure,
- failure category,
- grow level on cause of failure.
- Maintainability and Statistic Application
- Maintainability understanding,
- maintainability requirement,
- aspect system and maintainability measure (MTBM, MTBR, MDT, etc.),
- reliability factor (MTBF, MTTF),
- maintainability factor (maintenance elapsed-time factors, maintenance frequency factors, maintenance cost factors, maintenance cost factors).
- Total Productive Maintenance; TPM
- Basic concept TPM of Kaizen,
- development strategy and expectation of TPM,
- basic activities of TPM,
- maximizing equipment effectiveness,
- TPM small and group activity,
- implementation and developing TPM,
- autonomous maintenance.
- Spare Part Support Factor and Availability
- Spare parts classification and principal,
- equipment classification,
- spare parts availability matrix,
- spare part determination of requirement,
- spare part availability.
- Role of Availability Model in Maintenance
- Independent availability,
- spare parts availability cost,
- independent availability model (EOQ model, EPQ model, etc.),
- quality control of incoming goods.
- Maintenance Reliability
- Reliability definition,
- reliability scope,
- hazard rate function,
- equipment performance measurement,
- reliability theoretical distribution,
- reliability estimation.
- Analysis of Maintenance Technology
- Trend of failure model,
- machine condition monitoring,
- visual monitoring,
- oil lubrication monitoring,
- performance monitoring,
- geometric monitoring,
- vibration monitoring,
- NDT monitoring.
- Cases study and discussion
Ir. Maridjo,MT. and team
Ir. Maridjo,MT. is alumnus from Mechanical Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He has been lecturer at PEDC and now as lecturer at mechanical engineering Polytechnique ITB (POLBAN). Ir. Maridjo has taught many topics related to his expertise to many companies in Indonesia, such as predictive and preventive maintenance, lubrication system, diesel machine, pump, gas turbine, piping and pipeline, compressor, boiler, and many others. Many participants from companies have been trained and collaborated with him such as Chevron, Semen Gresik, semen Baturaja, Pertamina, Pusri, GGPC, employee of Qatar and lybia oil and gas company, UP IV Balongan pertamina, PT. Indocement, some PLTA, some hotels, PT.Pupuk Kujang, PT.Bio Farma, BPPT, PT. Bintang Agung, some other oil and gas companies in Indonesia and etc. Ir.Maridjo has been researching and publishing the results on his core competencies on academics standing.
- Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung
- Hotel Banana Inn Bandung
5 days
10 – 14 Januari 2011
- Rp 7.450.000/person (full fare) or
- Rp 7.250.000/person (early bird, payment before 3 Januari 2011) or
- Rp 6.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)
- Training Module
- Training CD Contains Training Material
- Certificate
- Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
- Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt
- Bag or Backpackers
- Training Photo
- Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
- Qualified instructor
- Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)
[...] October 4, 2010 | TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE (TPM) [...]