Senin, 31 Januari 2011


Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung | 16 – 18 February 2011 | Rp 5.750.000/person (full fare)
Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung | 18 – 20 July 2011 | Rp 5.750.000/person (full fare)


Setelah menyelesaikan kursus ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  1. Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar eksploitasi minyak, gas bumi yang dikenal sebagai teknologi perminyakan.

  2. Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan memahami pengelolaan data operasi perminyakan, seperti data geologi produksi, data batuan dan fluida reservoir, data produksi, data operasi pemboran bahkan data analisis keekonomian.

  3. Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data tersebut dan melakukan pengolahannya dengan mempergunakan metoda standar dalam teknologi perminyakan.

  4. Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatif sederhana dari seluruh data perolehan operasi perminyakan : geologi produksi, evaluasi data formasi produktif, data reservoir, data pemboran, data produksi bahkan data keekonomian.


Latar belakang beragam : Operator, Sr. Operator, Engineering dan Non Engineering, Support Personel


  1. Pengertian Tentang Data Teknik Operasi Perminyakan dan Teknik Pengelolaannya

    • Data Geologi Produksi

    • Data Teknik Reservoir

    • Data Teknik Pemboran

    • Data Teknik Produksi

    • Data Analisis Keekonomian

  2. Reservoir Hidrokarbon

    • Kondisi Terbentuknya Reservoir

    • Tekanan dan Temperatur Reservoir

    • Fluida Reservoir

    • Batuan Reservoir

  3. Evaluasi Formasi Reservoir Hidrokarbon

    • Penentuan Formasi Permeabel

    • Penentuan Porositas Batuan

    • Penentuan Saturasi Fluida

    • Penentuan ketebalan Reservoir Rata-rata

    • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Formasi

  4. Pemboran Sumur Minyak

    • Operasi

    • Biaya

    • Complesion

    • Fluida Pemboran

    • Data Akuisisi

    • Optimasi Pemboran

    • Problema Khusus Pemboran

    • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Pemboran

  5. Perkiraan Cadangan

    • Volume In-place

    • Ketebalan Batuan

    • Peta Iso Porositas

    • Peta iso Kapasitas

    • Recovery Factor (Faktor Perolehan)

  6. Cara Produksi Reservoir Minyak Bumi

    • Inflow Performance Relationship

    • Primary Recovery Technology

    • Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology

    • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Fasilitas Produksi di Bawah Permukaan

  7. Fasilitas Produksi di Permukaan

    • Field Processing Unit

    • Sistem Pemipaan Minyak Bumi

    • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Fasilitas Produksi di Permukaan

  8. Analisa Kinerja Reservoir

    • Perolehan Reservoir Gas

    • Perolehan Primer Reservoir Minyak

    • Efisiensi Perolehan Minyak

    • Keseimbangan Materi

    • Peramalan Kinerja Produksi

  9. Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Analisis Keekonomian

    • Parameter Utama Analisis Keekonomian

    • Net Present Value

    • Internal Rate of Return

    • Pay Out Time

    • Profit to Invesment Ratio

    • Beberapa Contoh Kasus


Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA.  and Team

Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. adalah dosen di jurusan perminyakan ITB sejak tahun 1979 sampai sekarang. Beliau alumnus dari ITB lulus tahun 1977, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Diplome d'Etude Approfondie Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE. Dan pada tahun 1985 – 1987 beliau mengambil program Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide (Methode Numerique) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE.

Dr. Sudjati Rachmat sering menjadi instruktur dalam banyak pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan perminyakan untuk perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia, diantaranya seperti Pertamina, Chevron, Badak LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Migas, PPTM Migas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, dll.

Topik-topik training yang Beliau sampaikan diantaranya adalah production surface and down hole equipment, Basic Reservoir Engineering, Sucker Rod Pumping Theory and Practice, Production Logging Engineering, Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization, Well Test, Operation and Interpretation, Well Design, Completion and Workover, Numerical and Statistical Method for Petroleum Engineering Problems, Oil-Well Stimulation, Hydraulic Fracturing, Statistics for Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Simulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Applied Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Simulation, Aspects of Horizontal Well Technology, Geology and Geophysics Modeling, Advanced Programming on Numerical Analysis and Industrial Information System, Management Information System, Well Stimulation of Oil and Gas Reservoir, Horizontal Well Technology, Transportation of Oil and Gas, Sand Control Technology, dan lain-lain.

Beliau banyak melakukan penelitian di bidang MIGAS dan telah mempublikasikan dan menseminarkannya di forum dunia.


Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung


3 days


  1. 16 – 18 February 2011

  2. 18 – 20 July 2011


  1. Rp 5.750.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 5.500.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 5.250.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module

  2. Flash Disk contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. T-Shirt

  6. Bag

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Lunch and twice coffee break every day of training

  10. Qualified Instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)

Sizzling PowerPoint

Sizzling PowerPoint

Aryaduta Hotel / Grand Flora Hotel, Jakarta | March 17 th, 2011 | Rp. 2.250.000, - (Full Fare)

Advanced PowerPoint adalah sebuah pelatihan pembuatan bahan presentasi yang soundsual dengan program MS Powerpoints ditujukan untuk profesionals yang sering memberikan presentasi atau training.
Pelatihan ini mengajarkan bagaimana memanfaatkan kecanggihan MS Powerpoint untuk membantu kita dalam mengajar atau berpresentasi, terlebih dari itu--Fasilitator akan memandu anda membuat sebuah presentasi yang mirip dengan Flash!


Sasaran :

Setelah mengikuti latihan praktik di kelas, peserta diharapkan dapat memaksimalkan MS Powerpoints khususnya pada Menubar Custom Animation dan bagian integrasi multimedia sehingga bahan presentasi menjadi lebih hidup dan soundsual.



  1. Menyunting lagu dan musik

  2. Menciptakan gambar/logo animatif dengan SwishMax

  3. Memasukkan musik dan video kedalam MS Powerpoint

  4. Membuat diagram animatif

  5. Membuat presentasi grafik yang animatif dengan custom animation

  6. Memasukkan animasi Flash ke dalam MS Powerpoint

  7. Menampilkan 4 video sekaligus ke dalam MS Powerpoint

  8. Memasukkan suara narasi sendiri kedalam MS Powerpoint menggunakan built-in microphone

  9. Merubah MS Powerpoint menjadi .pps yang terintegrasi dengan musik/suara

  10. Merubah MS PowerPoint menjadi video (atau DVD)--sehingga tidak harus membawa komputer ketika berpresentasi

  11. Membuat Extended Desktop sehingga tampilan slide MS Powerpoint di layar projector berbeda dengan layar computer (satu komputer dua tampilan)

  12. Membuat kuis interaktif (Baru!)

  13. Presentasi PowerPoint tanpa PowerPoint (baru!)

  14. Merubah PPT menjadi Autorun di CD (baru!)


Materi tambahan:

meng-export MS Word ke MS PowerPoint, Meng-import Animasi dengan SwiffPoint



MS Powerpoint, Impress, Akram Audio Editor, Switch, SwishMax, PPT 2 DVD, SwiffPoint


Target Peserta :

Peserta tidak harus mahir komputer karena pelatihan tidak menggunakan pemrograman-melainkan menggunakan piranti lunak yang user-friendly.
Peserta diwajibkan membawa komputer sendiri (laptop) yang memiliki aplikasi Windows XP, Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 (minimal 2002) dan Impress (open office)


Fasilitator (Workshop leader) :

Ady Subagja
Konsultan manajemen mutu ISO 9000, 14000, OHSAS 18001 dan telah membantu puluhan organisasi dalam merancang ulang business process, prosedur dan instruksi kerja. Sebelum menjadi independen, Fasilitator bekerja pada kelompok Siemens dan Daimler Chrysler.



  • Rp. 1.450.000, -  (Registration 3 person/more; payment before March 10th, 2011)

  • Rp. 1.750.000, -  (Reg before March 3rd, 2011; payment before March 10th, 2011)

  • Rp. 2.250.000, -  (Full Fare)


Free :

software-software, video untuk latihan, video funny film, puluhan lagu stress release, kumpulan lagu untuk icebreakers dan energizers, puluhan Sound Effect.


Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS): Develop, selection and implement of CSMS

Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS)
Develop, selection and implement of CSMS

Aryaduta Hotel / Grand Flora Hotel, Jakarta* | March 9th, 2011| Rp. 2.450.000, -


Jumlah kecelakaan kerja di industri sebagian besar terjadi pada pekerja kontraktor di bandingkan dengan pegawai tetap pada perusahaan induknya. Hal ini tentu tidak bisa di biarkan terus menerus terjadi, karena walau bagaimanapun safety performance pada perusahaan kontraktor akan berakibat juga kepada safety performance di perusahaan induknya.
Ujung dari penyebab kecelakaan adalah lack of system yang tidak bisa sepenuhnya di bebankan kepada perusahaan kontraktor saja. Di samping memang keterbatasan SDM dan biaya pada kontraktor, keterbatasan pemahaman tentang cara membangun SMK3 menjadi problem utama dari kontraktor apalagi kontraktor yang masih terbilang kelas menengah ke bawah.
Dengan semakin terbukanya system outsourcing, perusahaan besar lebih banyak memberikan pekerjaannya kepada para kontrator dan kadang sistem pembentukan CSMS yang masih terbilang lemah. Secara ideal di mulai dari proses seleksi di purchasing, CSMS sudah harus menjadi tolok ukur seleksi. Kemudian di lanjutkan oleh bagian HSE yang harus sudah mempersiapkan sistem evaluasi dan pelaksanaan HSE system bagi kontraktor sehingga kecelakaan bisa di tekan sekecil mungkin. Juga bagi users yang berhubungan langsung dengan para kontraktor harus bisa ikut membangun safety management pada diri kontraktor.
Training ini membahas dari ke dua sisi, baik sebagai kontraktor bagaimana cara mempersiapkan diri dalam hal safety management system kepada perusahaan induk. Juga membahas dari sisi perusahaan induk yang terdiri dari pihak purchasing sebagai proses seleksi awal kontraktor, pihak HSE dan pihak user yang bekerja sama di lapangan dan melakukan evaluasi system. Menarik untuk di ikuti bagi semua lini kontraktor yang akan masuk ke perusahaan besar dunia, juga bagi perusahaan besar yang ingin mendevelop para kontraktor dalam hal safety management system sehingga bisa lebih maju.


Target peserta:

Kontraktor yang bekerja untuk perusahaan induk, HSE yang menangani kontraktor, purchasing yang menseleksi kontraktor, maintenance / users yang berhubungan dengan kontraktor.



1.    Memahami dasar dasar contractor safety management system (CSMS)
2.    Memahami struktur dan procedure CSMS
3.    Mengetahui tata cara membangun CSMS
4.    Memahami CSMS  dalam proses seleksi kontraktor
5.    Memahami pelaksanaan CSMS di lapangan
6.    Evaluasi safety performance dari kontraktor



1.    Pengenalan contractor safety management system (CSMS)
2.    Pengenalan safety management system
3.    Struktur dari CSMS meliputi proses kualifikasi dan pelaksanaan
4.    Proses qualifikasi yang terdiri dari risk assessment, pre qualification dan selection
5.    Pelaksanaan CSMS di lapangan
6.    CSMS pre job activities
7.    CSMS work in progress
8.    CSMS evaluation
9.    Check list yang mendukung CSMS
10.    Contoh contoh CSMS


Workshop Leader:

Ir. Dwi Handaya, MK3
Adalah praktisi industri petrokimia lebih dari 15 tahun. Menangani bidang Waste Water Treatment (WWT) lebih dari 12 tahun mulai dari physical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment (anaerobic + aerobic), solid waste treatment dan lainnya. Saat ini sebagai WWT Development Manager di sebuah perusahaan besar di Indonesia yang menangani lebih dari 8 perusahaan di Indonesia. Sebagai seorang Chemical Engineer beliau mempunyai pengalaman yang baik di bidang proses industri kimia. Alumni Magister K3-LH dari Universitas Indonesia ini juga masih sempat mengajar di Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Tirtayasa di dalam bidang Waste Water Treatment (WWT) dan Pengetahuan Lingkungan. Saat ini beliau juga mengelola forum diskusi mailing list WWT IPAL di Indonesia dan sebagai Senior Member di dalam forum diskusi WWT tingkat Internasional yang beranggotakan lebih dari 6000 members di seluruh dunia. Dari pengalaman yang luas di dalam bidang Anaerobic Waste Treatment, saat ini beliau sedang mendevelop WWT untuk program CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) dari Kyoto Protocol yang sangat memungkinkan pelaku industri mendapatkan incentive uang dari PBB. Pengalaman yang luas di gabungkan dengan program CDM menjadikan pelatihan ini semakin menarik untuk di ikuti.



  • Rp. 1.750.000, -  (Registration 3 person/more; payment before March 2nd, 2011)

  • Rp. 1.950.000, -  (Reg before February 23rd, 2011; payment before March 2nd, 2011)

  • Rp. 2.450.000, -  (Full Fare)

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011



Wisma MM UGM, Yogyakarta & Laboratorium STTNAS | 21 – 23 Februari 2011 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 4.500.000,-


Pengelolaan Security (Fungsi Satuan Pengamanan) dalam suatu perusahaan merupakan suatu pekerjaan yang memiliki resiko bahaya yang tinggi, walaupun dalam pelaksanaanya bisa dibilang susah-susah gampang mengingat tugas-tugas rutin yang dilakukan seperti prosedur pengamanan, pemeriksaan maupun pengawalan.  Akan tetapi untuk mengoptimalkan Fungsi Satuan Pengaman Perusahaan disertai dengan improvisasi yang disesuaikan dengan bidang tugasnya, maka setiap personil atau tim yg ada dalam fungsi security harus dibekali pengetahuan managerial dan kepemimpinan, sehingga seluruh tugas & tanggung jawab dapat dilaksanakan secara effektif dan effisien.

Peserta :

HRD Manager, GA Manager, Security Manager, Chief of Security dan mereka yang ingin meningkatkan peran Security lebih baik lagi.


Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation


  1. Mengenali tugas-tugas rutin dan standar yang harus dijalankan oleh seorang Manajer Security

  2. Melakukan improvisasi Manajemen Security sesuai dengan bidang tugasnya

  3. Membangun rasa percaya diri bagi anggotanya bahwa security dapat memberi kontribusi yang positif terhadap citra perusahaan

  4. Dapat menentukan prioritas pekerjaan, mana yang harus didahulukan dan mana yang masih dapat ditunda

  5. Kepemimpinan seperti apa yang paling cocok diterapkan di departemen Security


TIM Pusdiklat Garuda Merah & Kepolisian


  • 21 – 23  Februari 2011

  • 08.00 – 16.00 WIB


Wisma MM UGM Yogyakarta dan Laboratorium STTNAS


Rp. 4.500.000,- per orang non residential


Certificate, Training Kit, Module / Handout, Lunch, Coffee Break, Souvenir



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung |2 - 5 May 2011| Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung |17 - 20 Oktober 2011| Rp 7.250.000/person



Setelah menyelesaikan training ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  1. Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar eksploitasi minyak, gas bumi yang dikenal sebagai teknologi perminyakan.

  2. Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan memahami pengelolaan data operasi perminyakan, seperti data geologi produksi, data batuan dan fluida reservoir, data produksi, data operasi pemboran bahkan data analisis keekonomian.

  3. Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data tersebut dan melakukan pengolahannya dengan mempergunakan metoda standar dalam teknologi perminyakan.

  4. Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatif sederhana dari seluruh data perolehan operasi perminyakan : geologi produksi, evaluasi data formasi produktif, data reservoir, data pemboran, data produksi bahkan data keekonomian.



Latar belakang beragam : Operator, Sr. Operator, Engineering dan Non Engineering dan siapa saja yang membutuhkan pemahaman tentang basic petroleum engineering



  1. Pengertian Tentang Data Teknik Operasi Perminyakan dan Teknik Pengelolaannya

    • a.    Data Geologi Produksi

    • b.    Data Teknik Reservoir

    • c.    Data Teknik Pemboran

    • d.    Data Teknik Produksi

    • e.    Data Analisis Keekonomian

  2. Reservoir Hidrokarbon

    • a.    Kondisi Terbentuknya Reservoir

    • b.    Tekanan dan Temperatur Reservoir

    • c.    Fluida Reservoir

    • d.    Batuan Reservoir

  3. Evaluasi Formasi Reservoir Hidrokarbon

    • a.    Penentuan Formasi Permeabel

    • b.    Penentuan Porositas Batuan

    • c.    Penentuan Saturasi Fluida

    • d.    Penentuan ketebalan Reservoir Rata-rata

    • e.    Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Formasi

  4. Pemboran Sumur Minyak

    • a.    Operasi

    • b.    Biaya

    • c.    Complesion

    • d.    Fluida Pemboran

    • e.    Data Akuisisi

    • f.    Optimasi Pemboran

    • g.    Problema Khusus Pemboran

    • h.    Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Pemboran

  5. Perkiraan Cadangan

    • a.    Volume In-place

    • b.    Ketebalan Batuan

    • c.    Peta Iso Porositas

    • d.    Peta iso Kapasitas

    • e.    Recovery Factor (Faktor Perolehan)

  6. Cara Produksi Reservoir Minyak Bumi

    • a.    Inflow Performance Relationship

    • b.    Primary Recovery Technology

    • c.    Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology

    • d.    Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Fasilitas Produksi di Bawah Permukaan

  7. Fasilitas Produksi di Permukaan

    • a.    Field Processing Unit

    • b.    Sistem Pemipaan Minyak Bumi

    • c.    Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Fasilitas Produksi di Permukaan

  8. Analisa Kinerja Reservoir

    • a.    Perolehan Reservoir Gas

    • b.    Perolehan Primer Reservoir Minyak

    • c.    Efisiensi Perolehan Minyak

    • d.    Keseimbangan Materi

    • e.    Peramalan Kinerja Produksi

  9. Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Analisis Keekonomian

    • a.    Parameter Utama Analisis Keekonomian

    • b.    Net Present Value

    • c.    Internal Rate of Return

    • d.    Pay Out Time

    • e.    Profit to Invesment Ratio

    • f.    Beberapa Contoh Kasus



Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. and Team
Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. adalah dosen di jurusan perminyakan ITB sejak tahun 1979 sampai sekarang. Beliau alumnus dari ITB lulus tahun 1977, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Diplome d'Etude Approfondie Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE. Dan pada tahun 1985 – 1987 beliau mengambil program Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide (Methode Numerique) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE.

Dr. Sudjati Rachmat sering menjadi instruktur dalam banyak pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan perminyakan untuk perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia, diantaranya seperti Pertamina, Chevron, Badak LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Migas, PPTM Migas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, dll.

Topik-topik training yang Beliau sampaikan diantaranya adalah production surface and down hole equipment, Basic Reservoir Engineering, Sucker Rod Pumping Theory and Practice, Production Logging Engineering, Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization, Well Test, Operation and Interpretation, Well Design, Completion and Workover, Numerical and Statistical Method for Petroleum Engineering Problems, Oil-Well Stimulation, Hydraulic Fracturing, Statistics for Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Simulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Applied Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Simulation, Aspects of Horizontal Well Technology, Geology and Geophysics Modeling, Advanced Programming on Numerical Analysis and Industrial Information System, Management Information System, Well Stimulation of Oil and Gas Reservoir, Horizontal Well Technology, Transportation of Oil and Gas, Sand Control Technology, dan lain-lain.

Beliau banyak melakukan penelitian di bidang MIGAS dan telah mempublikasikan dan menseminarkannya di forum dunia.



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung


4 days


  • 2 – 5  May 2011

  • 17 – 20 Oktober  2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, 1 week payment before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD Contains Training Material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or Backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified  instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)




Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung | 18 – 21 April 2011 Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung | 3 – 6 October 2011 Rp 7.250.000/person



This course is to summarize the state of the art of Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) technology. It included the example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solutions, it also listed an overview of conventional well productivity and Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) technology and is general introduction to the latest methods of  production optimization using ESP technology.

This course compiled as aid to engineers and production people in the Petroleum Industry who have the responsibility of planning and selecting electrically driven submersible pumping equipment. Included are fundamental principles involving sizing, operation and trouble shooting of submersible pump equipment. Also included are tables, data and general information which it will be value to everyone who utilize s submersible pumping equipment.

Much material of this course has been published previously and is reassembled in this course. However, there is also a considerable amount of new material included that will assist the participants of the course  in their pump selection and operation.

Designing a submersible pump installation is not an exact science; it is mostly an art. But it is a talent which can be easily acquired if care and attention are paid to what the well is telling us, and what we want to do with the well. The well conditions vary from one well to other, but the basic information required for a design does not. What we require from a particular well must, of course, be within the limits of the well in question.

Submersible pump design provided information required for analyzing the behavior of a productivity well interval using rod pump. This thus makes it possible to answer some fundamental questions:

(a) What is the well producing capacity?
(b) What fluids do they produce?
(c) At what flow rates?
(d) What is the submersible pump to use?

In this course, it has also included example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solution. Wherever possible, it has not only discussed practical difficulties that one may encounter while using the theoretical solutions, but it has also listed some of the method that one can used to obtain the desired information. It also included descriptions on field histories wherever they were available and trouble shooting using submersible pump.

This course is mainly directed to the practicing professionals who make engineering calculations and decision on submersible pump application and troubleshooting. For managers, the course helps to review the present state of the art. It also outlined some of new method in artificial technology exist today. These gaps in technology will be useful for research engineers and research professionals to determine the areas of future research.



  • Hydraulic& Electrical Fundamentals

    • Introduction

    • Hydraulic Fundamentals

      • Density

      • Gradient

      • Specific Gravity

      • Viscosity

      • Pressure

      • Head

      • Pump Intake Pressure

      • Fluid Flow

      • Pipe friction

    • Centrifugal Pump Hydraulics

      • Pump Thrust

      • Affinity Laws

      • Cavitation

      • Gas Locking

      • Hydraulic Horsepower

      • Brake Horsepower

    • Well Performance

      • Productivity Index (PI)

      • Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR)

    • Electricity Fundamentals

      • Electrical Power Distribution

      • Voltage

      • Current

      • Resistance

      • Ohm’s Law

      • Power

      • Frequency

      • Inductance

      • Capacitance

      • Impedance

      • Conductors

      • Insulators

      • Power Factor

      • Transformers

      • Cable

      • Motors

  • Equipment Description

    • Introduction

    • Centrifugal Pump

    • Rotary Gas Separator

    • Seal Section

      • Thrust Bearing

    • Electrical Submersible Motor

    • Generalized Motor Composite Curves

      • Motor Composites Characteristic Curve (Loading)

      • Motor Composites Characteristic Curve (Voltage)

      • Motor Temperature Rise (Fluid Velocity)

    • Motor Controllers

      • Switchboards

      • Soft Starter

      • Variable Speed Controller (VSC)

    • VSC Effects on ESP Components

      • Centrifugal Pumps

      • Electric Motor

      • Matching Motor, Pump and VSC

      • Pump Shaft Limitation

      • Pump Housing Limitation

      • Vibration and Wear

      • Motor Efficiency

      • Motor Heating

      • Motor Insulation

      • Starting

    • Down hole Pressure and Temperature Monitors

    • Transformers

    • Junction Box

    • Wellhead

    • Check Valve

    • Drain Valve

    • Backspin relay

    • Centralizer

    • Cable

    • Cable Bands

    • Motor Lead Extension

  • Typical ESP Applications

    • Introduction

    • Shrouded Configuration

    • Booster Pump

    • Direct Production-Injection-System

    • Horizontal Injection System

    • Cantle slopeâ Injection System

    • ESP Installation with Deep Set Packer

    • ESP Installation with “Y” Tool

    • Bottom Intake Booster Pump

    • Operation of Submersible Pumps in Harsh Environments

      • High Temperature Wells

      • Abrasive Well Fluids

      • Corrosive Well Fluids

      • Gaseous Production Fluids

      • High Productivity Pumps for Limited Diameter Wells

      • Cable for Harsh Environments

  • Equipment Sizing

    • Introduction

    • Basic Data Required

      • Well Data

      • Production Data

      • Well Fluid Conditions

      • Power Sources

      • Possible Problems

    • Sizing Procedure High-Water-Cut

    • Sizing example : High-Water-Cut

    • Effect of Viscosity on Centrifugal Pump Performance

    • Sizing Procedure for Viscous Fluids

    • Sizing Example: Viscous Fluids

    • Sizing Procedure High GOR

    • Sizing Example High GOR

    • Sizing Procedure Variable Speed

    • Sizing Example: Variable Speed

  • Installation Maintenance and Trouble shooting

    • Introduction

    • Equipment Transportation

    • Equipment Handling

    • Well Preparation

    • Installation of Down hole Equipment

      • Documentation

      • Motor Installation

      • Seal Servicing

      • Pump Assembly

      • Cable Installation

    • Installation of Surface Equipment

      • Motor Controller

      • Transformers

    • Starting  ESP

    • Testing

    • Data Gathering

    • Re-running Equipment

    • Economic Evaluation

    • Failure Analysis

    • Ammeter Technology

    • Field Checkout

    • ESP Troubleshooting Chart

  • Engineering Data

    • Electrical Terms and Definition

    • Useful Formulas

    • Relationships Regarding Flow and Pressure drops in Pipes

    • Temperature Rise in Pumps

    • Measurement for Water Flow

    • Areas of Circles

    • Conversion Factors

    • Temperature Conversion Table

    • Fundamental Unit of Length, Area, Volume and Mass

    • Conversion Factors For Units of Energy

    • Casing and Tubing Sized and Capacities

    • Stretch of  Suspended Casing, Tubing or Drill Pipe

    • Tubing Weight in Fluid

    • Hydrostatic Head

    • Well Temperature versus Current

    • Absolute Viscosity of Gas-Free Crude Oil, Centipoises

    • Absolute Viscosity of Gas-Saturated Crude Oil, Centipoises

    • Pressure Loss Charts

    • Flow Loss due to Friction in API. Pipe (U.S)

    • Inflow Performance relationship Equations

  • Installation, Operating And Troubleshooting The Pump

  • Cases study and discussion



Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. and Team

Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. adalah dosen di jurusan perminyakan ITB sejak tahun 1979 sampai sekarang. Beliau alumnus dari ITB lulus tahun 1977, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Diplome d'Etude Approfondie Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE. Dan pada tahun 1985 – 1987 beliau mengambil program Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide (Methode Numerique) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE.

Dr. Sudjati Rachmat sering menjadi instruktur dalam banyak pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan perminyakan untuk perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia, diantaranya seperti Pertamina, Chevron, Badak LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Migas, PPTM Migas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, dll.

Topik-topik training yang Beliau sampaikan diantaranya adalah production surface and down hole equipment, Basic Reservoir Engineering, Sucker Rod Pumping Theory and Practice, Production Logging Engineering, Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization, Well Test, Operation and Interpretation, Well Design, Completion and Workover, Numerical and Statistical Method for Petroleum Engineering Problems, Oil-Well Stimulation, Hydraulic Fracturing, Statistics for Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Simulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Applied Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Simulation, Aspects of Horizontal Well Technology, Geology and Geophysics Modeling, Advanced Programming on Numerical Analysis and Industrial Information System, Management Information System, Well Stimulation of Oil and Gas Reservoir, Horizontal Well Technology, Transportation of Oil and Gas, Sand Control Technology, dan lain-lain.

Beliau banyak melakukan penelitian di bidang MIGAS dan telah mempublikasikan dan menseminarkannya di forum dunia.



Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung


Training Duration

4 days


Training Time

  1. 18 – 21 April 2011

  2. 3 – 6 October 2011


Investation Price/person

  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


Facilities for participants

  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD Contains Training Material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or Backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified  instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)




Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung |25 – 28 April 2011| Rp 7.250.000,-/person
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung |10 – 13 October 2011| Rp 7.250.000,-/person


The rapidly increasing worldwide demand for natural gas as an energy source requires expertise in gas engineering technology. Incorporating a balance between theory and application, course emphasis is on training participants for immediate application of acquired techniques to field problems.

Production is defined as the operations involved in bringing well fluids to the surface and preparing the fluids for transport to a refinery via pipelines or trucks. The first step in production is to start the well fluids flowing to the surface (called “well completion”). Well servicing and workover consists of performing routine maintenance operations (such replacing worn or malfunctioning equipment) and performing more extensive repairs, respectively. Well servicing and workover are an intermittent step and necessary to maintain the flow of oil and gas. Next, the fluid must be separated into its components of oil, gas, and water; stored; and treated (for purification), measured, and tested before being transported to the refinery.

This training will provide the principle and yet some practical and theoretical aspect that can be applied on daily work faced by production engineers and supervisor in the oil industry.


  1. All aspects of completions are covered in sufficient detail to permit participants to review his/her current practices

  2. The fundamental concepts of production operations and their proper application in the field

  3. Production equipment such as wellhead, tubing and packers, well completions and workover as well as well test and problems, production logging and cementing will also covered

  4. Production logs and how and when to use them; evaluation techniques for cement bond logs and pulse echo tools


  1. Learn how to plan and implement well completions, workovers, stimulation treatments, and routine production operations with an efficiency that increases profits

  2. Learn about the role of rock mechanics in completions, stimulation, and workovers

  3. Be able to give suggest or discover the procedures and techniques that increase production and cut operating costs

  4. Be Able to identify and implement production improvement opportunities that can be carried out by either rig or non-rig well interventions

  5. Implementation of appropriate technology, either from internal or external sources, in well design, whilst ensuring that the well value is maximised



  1. Formation Rock

  2. Primary and Secondary Migrations

  3. Reservoir Traps


  1. The Nature of Rocks and Fluids

  2. Porosity and Permeability

  3. Productivity Index

  4. Volumetric Calculation

  5. Other Calculations and Decline Curves


  1. Well Productivity

  2. Choke and Reservoir Fluids

  3. Inflow and Outflow


  1. Well head and Well Head Equipment

  2. Multiple Orifice

  3. Routine Operations

  4. Opening and Shut-in Well Procedure


  1. Test Separator Operations and Equipments

  2. Gas Systems Instruments

  3. Flare System and Depressurising

  4. Pigging Techniques and Procedures

  5. Sampling and Analysis

  6. BS & W and API Gravity Measurement

  7. Protective Steam Tracing


  1. Process, Level, Temperature and Pressure Controls

  2. Oil treating , Heater treater and Dehydrator

  3. Separators, Stage Separators and Sizing

  4. Two-phase and Three-phase Separation

  5. Skimmer tank and Flotation unit


  1. Low Production and Formation Damage

  2. Low Reservoir

  3. Plug-in Tubing or Perforations

  4. High Viscosity

  5. High Back Pressure

  6. Inadequate Artificial Lift

  7. Water Production and Mechanical Problem

  8. Protective Steam Tracing






  1. Gravel Pack, Resin and Fraspac



  1. Chemical analysis

  2. Precipitation Mechanism

  3. The wax and Paraffin Problems


  1. Emulsion Built-up and Emulsifying Agent

  2. Sampling and Analysis

  3. Emulsion Treating

  4. Heat and Chemical Treatment

  5. Electrostatic Coalescing


  1. Scale Composition, Prediction and Identification

  2. Mechanic and Chemical methods

  3. Scale Prevention and Inhibitors


  1. Basic Theory

  2. Detection and Measurement

  3. Prevention and Material Used

  4. Coating and Chemicals

  5. Cathodic Protections and inhibitors


  • Production, Operations, Facilities and Senior Petroleum Engineers

  • Surface Equipment Technicians, Technical or Reservoir Engineers

  • Supervisory Personnel who interact with field facility engineers/operators

  • Production Managers and Field Production Supervisors

  • Engineers and other personnel involved with the daily operation and management of producing oil and gas wells.


Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. and  Team

Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. adalah dosen di jurusan perminyakan ITB sejak tahun 1979 sampai sekarang. Beliau alumnus dari ITB lulus tahun 1977, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Diplome d'Etude Approfondie Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE. Dan pada tahun 1985 – 1987 beliau mengambil program Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide (Methode Numerique) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE.

Dr. Sudjati Rachmat sering menjadi instruktur dalam banyak pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan perminyakan untuk perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia, diantaranya seperti Pertamina, Chevron, Badak LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Migas, PPTM Migas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, dll.

Topik-topik training yang Beliau sampaikan diantaranya adalah production surface and down hole equipment, Basic Reservoir Engineering, Sucker Rod Pumping Theory and Practice, Production Logging Engineering, Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization, Well Test, Operation and Interpretation, Well Design, Completion and Workover, Numerical and Statistical Method for Petroleum Engineering Problems, Oil-Well Stimulation, Hydraulic Fracturing, Statistics for Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Simulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Applied Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Simulation, Aspects of Horizontal Well Technology, Geology and Geophysics Modeling, Advanced Programming on Numerical Analysis and Industrial Information System, Management Information System, Well Stimulation of Oil and Gas Reservoir, Horizontal Well Technology, Transportation of Oil and Gas, Sand Control Technology, dan lain-lain.

Beliau banyak melakukan penelitian di bidang MIGAS dan telah mempublikasikan dan menseminarkannya di forum dunia.


Hotel Golden Flower,  Bandung


4 days


  1. 25 – 28 April 2011

  2. 10 – 13 October 2011


  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment before 4 October 2010) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD Contains Training Material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or Backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified  instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)



Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung |13 – 16 June 2011| Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung |21 – 24 November 2011| Rp 7.250.000/person


After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to :

  • Understand the basic concept of oil and gas handling with surface processes and operation facilities , and how to operate pump technology in field application.

  • Diagnostic of oil and gas flow  performance under actual pumping drive mechanism and future performance with current handling processes.

  • Analyze the production flow potential of oil and gas flow under actual handling facilities system processes and to plan the better development processes according to fluid flow capacity.

  • Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects the phenomena of oil and gas handling processes and operation with given surface facilities and pumping system.



No specified (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer)


1.    Introduction to Oil and Gas Production Operation
2.    Oil Surface Production Facilities

  • a.    Well Equipments

  • b.    Pigging System

  • c.    Separator

  • d.    Gas Scrubber

  • e.    Gas Dehydarator

  • f.    Pumps : Centrifugal, Reciprocating, Diaphragm

3.    Gas Surface Processing Facilities

  • a.    Gas Sweetening

  • b.    Heat Exchanger

  • c.    Fractionation, Liquefaction, Refrigeration System

  • d.    Compressor

4.    Pump Basic Theory

  • a.    Centrifugal Pump

  • b.    Conservation of Mass

  • c.    Specific Velocity

  • d.    Pump Performance

  • e.    Cavitations

5.    Pump Specification

  • a.    Pump Specification

  • b.    Flow Capacity

  • c.    Fluid Properties

  • d.    Head

  • e.    Net Positive Heads

  • f.    Rotation Determination and Pump Types

  • g.    Viscous Fluid Correction

  • h.    Material Selection

  • i.    Prime Movers Selection

6.    Pump Application

  • a.    Pump Installation Plan

  • b.    Pump Application Example

7.    Pump Construction

  • a.    Pump Classification by Impeller

  • b.    Pump Classification by Casing

  • c.    Pump Classification by Stage Number

  • d.    Pump Classification by Axis Position

8.    Pump Operation

  • a.    Head Capacity Curve

  • b.    Parallel and Serial Operation

  • c.    Capacity Regulator

  • d.    Water Hummer

  • e.    Surging

  • f.    Pressure Fluctuation

  • g.    Automatic Operation

9.    Pump Instalation

  • a.    Horizontal Instalation

  • b.    Vertical Instalation

  • c.    Submersible Instalation

  • d.    Pipping System

  • e.    Vibration and Noise Protection

10.    Pump Maintenance

  • a.    First Inspection

  • b.    Operation Condition Observation

  • c.    Safety Instrument

  • d.    Maintenance Management

  • e.    Overhaul

11.    Pump Trouble Shooting

  • a.    General Trouble Shooting

  • b.    Submersible Pump Trouble Shooting




Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. and  Team

Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. adalah dosen di jurusan perminyakan ITB sejak tahun 1979 sampai sekarang. Beliau alumnus dari ITB lulus tahun 1977, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Diplome d'Etude Approfondie Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE. Dan pada tahun 1985 – 1987 beliau mengambil program Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide (Methode Numerique) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE.

Dr. Sudjati Rachmat sering menjadi instruktur dalam banyak pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan perminyakan untuk perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia, diantaranya seperti Pertamina, Chevron, Badak LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Migas, PPTM Migas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, dll.

Topik-topik training yang Beliau sampaikan diantaranya adalah production surface and down hole equipment, Basic Reservoir Engineering, Sucker Rod Pumping Theory and Practice, Production Logging Engineering, Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization, Well Test, Operation and Interpretation, Well Design, Completion and Workover, Numerical and Statistical Method for Petroleum Engineering Problems, Oil-Well Stimulation, Hydraulic Fracturing, Statistics for Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Simulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Applied Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Simulation, Aspects of Horizontal Well Technology, Geology and Geophysics Modeling, Advanced Programming on Numerical Analysis and Industrial Information System, Management Information System, Well Stimulation of Oil and Gas Reservoir, Horizontal Well Technology, Transportation of Oil and Gas, Sand Control Technology, dan lain-lain.

Beliau banyak melakukan penelitian di bidang MIGAS dan telah mempublikasikan dan menseminarkannya di forum dunia.



Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung



4 days



  1. 13 – 16 June 2011

  2. 21 – 24 November 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD Contains Training Material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or Backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified  instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)




Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung | 23 – 27 May 2011| Rp 7.950.000,-
Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung | 7 – 11 November 2011 | Rp 7.950.000,-


Setelah menyelesaikan training ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  1. Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar penggunaan peralatan sumur produksi di atas maupun di bawah permukaan, untuk lapangan-lapangan minyak dan gas bumi .

  2. Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dalam menagani problema produksi di lapangan yang disebabkan oleh reservoir atau fasilitas produksinya.

  3. Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana untuk gas lift, ESP, Hydraulic/Jet Pump, Sucker Rod Pump dan PCP.

  4. Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana untuk perancangan dan perancangan ulang separator, gas scrubber, gas dehydrator dan peralatan produksi lainnya.


Latar belakang  : Operator/ Sr. Operator/ Jr. Engineer/Non Engineer


  1. Reservoir Background

    • Exploration

    • Exploitation

    • Reserve Calculation

  2. Basic Production Engineering

    • Inflow Performance Relationship

    • Productivity Index

    • Multiphase Flow

  3. Well Completion System

    • Open Hole Completion

    • Single Completion

    • Commingle Completion

    • Multiple Completion

  4. Downhole Equipments

    • Tubular Device

    • Packer System

    • Circulating Device

    • Nipples

    • Joints

  5. Artificial Lift Method Equipments and Design

    • Gas Lift

    • Submersible Pump

    • Sucker Rod Pump

    • Hydraulic Pump


Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. and Team

Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA. adalah dosen di jurusan perminyakan ITB sejak tahun 1979 sampai sekarang. Beliau alumnus dari ITB lulus tahun 1977, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Diplome d'Etude Approfondie Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE. Dan pada tahun 1985 – 1987 beliau mengambil program Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide (Methode Numerique) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UCB Lyon I, FRANCE.

Dr. Sudjati Rachmat sering menjadi instruktur dalam banyak pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan perminyakan untuk perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia, diantaranya seperti Pertamina, Chevron, Badak LNG, Total, Vico, Mobil Oil Indonesia, Ministery of Mining and Energy, Unocal Indonesia, Lemigas, IATMI-IWPL Migas, PPTM Migas, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Gulf, Arco, dll.

Topik-topik training yang Beliau sampaikan diantaranya adalah production surface and down hole equipment, Basic Reservoir Engineering, Sucker Rod Pumping Theory and Practice, Production Logging Engineering, Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization, Well Test, Operation and Interpretation, Well Design, Completion and Workover, Numerical and Statistical Method for Petroleum Engineering Problems, Oil-Well Stimulation, Hydraulic Fracturing, Statistics for Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Simulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Applied Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Simulation, Aspects of Horizontal Well Technology, Geology and Geophysics Modeling, Advanced Programming on Numerical Analysis and Industrial Information System, Management Information System, Well Stimulation of Oil and Gas Reservoir, Horizontal Well Technology, Transportation of Oil and Gas, Sand Control Technology, dan lain-lain.

Beliau banyak melakukan penelitian di bidang MIGAS dan telah mempublikasikan dan menseminarkannya di forum dunia.


Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung


5 days


  1. 23 – 27  May 2011

  2. 7 – 11  November 2011


  • Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare)  or

  • Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, 1 week payment before training) or

  • Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

PETROLEUM OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS (International training class, presented in English)


(International training class, presented in English)

Harris Tuban Hotel , Bali - Indonesia | 4 – 7  July 2011 | Rp 9.750.000  (for Indonesian participants)
Harris Tuban Hotel , Bali - Indonesia |12 – 15 December 2011| Rp 9.750.000  (for Indonesian participants)

What will participantS get?

After completing this course participants are expected to:

  • Understanding the basic principles in performing calculations on the optimization of production operations of oil wells, gas and geothermal reservoir, the implementation of production optimization is to enhance the performance of the well and field production (Enhanced Oil Recovery)..

  • Conduct simple diagnosis and understand the problem solving in the oil gas well operation.

  • Be able to create a simple analysis of the data of oil wells, gas and geothermal.  Forecasting performance and plan the development of production operations

  • Be able to conduct simple quantitative calculations from all the data acquisition, tubing, flowline, choke, perforated, gravel-packs, and subsurface safety valve in the well.  Plan the development of production based on the calculation of the production capacity of each well

  • Using the knowledge of production operations for solving well problems, such as: cementing, scaling, sand, corrosion and formation damage that may occur in oil and gas wells.

  • Understand the basic principles of production operation's design: cementing, workover, well stimulation with acidizing and hydraulic fracturing,  and others


  • No specified  (Engineer or Non Engineer)


  1. The origin of Oil and Gas Reservoir  and Geologic Considerations in producing Operation

    • a.    Introduction

    • b.    Sandstone Reservoirs

    • c.    Geologic Factors Affecting Reservoir Properties in Sandstone

    • d.    Application of Geologic concepts in Specific Sandstone

    • e.    Carbonate Reservoirs

    • f.    Application of Geologic Concepts in Carbonate Reservoirs

  2. Exploration Method of Oil and Gas Reservoir

    • a.    Magnetic Method

    • b.    Gravity Method

    • c.    Seismic Method

  3. Introduction : Rotary Drilling Operations

    • a.    Steps to drilling a well

    • b.    Types of rigs

    • c.    Rig Components

    • d.    Rig Systems

  4. Mud System

    • a.    General Equations and ConceptsDiagnostic tests

    • b.    Water based muds

    • c.    Oil based muds

    • d.    Additives

    • e.    Mud handling system

  5. Cementing

    • a.    Tubing DesignFunctions of cement

    • b.    Cement Types

    • c.    Cement Additives

  6. Oil Field Tubulars and Hydraulics

    • a.    Drill string

    • b.    Casing and tubing

    • c.    Casing classification

    • d.    Stresses on casing

    • e.    Casing setting depth

    • f.    Burst and collapse calculations

    • g.    Wellheads

  7. Drilling System - Pressure Loss Calculations

    • a.    Hydrostatics

    • b.    Buoyancy

    • c.    Flow through pipes and annuli

    • d.    Flow path

    • e.    Pressure loss calculations

  8. Drilling System - Bit & Nozzles

    • a.    Hydrostatics Bit Types

    • b.    Bit Parts

    • c.    Bit Classification

    • d.    Bit Nozzles

  9. Introduction to Well Control

    • a.    Hydrostatics Definitions

    • b.    Causes of kicks

    • c.    Kick indicators

    • d.    Shut-in procedure

    • e.    Well Kill Procedures

  10. Directional Drilling

    • a.    Reasons for directional wells

    • b.    Planning Trajectory

    • c.    Kickoff Methods

    • d.    Survey Methods

    • e.    Survey Calculations

    • f.    Hole Assemblies

  11. Well Completion Design

    • a.    Factors Influencing Well Completion Design

    • b.    Conventional Tubular Configuration

    • c.    Unconventional Tubular Configurations

    • d.    Sizing Production Tubular

    • e.    Completion Interval

    • f.    Permanent Well Completions (PWC)

    • g.    Tubingless Completion

  12. Perforating Oil and Gas Wells

    • a.    Introduction

    • b.    Types of Perforators

    • c.    Evaluation of Perforator Performance

    • d.    Factors  Affecting Gun Perforating Results

    • e.    Perforating in a Clean Fluid with Differential Pressure Into Wellbore

  13. Production Logging Technology

    • a.    Introduction

    • b.    Logging Device

    • c.    Application of Through-Tubing Production logging

    • d.    Field Examples of Production Logging Techniques

    • e.    Primary Cement Evaluation

  14. Problem Well Analysis

    • a.    Problem Wells

    • b.    Problem Well Analysis Checklist

  15. Sand Control

    • a.    Introduction

    • b.    Reduction of Drag Force

    • c.    Mechanical Methods of Sand Control

    • d.    Practical Considerations in Gravel Packing

    • e.    Use of screen Without Gravel

    • f.    Resin Consolidation Methods

  16. Formation Damage

    • a.    Introduction

    • b.    Basic Causes of Damage

    • c.    Classification of Damage Mechanisms

    • d.    Reduced Absolute Permeability

    • e.    Increased Fluid Viscosity (Emulsion)

    • f.    Diagnosis of Formation Damage

  17. Acidizing

    • a.    Acid Additives

    • b.    Carbonate Acidizing

    • c.    Acidizing Techniques for Caronat Formations

    • d.    Sandstone Acidizing

    • e.    Potential Safety Hazard in Acidizing

    • f.    Acids Used in Well Stimulation

  18. Hydraulic Fracturing

    • a.    Introduction

    • b.    Mechanics of Fracturing

    • c.    Production Increase from Fracturing

    • d.    Propping the Fracture

    • e.    Frac Fluids

    • f.    Frac Job Design

    • g.    Frac Job Evaluation Techniques

  19. Scale Deposition Removal and Prevention

    • a.    Introduction

    • b.    Causes of Scale Deposition

    • c.    Prediction and Identification of Scale

    • d.    Scale Removal

    • e.    Scale Prevention

  20. Corrosion Control

    • a.    The Corrosion Process

    • b.    Detection and Measurement of Corrosion

    • c.    Corrosion Control

  21. Crude Oil and Gas Field Processing Sistem

    • a.    Separator and Principle of Separation

    • b.    Design of Separator

    • c.    Sweetening Process

    • d.    Oil and Dehydration

    • e.    Liquid Recovery Sistem

    • f.    Compression System

  22. Principles of Measurement

    • a.    Introduction to Measurement

    • b.    Crude Oil Measurement

    • c.    Gas Measurement

  23. Artificial Lift Method

    • a.    Gas Lift

    • b.    Submersible Pump

    • c.    Sucker Rod Pump

    • d.    Hydraulic Pump

  24. Enhanced Oil Recovery Process:

    • a.    Classification of EOR methods

    • b.    Description of solvent miscible processes

    • c.    Description of chemical flood proves

    • d.    Description of thermal recovery processes

    • e.    Microbial and other EOR processes

    • f.    Objectives of EOR methods

    • g.    Types of solvents and miscibility development

    • h.    Polymer, alkaline, surfactant and mecellr-polymer

    • i.    In-situ combustion, cyclic steam and steam flood

    • j.    Comparison between various EOR methods

  25. Screening Guidelines and Optimization :

    • a.    Key parameters used in reservoir screening

    • b.    Available resources and economical considerations

    • c.    Optimization parameters and criteria

    • d.    Concept of incremental recovery

    • e.    Limits on applicability of certain EOR methods

    • f.    Typical field cases of various EOR methods


Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA was graduated from Petroleum Engineering Department of Bandung Institute of Technology in 1979 and hold Doctorate Degree with honored in 1987 from Ecole Centrale de Lyon I, France. The topic of his thesis is Modelisation Numerique d'Ecoulements Polyphasiques en Milieux Poreux Application au Cas de Calcul des Champs de Pressions et de Saturations dans un Gisement de Petrole.

For the time being, he became a lecturer in Petroleum Engineering Department of Bandung Institute of Technology. His subjects are Analysis and Numerical Method, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Simulation, Fluid Mechanic, Artificial Intelligence for Petroleum Engineering.

He also gave many courses to the community, such as: basic reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation, basic production engineering, down hole well testing, statistic and numerical method for petroleum engineering, basic log interpretation, etc. He is a member of some profession organization such as: IATMI, SPE/EIME, IMA, HAIAI, FPS-USA.


Harris Tuban Hotel , Bali - Indonesia


4 days


  1. 4 – 7  July 2011

  2. 12 – 15  December 2011


  1. Rp 9.750.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 9.500.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 9.250.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


English, both the hand-out and the presentation


  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD Contains Training Material and flash disk

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or Indonesian dress

  6. Bag or Backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia,

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training

  10. Qualified and experienced instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from airport in Bali to hotel of participants vice versa

  12. Transportation from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if participants hotel is different with hotel of training, we recommend participants hotel is the same with hotel of training )

OIL FIELD AND 100 METHODS TO MAINTAIN AND INCREASE PRODUCTION: Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Lapangan Minyak

OIL FIELD AND 100 METHODS TO MAINTAIN AND INCREASE PRODUCTION: Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Lapangan Minyak

Hotel Golden Flower,  Bandung | 16 – 20 May 2011 | Rp  7.950.000, -
Hotel Golden Flower,  Bandung | 31 October – 4 November 2011 | Rp  7.950.000, -


  1. Memberikan pengetahuan tentang faktor-faktor penyebab kehilangan produksi suatu sumur minyak/gas.

  2. Memberikan teknik-teknik identifikasi masalah sumur dan usaha penanggulangannya.

  3. 100 cara meningkatkan produktivitas lapangan tua



  1. Typical Well Problem (Faktor-faktor penyebab kehilangan produksi)

  2. Formation Damage

  3. Well Problem Identification – Well diagnostic

  4. Decline Curve Analysis

  5. Projek mikro untuk meningkatkan produktivitas lapangan minyak

  6. Peralatan Bawah Permukaan (Down-hole equipment).

  7. Well Completion and consideration:  Single tubing, Dual Tubing, Monobore, Coiled Tubing Completion, Gavel pack Completion, Multilaral Well.

  8. Cementing

  9. Perforation

  10. Sand Control

  11. Water Shut off

  12. Well Stimulation: Acidizing and Hydraulic Fracturing



  • Production Engineer

  • Production Supervisor

  • Production Operator

  • Every one else who want to know on oil field production



Ir. Bambang Tjondro, MSc and Ir. Sudiharto, MT

Ir. Sudiharto, MT,  is alumnus from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) department of petroleum engineering. Ir. Sudiharto besides as instructor and researcher at Geothermal Laboratory ITB, he is also being as Production Engineer at LAPI ITB, Production & Reservoir Analist and  expert board (Dewan Pakar) at Forum Komunikasi Daerah Penghasil Migas, and joining in Community Development Team Dirjen Migas since 2003.

Some projects have been handled by him such as policy analysis expert on oil and gas subsector, oil and gas production expert, and field economicity such as: projection study investation potency energy and mineral resources, implementation study national energy consumtion, study on field use of Brownfield in Indonesia, inventarization research of old well potential in regency of Muaro Jambi,  blueprint arrangement manpower on oil and gas subsector, development operation cost estimation system oil and gas: geological and geophysical stage, study of combustion flare gas at PERTAMINA DOH Jawa Bagian Barat, survey and development of GIS based datas for planning and distribution BBM  and transportation gas through pipe, study on planning of Indonesia – Asean pipeline system, etc. Ir. Sudiharto have trained for training class for many companies in Indonesia. Some topics that have been frequently delivered by him as follows :

  1. Electric Submercible Pump, Problem and Trouble Shooting Mecanism

  2. Crude Oil Analysis

  3. Drilling, Production and Workover Strategy

  4. Well Workover and Completion Stretegy

  5. Petroleum Finance, Acconting and Reservoir Management

  6. Plan of Development in Oil and Gas Industries

  7. Pressure Control for Drilling Engineer

  8. Plan of Development (POD) & Authorization For Expenditures (AFE)

  9. Management Skills Secretary Petroleum Gas and Oil Industries

  10. Pressure Transient Analysis and Well Testing Data Interpretation

  11. Oil Production System and Operation

  12. Formation Damaged and Well Stimulation

  13. Simulasi Reservoir for Petroleum Engineer

  14. Oil and gas transportation/measurement, etc



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung


5 days


  1. 16 – 20 May 2011

  2. 31 October – 4 November 2011


  1. Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or waistcoat

  6. Bag or backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia, with one lunch and twice coffee break

  9. Qualified instructor

  10. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)




Hotel Banana Inn Bandung | 9 – 12 May 2011 | Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Banana Inn Bandung |24 – 27 October 2011 | Rp 7.250.000/person


This training presents the principles, design, and applications of flow measurement systems, emphasizing flowmeter accuracy, performance, sizing, and specification, selection, and installation practices with objectives as follows :

  • To design a system to make practical and precise industrial flow measurements

  • To Calculate the effects of fluid properties on flow meter performance

  • To Evaluate flow meter performance statements and compare them with application requirements

  • To Specify and select the appropriate flow meters for different applications

  • To Identify requirements for flow meter calibration

  • To Solve typical flow meter problems

  • To Perform flow meter compensation and totalization calculations

  • To Understand flow and related phenomena (piping hydraulics, Reynolds Number, cavitation, etc.)

  • To Size flow elements for specific applications



  • Introduction to Flow Measurement

  • Flow meter Selection

  • Flow meter Performance

  • Linearization and Compensation

  • Totalization : Differential Pressure Flow meters

  • Orifice Plate Flow meters

    • Installations

    • Sizing and calculation

    • Accuracy and rangeability

    • Types and selection

    • Performance

  • V-cone Flow meters

  • Venturi tube Flow meters : Velocity Flow meters

  • Turbine Flow meters

    • Operation theory

    • Installation

    • Design and construction

    • Accuracy

    • Sizing and selection

  • Ultrasonic Flow meters

    • Operation theory

    • The Doppler effect

    • The transit time

    • Design variations

    • Application and performance

  • Magnetic Flow meters

    • Operation theory

    • Installation

    • Excitation

    • Tubes and liners

    • Electrodes

    • Selection and sizing

  • Vortex Flow meters

    • Operation theory

    • Installation

    • Sizing and accuracy

    • Limitations

    • Mass Flow meters

  • Coriolis Mass Flow meters

    • Operation theory

    • Installation

    • Sizing and accuracy

    • Limitations

  • Thermal Flow meters

  • Positive Displacement Flow meters:

    • Helical Gear

    • Oval Gear

    • Piston and Other Technologies

  • Discussion and cases study



Ir. Sudiharto, MT,  is alumnus from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) department of petroleum engineering. Ir. Sudiharto besides as instructor and researcher at Geothermal Laboratory ITB, he is also being as Production Engineer at LAPI ITB, Production & Reservoir Analist and  expert board (Dewan Pakar) at Forum Komunikasi Daerah Penghasil Migas, and joining in Community Development Team Dirjen Migas since 2003.

Some projects have been handled by him such as policy analysis expert on oil and gas subsector, oil and gas production expert, and field economicity such as: projection study investation potency energy and mineral resources, implementation study national energy consumtion, study on field use of Brownfield in Indonesia, inventarization research of old well potential in regency of Muaro Jambi,  blueprint arrangement manpower on oil and gas subsector, development operation cost estimation system oil and gas: geological and geophysical stage, study of combustion flare gas at PERTAMINA DOH Jawa Bagian Barat, survey and development of GIS based datas for planning and distribution BBM  and transportation gas through pipe, study on planning of Indonesia – Asean pipeline system, etc. Ir. Sudiharto have trained for training class for many companies in Indonesia. Some topics that have been frequently delivered by him as follows :

  1. Electric Submercible Pump, Problem and Trouble Shooting Mecanism

  2. Crude Oil Analysis

  3. Drilling, Production and Workover Strategy

  4. Well Workover and Completion Stretegy

  5. Petroleum Finance, Acconting and Reservoir Management

  6. Plan of Development in Oil and Gas Industries

  7. Pressure Control for Drilling Engineer

  8. Plan of Development (POD) & Authorization For Expenditures (AFE)

  9. Management Skills Secretary Petroleum Gas and Oil Industries

  10. Pressure Transient Analysis and Well Testing Data Interpretation

  11. Oil Production System and Operation

  12. Formation Damaged and Well Stimulation

  13. Simulasi Reservoir for Petroleum Engineer

  14. Oil and gas transportation/measurement, etc



Hotel Banana Inn Bandung



4 days



  1. 9 – 12 May 2011

  2. 24 – 27 October 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, 1 week  payment before training ) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD Contains Training Material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or Backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified  instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)