Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Presentasi Dinamis dan Interaktif Memakai MS PowerPoint 2007

Presentasi Dinamis dan Interaktif Memakai MS PowerPoint 2007

Bali | 29 -31 Juli 2009 | Rp 3.950.000,-

Presentasi yang dibuat oleh sebagian besar pemakai komputer dengan aplikasi Ms. Power Point masih dilakukan secara sederhana, tanpa efek animasi teks, object, sound dan movie. Apalagi dijalankan secara manual pada waktu ditampilkan bukan dijalankan secara interaktif.

Padahal seharusnya Presentasi harus ditampilkan secara interactive dengan tampilan dinamis apalagi disertai dengan effect movie dan sound, sehingga presentasi tersebut menarik, tidak membosankan, menjaga motivasi yang melihat dan mendengarnya, sehingga pesan dari presentasi tersebut dapat diterima.

bjectives :
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

  1. Membuat dan menampilkan presentasi secara dinamis dengan efek animasi, sound, movie, dan lain-lain.

  2. Membuat dan menampilkan presentasi secarainteractive melalui tampilan tombol-tombol menu 3 dimensi.

  3. Membuat Portable Document Format (*.PDF) dari document presentation Power Point 2007.

  4. Menampilkan presentation langsung melalui desktop windows, tanpa menjalankan aplikasi Power Point terlebih dahulu.


Metode Pelatihan :
Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah lektur, workshop, studi kasus dan konsultasi interaktif.


  • What's New in Power Point 2007

  • Read of Ribbon menu

  • How create PDF document.

  • Text modification in presentation.

  • Insert and Delete Slide.

  • Using Insert Illustrations ( Picture, Clip Art, Photo Album, Shapes, Smart Art & Chart )

  • Using Insert Text ( Text Box, Header & Footer, Word Art, Date & Time, Slide Number & Object )

  • Using Insert Media Clips (Movies and Sounds)

  • Setting effect color and custom animation.

  • Setting effect color and animation in slide background.

  • Using hyperlink methods Action Button object in Slide to Slide

  • Using hyperlink methods Action Button object in Presentation File to Presentation File.

  • Make a presentation slide show in desktop windows

  • Training Evaluation



Praktisi & trainer yang memiliki pengalaman selama lebih dari 15 tahun di bidang Komputer dan Sistem Informasi. Berpengalaman dalam pengembangan software, jaringan komputer dan manajemen proyek IT dan fasilitator pelatihan yang terkait dengan bidang komputer dan sistem informasi serta motivasi. Beliau pernah bekerja di PT. Asiana IMI Industries, Tbk, PT. Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia, PT. LG Electronics Indonesia, PT. LG Innotek Indonesia, PT. Harita Prima Abadi Mineral (Mining). Beberapa perusahaan pernah dan masih menggunakan jasanya antara lain : Combiphar, SMIK Swadharma BNI 46, PT. Agni Pump Jaya, PT. Fajar Transport dan Kopkar PLN Gambir.

Jadual & Lokasi :
Hotel di Bali | 29 -31 Juli 2009

Fee/Investasi :

  • Rp 3.950.000,- (Full Fare)

  • Rp 5.300.000 (Include Accomodation)

  • Early Bird Rp 3.700.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 21 Juli 2009

  • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 7.100.000 untuk pendaftaran  2 orang peserta

    Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009



    Hotel / Office Building Jakarta | 15 Juli 2009 | Rp. 1.500.000


    Tujuan dan Manfaat Pelatihan

    One Point Lesson merupakan tehnik pendidikan getuktular untuk mengurangi terjadinya problem berulang menunjang Zero Breakdown, Defect & Accident.



    1. One Point Lesson Konsep

    2. One Point Lesson types

    3. One Point Lesson Roles



    Lama Pelatihan adalah 8 jam/ 1 hari


    Waktu dan Lokasi

    Tanggal : 15 Juli 2009 di Hotel / Office Building Jakarta


    • Rp. 1.500.000/ peserta

    • (sudah termasuk Coffee Break + Lunch, modul,  sertifikat)

    • + Bonus Flashdisk 2GB berisi materi training

    Metode Pelatihan

    1. Pemaparan materi menggunakan  modul yang disesuaikan dengan output/ tujuan pelatihan ini.

    2. Penyampaian materi diberikan dengan metode pengalaman, sehingga dapat sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan kerja di perusahaan Anda.

    3. Pemaparan materi menggunakan media Visual, Auditory, dan Kinestethic peserta.

    4. Penyampaian materi selalu dibawakan dengan pendekatan Spiritual dan Emotional.

    5. Penyampaian materi untuk menciptakan persepsi baru yang dapat  merubah mindset dan pemahaman peserta pelatihan.

    Games, Role Play, Group Discussion, Case Study, Simulation, Assignment


    Manager, Supervisor, Staff  Produksi,  Maintenance dan Engineering


    Ir Clemens N Bunawan,. MM

    ( Praktisi system TPM  & TQM untuk Manufacturing & Administrasi) adalah praktisi professional yang memfokuskan diri pada bidang Productivity & Quality Management. Beliau  pernah menjadi Pembicara Tamu pada beberapa Consultan training yaitu di PQM Consultan,  Synergi Consultan, Butomo Consultan, dan Prima Daya Consultan, sedangkan Saat ini sebagai  Assosiate trainer di MTC - LP3I. Adapun bidang training  yang dilakukan adalah QCC / GKM , 7 tools QC , SQC , TPS, TPM , 5R / 5S , Safety , Problem Solving Efective , PM Analysis, Supervisor Roles.  Beberapa Klien yang pernah dilakukan training  antara lain : PT. INCO ASKO, PT. Bakrie Tosanjaya, PT. AICA , PT. Semi Conductor, PT Profilindo, PT. Astra Int., PT. Chuhatsu .

    Susunan Acara

    08.30 - 09.00    Pendaftaran dan registrasi peserta

    09.00 - 10.30    Materi/ Sesi I

    10.30 - 10.45    Rehat

    10.45 - 12.00    Materi/ Sesi II

    12.00 - 13.00    Rehat - makan siang

    13.00 - 15.00    Unit assesment dan presentasi kelompok

    15.00 - 15.15    Rehat

    15.15 - 16.30    Evaluasi presentasi kelompok.

    16.30               Penutupan acara hari


    Public Training Information



    Hotel / Office Building Jakarta | 11 Juli 2009 | Rp. 1.500.000,-


    Tujuan dan Manfaat Pelatihan

    Memahami peranan & Role Maintenance dalam menunjang zero Breakdown dan menurunkan Biaya Produksi



    1. Planned Maintenance

    2. MTTR , MTBF  index

    3. Machine Rank  dan Machine Reliability

    4. Cost Maintenance



    Lama Pelatihan adalah 8 jam/ 1 hari


    Waktu dan Lokasi

    Tanggal : 11 Juli 2009 di Hotel / Office Building Jakarta



    • Rp. 1.500.000/ peserta

    • (sudah termasuk Coffee Break + Lunch, modul,  sertifikat)

    • + Bonus Flashdisk 2GB berisi materi training


    Metode Pelatihan

    1. Pemaparan materi menggunakan  modul yang disesuaikan dengan output/ tujuan pelatihan ini.

    2. Penyampaian materi diberikan dengan metode pengalaman, sehingga dapat sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan kerja di perusahaan Anda.

    3. Pemaparan materi menggunakan media Visual, Auditory, dan Kinestethic peserta.

    4. Penyampaian materi selalu dibawakan dengan pendekatan Spiritual dan Emotional.

    5. Penyampaian materi untuk menciptakan persepsi baru yang dapat  merubah mindset dan pemahaman peserta pelatihan.

    Games, Role Play, Group Discussion, Case Study, Simulation, Assignment



    Manager , Supervisor , Staff  Produksi,  Maintenance dan Engineering



    Ir Clemens N Bunawan,. MM

    ( Praktisi system TPM  & TQM untuk Manufacturing & Administrasi) adalah praktisi professional yang memfokuskan diri pada bidang Productivity & Quality Management. Beliau  pernah menjadi Pembicara Tamu pada beberapa Consultan training yaitu di PQM Consultan,  Synergi Consultan, Butomo Consultan, dan Prima Daya Consultan, sedangkan Saat ini sebagai  Assosiate trainer di MTC - LP3I. Adapun bidang training  yang dilakukan adalah QCC / GKM , 7 tools QC , SQC , TPS, TPM , 5R / 5S , Safety , Problem Solving Efective , PM Analysis, Supervisor Roles.  Beberapa Klien yang pernah dilakukan training  antara lain : PT. INCO ASKO, PT. Bakrie Tosanjaya, PT. AICA , PT. Semi Conductor, PT Profilindo, PT. Astra Int., PT. Chuhatsu.


    Susunan Acara

    08.30 - 09.00    Pendaftaran dan registrasi peserta

    09.00 - 10.30    Materi/ Sesi I

    10.30 - 10.45    Rehat

    10.45 - 12.00    Materi/ Sesi II

    12.00 - 13.00    Rehat - makan siang

    13.00 - 15.00    Unit assesment dan presentasi kelompok

    15.00 - 15.15    Rehat

    15.15 - 16.30    Evaluasi presentasi kelompok.

    16.30               Penutupan acara hari



    Choke & Control Valve

    Choke & Control Valve

    Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung | July 28-31, 2009 | Rp. 7.250.000,-


    This course is developed for engineers and technicians who need to have a practical knowledge of selection, installation of choke and control valves. It is for those primarily involved in achieving effective results in industrial processes. This would involve the design, specification and implementation of control and measurement equipment. The workshop focuses on practical applications, with special attention to installation considerations and application limitations when selecting or installing different control valves.


    The latest educational methods and strategies will be employed. The course is designed to maximise benefit from the outset. Questions are encouraged throughout, to provide participants with the opportunity to discuss with the presenter and others, specific problems and appropriate solutions. All delegates take away a detailed and comprehensive copy of the materials, and practical excercise using software will be provided to ensure knowledge retention.


    No specialist knowledge or skills are required - only a technical background so that there is an understanding for such factors as the difference


    1. Basic physical properties

    2. Fundamental of measurement

    3. Fundamentals of flow characteristics

    4. Control valves

    5. Realistic Control valve

    6. Pressure drop

    7. Flow equations

    8. Fundamental valve sizing

    9. Sizing for liquid

    10. Sizing for gas

    11. Control valve selection

    12. Installation

    13. Standards


    • Instrumentation Engineers & Technicians

    • Design and Process Engineers

    • Operation, Piping, Mechanical and Plant Engineers

    • Maintenance Technician and supervisors

    • Service Engineers and supervisors

    • Work over engineers and supervisors

    • Asset Manager Team members

    • Everybody who are responsible for selecting, purchasing, or repairing control valves.


    DR. Ir. Endra Joelianto is an expert in control engineering. His outstanding research is: Hybrid Control Systems, Discrete Event Control Systems, Petri Nets Analysis and Application on PLC, Robust PID Controller, Advanced Process Control, Industrial Automation using PLC/DCS. He received first degree (Ir.) in Engineering Physics in 1990 from Department of Engineering Physics, ITB and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in Control Engineering in 2001 from Department of Engineering, The Australian National University, Australia.

    He is coordinator of Intelligent Control and Automation, and founder of PLC Research Group, Laboratorium Instrumentasi dan Kontrol (LINK), Departemen Teknik Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung. He was the founder and the director of Schneider-OMRON PLC Training Center, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung. The Schneider-OMRON PLC Training Center has cooperation with PT. Schneider Electric Indonesia, PT. OMRON Corporation Japan, Invensys WONDERWARE.

    He was the project leader for TPSDP Retooling Program Batch II-DIKNAS for Training Program on "INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING PLC" 2004 and Co-provider for the same retooling program Batch II on "INDUSTRIAL CONTROL AND AUTOMATION" by PT. Cahaya Sumirat, Bandung. In 2005, he leads the retooling project entitled PLC for Industrial Control and Automation at the Department of Engineering Physics, ITB

    He attended several professional trainings on PLC, DCS and Instruments Calibration, such as: Yokogawa DCS, Bandung (2000), Implementation of Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 19-17025 and Basic Calibration, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Bandung (2001), Fieldbus Foundation Technology, Singapore (2002), Basic and Advance PLC OMRON, Jakarta (2004), Cleaner Production: Application in Industries, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa-ITB, Bandung (2005). Advanced Process Control, ASPEN Tech., Jakarta, (2005)

    He serves as instructor either for public, universities or in-house training on instrumentation and process control to universities, petrochemical or oil and gas companies, such as: PT. NGL Arun, PT. NGL Bontang, PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT. Pupuk Kujang, PT. Semen Padang, PT. Semen Gresik, PT. Petrokimia Gresik, PT. Semen Cibinong, PT. Indocement, PT. Semen Tigaroda Perkasa, PT. Exspan Nusantara, PT. ALSTOM Indonesia, PERTAMINA, British Petroleoum, Maxus, Amoseas, PT. Nusa Halmahera Mineral, PT. Indonesia Jaya Power, Indonesia Power-Paiton, PT. Riau Pulp and

    Paper, Indonesian Cement and Concrete Institut (ISBI), LIPI-Bandung, LAPI-ITB, POLMAN-Bandung, etc.

    July 28-31, 2009
    4 days

    Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung

    Tuition Fee
    Rp. 7.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.




    Hotel Harris, Jakarta | Senin – Selasa, 29 – 30 Juni 2009 | Rp. 3.500,000,-

    Masalah sengketa pembangunan dan keberadaan menara bersama yang terjadi selama ini telah menimbulkan keresahan di kalangan pelaku bisnis usaha telekomunikasi. Oleh karena itulah pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Bersama (PB) Mendagri, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum, Menkominfo serta Kepala BKPM  tentang Pedoman Pembangunan dan Penggunaan Bersama Menara Telekomunikasi, sebagai upaya mengatasi persoalan-persoalan yang ada. 0Workshop dua hari ini Partner Kami mencoba untuk membantu para stakeholders agar mendapatkan pemahaman mengenai urgensi dan dampak dari diterbitkannya Peraturan Bersama tersebut.


    • Para peserta workshop mengetahui mengenai urgensi dari dikeluarkannya PB tentang Penggunaan Menara bersama;

    • Peserta workshop memahami tata cara perizinan dan segala hal yang terkait dengan pembangunan menara bersama;

    • Peserta dapat memahami Permasalahan hukum beserta penyelesaian sengketa terkait dengan pemberlakuan menara bersama

    • Peserta Mengetahui dan Menguasai Penyusunan Kontrak dalam penggunaan Menara Bersama


    • Pelaku Bisnis Telekomun ikasi

    • Pelaku Bisnis Jasa Konstruksi

    • Praktisi Hukum

    • Akademisi

    • Masyarakat Umum Lainnya


    DAY I

    1. Permasalahan hukum beserta penyelesaian sengketa terkait dengan pemberlakuan menara bersama

    2. Contract Drafting terkait Perjanjian mengenai penggunaan menara bersama

    DAY II

    1. Tinjauan Umum mengenai urgensi dari keberadaan menara bersama berdasarkan Peraturan Bersama (PB) Mendagri, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum, Menkominfo serta Kepala BKPM  tentang Pedoman Pembangunan dan Penggunaan Bersama Menara Telekomunikasi

    2. Tata cara perizinan pembangunan meara bersama:

    • persyaratan administratif;

    • persyaratan teknis


    • Bapak Ir.Heru Sutadi, M.Si, Anggota Komite Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI)

    • Bapak Adnan Hardie, Konsultan Hukum Telekomunikasi pada Farabi & Hardie Attorney at Law



    • Rp. 3.500,000,-

    • Included : Welcome Drinks, Lunch, 2x Coffee Break/hari, Wokshop Kit , Hands Out, Sertifikat


    Production Logging and Reservoir Monitoring

    Production Logging and Reservoir Monitoring

    Papandayan Hotel, Bandung | July 27-31, 2009 | Rp. 8.450.000,-



    This course is to summarize the state of the art of production logging technology. It included the example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solutions, it also listed an overview of conventional well log technology and is general introduction to the latest methods of production logging technology.

    In the absence of production logs, the performances of production or injection wells are evaluated on the basis of data obtained from surface measurements, volumes measured in reservoirs, flow rates from separators and pressure measurements at a given down hole point. These data are generally insufficient to determine the flow rate and nature of the fluids produced from or injected into each point in the well.

    Productions logs provide information required for analyzing the behavior of a well interval. This thus makes it possible to answer four fundamental questions:

    1. What are the producing intervals

    2. What fluids do they produce

    3. At what flow rates

    4. What is the apparent mean permeability of the layers

    By comparison with the true permeability known from cores or log data, the interconnections between each layer and the well are defined. In new wells, an evaluation made with production logs indicates whether the well is producing as forecast or else whether problems exist in the completion or in reservoir properties. The periodic use of production log is also a way of checking the state the reserve and of following progress in depletion. In this way, maximum recovery can be obtained.

    The discovery of problems before the beginning of work over operations enables re-completion procedures to be optimized. Repairs can be simplified and made less dangerous for both the well and the reservoir when the problem has been clearly defined.

    Production logs are thus a reliable way for solving many production problems. Their main advantage lies in the capacity for determining how and where fluids flow, even outside tubing's or casings under production conditions. Production logs are very often used for diagnosing defects altering the proper functioning of well, i.e. tubing leaks, casing leaks, communications due to channeling as result of improper cementing, low-pressure intervals taking up part of the effluent.

    In this course, it has also included example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solution. Wherever possible, it has not only discussed practical difficulties that one may encounter while using the theoretical solutions, but it has also listed some of the method that one can used to obtain the desired information. It also included descriptions on field histories wherever they were available.

    This course is mainly directed to the practicing professionals who make engineering calculations and decision on production and injection well applications. For managers, the book helps to review the present state of the art. It also outlined some of new method in production log technology that exist today, such as radioactivity log. These gaps in technology will be useful for research engineers and research professionals to determine the areas of future research.


    • Operator/ Sr. Operator/ Engineer/ Non Engineer

    • Petroleum Engineers, Reservoir Engineers, Production Engineers

    • Well Service Engineers

    • Everybody or professionals who wants to better understanding and broaden their knowledge from the course subject


    Overview of Conventional Logging

    • Formation Evaluation from Logging Data

    • Rock Properties From Logging Data

    • Conventional Log Data Quantification, Determination of: Lithology, Porosity, Fluid Saturation from Conventional Log Data

    Production Logging Technology

    • Definition, History and Recent Technology of Production Logging

    • Well Diagnosis and Reservoir by Production Logging

    • Production Logging for Well Drilling and Completion

    • Production Logging for Production and Injection Well

    Single Phase Fluid Flow in Pipes

    • Laminar and Turbulent Flow

    • Fluid Velocity Profile

    • Annular Flow

    Temperature Logging

    • Well Temperature Distribution

    • Temperature Log Data Interpretation

    • Hydraulic Fracturing Evaluation with Temperature Log

    Radioactivity-Tracer Logging

    • Tracer Loss Log

    • Velocity-Shot Log

    • Tracer Placement

    • Radioactive-Tracer Log in Laminar Flow

    • Two Pulse Tracer Logging

    Spinner- Flow meter Logging

    • Theory of Spinner Response

    • Log Spinner-Flow meter Log Interpretation

    • Well Flow Measurement by Spinner Flow meter

    Single Phase Flow Profile

    • Back Ground

    • Comparison between Log Temperature Data, Radioactive Tracer and Spinner Flow meter

    Multiphase Flow in Pipes

    • Holdup Definition

    • Flow Pattern

    • Pressure Loss in Pipes

    • Influence of Pipe Slant Angle and Perforation

    Production Logging for Multiphase Floe in Pipes

    • Log Data Interpretation

    • Determination Flow Rate

    • Quantitative Analysis of Multiphase Logging Data

    • Qualitative Analysis of Multiphase Logging Data

    Noise Logging

    • Theory of Noise Logging

    • Noise Logging Applications

    Cement Quality Logging

    • Cement Bond Log

    • Attenuation-Ratio Log

    • Ultrasonic -Pulse-Echo Log

    Case Hole Well Logging

    • Pulse Neutron Log for Determination of Flow Profile

    • Radial Differential Temperature Log

    • Gravel Pack Evaluation

    • Well-Test by Production Logging


    Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA

    DR. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA is General Manager of Program Development Department of ITB. He was an extreme dedicated consultant and researcher with countless hands-on expertise in analytical methods, engineering mathematics, computer simulation, fluid mechanic, mass and heat transfer. Mr. Sudjati has published numerous articles regarding of researches and analyses in France, Australia, USA and Singapore.

    His expertise has brought him to one of the top-notch expert hired among UNOCAL, MOBIL OIL Indonesia, PPTM Migas, PT. CALTEX Pacific Indonesia, LEMIGAS, PT. LNG Bontang, VICO Indonesia, GULF, ARCO and PERTAMINA. He is an active member of SPE [Society of Petroleum Engineers] and Fine Particles Society, US. He holds Diplome d'Etude Approfondie and Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide in Methode Numerique from UCB, France.


    July 27-31, 2009
    5 days

    Papandayan Hotel, Bandung

    Tuition Fee

    Rp. 8.450.000,- per participant, excluding accomodation & tax.


    Gearbox Technology: Design, Analysis, Testing, Maintenance, Lubrication and Failure

    Gearbox Technology: Design, Analysis, Testing, Maintenance, Lubrication and Failure

    Holiday Inn Hotel, Bandung | July 21-24, 2009 | Rp. 7.250.000,-


    • Understand the standard of setting up plan for gearbox

    • Make the gearbox recalculation and planned

    • Classification and analysis of gear

    • Gear Box Maintenance

    • Measurement Technique and gear Box testing

    • Gearbox failure Analysis


    • Mechanical Engineers

    • Maintenance Engineers and supervisors

    • Service Engineers and supervisors

    • Everyone who want to enlarge their knowledge


    A. Introduction

    • Application of Gear System

    • Gear Classification

    • Gear Nomenclature

    • Power Train

    • Gear Standard

    • Unit System

    B. Gear Analysis

    • Power Train

    • Stress and Deflection

    • Strength/ Allowable Stress

    • Fatigue

    • Gear Design Life

    C. Gear Design

    • Spur Gear

    • Helix Gear

    • Gearbox

    • Case Study

      • Spur Gear Design

      • Helix Gear Design

    D. Measurement and Testing

    • Principles of Measurement

      • Geometry Measurement

      • Vibration Measurement

      • Noise Measurement

    • Gear System Efficiency

    • Gear Testing

    E. Maintenance and Lubrication

    • Maintainability and Maintenance

    • Maintenance in Product Life Cycle

    • Life Cycle Cost

    • Why We Need the Maintenance

    • Maintenance Category

    • Gear Maintenance

    • Lubrication

    • Gear Lubrication

    • Power Losses in Gear

    • Type of Gear Lubrication

    • Lubrication for Loaded Gear

    • Influence of Gear Lubrication on Surface Distress

    F. Gear Failure

    • Failure Classification

    • Wear

    • Surface Fatigue

    • Plastic Flow

    • Breakage

    • Hertz Contact

    • Case Study of Gear Failure

    Dr. Ir. I Wayan Suweca

    DR. Ir. I Wayan Suweca has been a senior consulting engineer specialist for PT. TIMAH Tbk., PT. TAMBANG BATUBARA Bukit Asam, KONDUR Petroleum S.A., and PT. KAI whereas he's involved in failure analysis of machineries and equipments' design. Mr. Wayan also is a distinguished professor of mechanical engineering at ITB since 1987 and has conducted numerous short courses and seminars for various major oil companies such as PT. CALTEX Pacific Indonesia, PT. FREEPORT Indonesia as well as VICO.

    His field of expertise includes mechanical design and drawing, stress analysis and computer aide MSC/Nastran finite element program, mining hydraulics, and vibrations control as well as maintenance management. Mr. Wayan received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, French in 1990.

    July 21-24, 2009
    4 days

    Holiday Inn Hotel, Bandung

    Tuition Fee
    Rp. 7.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

    Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

    Petroleum Contractual System

    Petroleum Contractual System

    Grand Serela Hotel, Bandung | July 14-17, 2009 | Rp.7.850.000,-


    The Key issues of contract are the ownership of hydrocarbons and state sovereignty of natural resources, goals of petroleum policy, state participation, petroleum authorities, the role of national companies, exploration and production regulations.

    Contractual systems consist of concession contract, production contractual contracts and other contractual form. Mostly, Production Sharing Contracts are applied in Indonesia. However, other contractual from can also be applied. Petroleum is common property resources, therefore its management should give greatest benefit for the people


    • Dynamics of Petroleum Business

    • Methods to Measure Profit Indicators

    • Government Take from Tax and non Tax

    • Important Issues on Law, Fiscal and Frame work of Upstream Petroleum Contracts

    • General Assessment on Petroleum Exploitation and Production Concession

    • Production Sharing Contract

    • Other Contractual Systems

    • Comparison between Systems

    • Petroleum Contracts in Indonesia


    • Engineers and Staff (Production, Operations, Facilities, Reservoir, Petroleum, Optimization, Design, Construction, and Maintenance)

    • Geoscientists (Geologists, Geophysicists, and Petro physicists)

    • Non Engineers (Accounting, Finance, Legal, Planning, Contract, Support)

    • Team Leaders, Supervisors, Superintendents, and Managers

    • Anybody who wish to know Petroleum Contractual System


    1. Dinamika Pengusahaan MIGAS

    2. Cadangan (reserve) dan Produksi MIGAS

    3. Metoda-metoda mengukur indikator Keuntungan

    4. Menentukan Pilihan dari Alternatif Biaya

    5. Pajak dan Penerimaan Pemerintah Bukan Pajak

    6. Plan of Development and Autorization for Expenditure

    7. Statistik untuk Proyek Migas

    8. Manajemen Resiko dan Analisis Sensitivitas

    9. Analisis Resiko dan Pengambilan Keputusan

    10. Simulasi Monte Carlo

    11. Hukum dan Perundang-undangan Pertambangan Migas

    12. Kontrak-kontrak Pengusahaan Migas


    Prof. Dr. Ir. Widjayono Partowidagdo, M.Sc

    Prof. DR. Ir. Widjajono Partowidagdo, M.Sc is a Professor in Petroleum Economics and Field Management at the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung and a member of P3 Migas Team (Supervision for Increased Petroleum Production). He was the Head of the Research Group in Drilling and Production Engineering and Management of Oil and Gas at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology, ITB from 2005-2007, Head of Graduate Program in Development Studies ITB from 1993-2004, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Mining Technology and Senate Member of ITB from 1994-1997 and Coordinator for Research in Sustainable Development at the Inter-University Center for Economics, University of Indonesia from 1989-1992.

    He received his Bachelor in Petroleum Engineering from ITB, MSc in Petroleum Engineering, MSc in Operations Research, MA in Economics and PhD with a dissertation on "An Oil and Gas Supply and Economics Model for Indonesia" from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. He has written 2 books: Management and Economy of Oil and Gas, 2002 and Understanding Development and Policy Analysis, 2004.

    July 14-17, 2009
    4 days

    Grand Serela Hotel

    Tuition Fee
    Rp.7.850.000,- per participant, excluding accomodation & tax.




    Hotel / Office Building Jakarta | 07 Juli 2009 | Rp. 1.500.000


    Tujuan dan Manfaat Pelatihan

    Memahami TPM dan Mengerti bentuk aplikasi TPM dalam manufacturing dan office



    • 8 Pilar TPM

    • Struktur Organisasi TPM dan SGA ( Small Group Activity )

    • Peranan dan keterkaitan masing masing departemen



    Lama Pelatihan adalah 8 jam/ 1 hari


    Waktu dan Lokasi

    Tanggal : 07 Juli 2009 di Hotel / Office Building Jakarta



    • Rp. 1.500.000/ peserta

    • (sudah termasuk Coffee Break + Lunch, modul,  sertifikat)

    • + Bonus Flashdisk 2GB berisi materi training


    Metode Pelatihan

    1. Pemaparan materi menggunakan  modul yang disesuaikan dengan output/ tujuan pelatihan ini.

    2. Penyampaian materi diberikan dengan metode pengalaman, sehingga dapat sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan kerja di perusahaan Anda.

    3. Pemaparan materi menggunakan media Visual, Auditory, dan Kinestethic peserta.

    4. Penyampaian materi selalu dibawakan dengan pendekatan Spiritual dan Emotional.

    5. Penyampaian materi untuk menciptakan persepsi baru yang dapat  merubah mindset dan pemahaman peserta pelatihan.


    Games, Role Play, Group Discussion, Case Study, Simulation, Assignment



    Direktur/Manajer Produksi, Manajer Perawatan dan manajer lain yang menunjang kegiatan perawatan



    Ir Clemens N Bunawan,. MM

    ( Praktisi system TPM  & TQM untuk Manufacturing & Administrasi) adalah praktisi professional yang memfokuskan diri pada bidang Productivity & Quality Management. Beliau  pernah menjadi Pembicara Tamu pada beberapa Consultan training yaitu di PQM Consultan,  Synergi Consultan, Butomo Consultan, dan Prima Daya Consultan. Adapun bidang training  yang dilakukan adalah QCC / GKM , 7 tools QC , SQC , TPS, TPM , 5R / 5S , Safety , Problem Solving Efective , PM Analysis, Supervisor Roles.  Beberapa Klien yang pernah dilakukan training  antara lain : PT. INCO ASKO, PT. Bakrie Tosanjaya, PT. AICA , PT. Semi Conductor, PT Profilindo, PT. Astra Int., PT. Chuhatsu .


    Susunan Acara

    08.30 - 09.00    Pendaftaran dan registrasi peserta

    09.00 - 10.30    Materi/ Sesi I

    10.30 - 10.45    Rehat

    10.45 - 12.00    Materi/ Sesi II

    12.00 - 13.00    Rehat - makan siang

    13.00 - 15.00    Unit assesment dan presentasi kelompok

    15.00 - 15.15    Rehat

    15.15 - 16.30    Evaluasi presentasi kelompok.

    16.30                    Penutupan acara hari


    Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

    Energy Audit and Application

    Energy Audit and Application

    Papandayan Hotel, Bandung | July 6-10, 2009 | Rp.  7.250.000,-


    The implementation of energy conservation technique in a company or industry hasn't been certainly results a significant operation cost saving. It is usually determined by the ratio of investment cost to the cost gained due to saving of energy consumption. How to know the value of ratio, off course, it firstly has to conduct initial study and measurement. Pre-measurement and post- measurement of energy conservation implementation is well known as "Energy Audit".


    After attending the course it is expected that participant will gain the knowledge and enhance understanding to energy audit, application, and implementation in industry. Tutorial, discussion and exercise of real case study will take an important role in this course.


    • The use and utilization of energy audit

    • Basic equation of energy transfer

    • Basic equation of heat lost

    • Friction lost

    • Electric lost

    • Work and heat calculation

    • Energy transfer calculation technique

    • Physic parameter measurement technique relates to energy lost

    • Technique to collect and record data of energy audit

    • Data analysis and its interpretation

    • Case study and exercise of real field problem


    1. Plant , Operation, Production Manager/Superintendent/Engineer

    2. Design, and Process Superintendent/Engineer

    3. Mechanical , and Electrical Manager/Superintendent/Engineer

    4. Maintenance Manager/Superintendent/Engineer

    5. Everybody or professional who wants to broaden knowledge or gain benefit from this course


    Dr. Ir. Halim Abdurahim & Teams

    DR. Ir. Halim Abdurachim graduated from Mechanical Engineering ITB. In 1980 he received his Docteur D'Etat es Science from Universite de Perpignan, France in the field of energy conservation, heat transfer and thermodynamic. He also deepened and sharpened his expertise in advanced renewable energy resource for 2 years in 1982 at ACTIM - France and Trieste- Italy. He have been giving for more than 15 years both public and in-house course to TotalFinaElf, Pertamina, PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya, PT. PENI/BP Petrochemical, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. Badak NGL for the subject of heat exchanger, piping system, energy conservation techniques, energy audit, thermal isolation techniques, pump and compressor, air conditioning system, and industrial process facility. He currently is senior consultant for oil & gas , and process industry as well as senior lecturer at Mechanical Engineering ITB.


    Tuition Fee
    Rp.  7.250.000,-    per participant, excluding accomodation & tax.

    Design of Experiments with MINITAB

    Design of Experiments with MINITAB

    Ibis Hotel Jakarta | July 2-3, 2009 |  Rp. 3.550.000,-


    Penanganan variasi dari proses apapun akan terkait pula dengan penetapan kondisi operasionalisasi yang optimal. Dengan melakukan setting proses pada kondisi optimal tersebutlah, diyakini bahwa variasi dari output yang dihasilkan akan bisa dikurangi secara relative signifikan.

    Design of Experiments (DoE) adalah pendekatan yang umum digunakan di industri dan terbukti efektif dalam mengelaborasi dan menganalisis kondisi-kondisi pengoperasian proses yang optimal. Efektifitas ini akan dapat lebih ditingkatkan dengan penggunaan Response Surface Methodology (RSM).


    Setelah mengikuti training dan workshop ini, maka diharapkan

    1. Peserta mampu memahami konsep, model, metodologi, dan langkah-langkah dari perancangan eksperimen.

    2. Peserta mampu merancang dan menganalisis eksperimen yang diperlukan.

    3. Peserta memahami dan menguasai aplikasi DoE dengan menggunakan software MINITAB.

    4. Peserta mampu menginterpretasikan data hasil eksperimentasi dan mengidentifikasikan kondisi-kondisi operasional yang optimal.


    Training dan workshop ini disusun penyajian dan penyampaiannya secara terstruktur sebagai berikut:

    1. Introduction of Design of Experiments (DoE).

    2. Simple Comparative Experiment.

    3. One Factor Experiment.

    4. Introduction of Factorial Experiments.

    5. 2^^k Experiment.

    6. 3^^k Experiment.

    7. General Factorial Experiment.


    Training dan workshop ini disajikan dan disampaikan dalam bentuk ceramah, diskusi, dan latihan dengan software.


    Diharapkan berasal dari Manager dan Supervisor yang terkait dengan Production, Engineering, dan Quality.



    Mr. Sachbudi Abbas Ras seorang trainer yang memiliki pengalaman mengajar lebih dari tujuh tahun. Adapun topik - topik yg pernah dibawakan adalah mengenai Quality Engineering, Operational Research, Product Design and Development, Decision Analysis, Production Planning and Control, dll.

    Mr. Abbas menyelesaikan pendidikan terakhir untuk master di Teknik Industri, ITB.

    Saat ini beliau aktif memberikan konsultasi pada PT. Geumcheon Indonesia, PT. Hankuk Color indonesia, PT. Molten Alumunium Producer Indonesia, dll.

    Tuition Fee

    Rp. 3.550.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

    Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

    Cara Mudah Mengembangkan Situs Bisnis Perusahaan

    Cara Mudah Mengembangkan Situs Bisnis Perusahaan

    Jakarta | 9-10 Juli 2009 | Rp 2.000.000,-

    Saat ini, membangun sendiri sebuah situs bukan sebuah pekerjaan sulit. Terdapat banyak tool yang dapat mempermudah prosesnya, bahkan bagi orang yang tidak mempunyai background pemrograman di web. Selain itu, untuk bisnis-bisnis tertentu terdapat kebutuhan untuk mengelola dan mengupdate konten terus-menerus secara reguler.

    Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk membangun kemampuan untuk membangun sebuah situs secara lengkap, dari mulai desain sampai upload. Prosesnya dibahas langkah demi langkah, dengan contoh membangun sebuah situs company profile. Setelah pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkah mengerti bagaimana Internet bekerja dan dapat mengembangkan situs untuk berbagai keperluan aplikasi bisnis.


    Metode Pelatihan :
    Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah lektur, workshop, studi kasus dan konsultasi interaktif.

    Software Tools :






    • Membuat Konsep Website

    • Mengenal Website authoring tools

    • Mengenal Dreamweaver 8.0

    • Menu Dreamweaver 8.0

    • Memulai Desain

    MAKE TEMPLATES FOR WEB (Dengan Fireworks)

    • Template Pages Design

    • Membuat Desain dengan Macromedia Fireworks

    • Melakukan Slicing images

    • Editing Templates yang telah di slicing

    • Menyimpan file web (Templates)

    • Menempatkan pada harddisk (Save)

    MENGOLAH TEMPLATES (Yang telah jadi Halaman Layout)

    • Templates

    • CSS Style Sheets

    • Frame sets

    • Starter pages

    • Membuat Tabel

    • Mengembed Javascript

    • Mengembed Flash Animation

    • Membuat Background image pada Page Properties


    • Menjalankan fungsi Creative pada Fireworks

    • Efek Pada fireworks

    • Testing Runing di Browser

    • Latihan / Praktek


    Erwin Baharudin, S. Kom

    Erwin biasa dipanggil dalam kesehariannya mengawali sebagai trainer bidang Teknologi informasi khususnya  web design dan web programmer dan memilki pengalaman selama 15 tahun dalam bidang ini. Erwin juga memiliki beberapa pengalaman sebagai training di berbagai tempat diantaranya dalam dan luar kota salah satunya pada E-Government Pemkot Pagar Alam Sumatera Selatan,Trainer Teknologi Informasi pada Diklat DKI yang diselenggarakan oleh, Trainer IT untuk Diklat Departemen AGAMA RI, Trainer untuk Web Portal PT.Timah Tbk  dll.

    Untuk saat ini beliau menjalankan usaha bidang web design dan aplikasi dengan bendera PT.Fastwebindo Cipta Solusi dan Memiliki Toko online dan alkses-online, pernah juga .

    Jadual & Lokasi :
    Jakarta | 9-10 Juli 2009

    Fee/Investasi :

    • Rp 2.000.000,- (Full Fare)

    • Early Bird Rp 1.900.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 01 Juli 2009

    • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 3.600.000 untuk pendaftaran  2 orang peserta



    Jakarta | 25 Juli 2009 | Rp 1.450.000,-

    Era globalisasi membuat kita kebanjiran informasi, data mengenai Ekonomi, Marketing, Keuangan dan yang penting lainnya biasanya ditampilkan dalam betuk PDF, text file, HTML bahkan tidak sedikit dokumen yang sudah kia "protect" dengan password saat dibutuhkan kita lupa cara membukanya. Tentu saja pengalaman berkerja dengan data seperti ini membuat saya dan anda menjadi pusing apalagi inforamasinya sangat penting. Tapi sekarang anda tidak perlu khawatir akan itu, melalui fasilitas Macro dan Mega formula yang ada di excell anda akan saya ajak untuk bermain-main dengan data dan membuatnya menjadi teman baik anda.


    Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah lektur, workshop, studi kasus dan konsultasi interaktif disertai dengan contoh-contoh prosedur proses.


    Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta dapat :

    • Peserta dapat melakukan proteksi data dan membuka data proteksi melalui fungsi Macro

    • Merasakan manfaat mengunakan Mega Formula, seperti fungsi If lebih dari 8 kriteria

    • Memberikan wawasan fungsi-fungsi MS excel diluar menu Help yang selama ini menjadi teman Anda belajar


    Who should attend ?
    Pengusaha, Pemilik perusahaan, direktur, pic pengembangan bisnis, dept. head Marketing research, manager marketing perusahaan jasa, manufactur maupun distributor serta keuangan ataupun mereka yang ingin berwirausaha.



    1. Mengenal bentuk-bentuk Data HTML dan bagaimana mengolahnya (latihan kasus)

    2. Mengenal bentuk-bentuk Data Texfile dan bagaimana mengolahnya (latihan kasus)

    3. Mengenal bentuk-bentuk Data PDF dan bagaimana mengolahnya (latihan kasus)

    4. Mengolah Data melalui function yang ada di MS Excel

    5. Latihan memproteksi dan membuka proteksi yang dibuat orang lain

    Praktisi dan sekaligus juga pengajar untuk bidang-bidang keuangan dan kredit manajemen. Lebih dari 12 tahun menekuni dunia Kredit dan Marketing serta Business Development untuk sektor usaha jasa keuangan perbankan dan non-perbankan, penguasaannya dalam teknologi informatika membuatnya sangat produktif dan "fit" dengan kebutuhan akan perlunya penerapan tools-tools management untuk dapat diaplikasikan dalam bentuk konkrit bagi perusahaannya. Melalui kegiatan pelatihan dan in-housing training dibeberapa perusahaan semakin lebih memahami apa-apa yang menjadi kebutuhan utama perusahaan dimasa datang. Sering diminta mengisi inhousing training di perusahaannya sebagai trainer motivator membuatnya lebih mampu menyampaikan materi secara ringan, lugas dan menyenangkan.

    Jadual & Lokasi :
    Jakarta | 25 Juli 2009

    Fee/Investasi :

    • Rp 1.450.000,- (Full Fare)

    • Early Bird Rp 1.350.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 17 Juli 2009

    • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 2.700.000 untuk pendaftaran 2 orang peserta

    Senin, 08 Juni 2009

    Modern Selling Skill for Medical Representative (Detailmen)

    Modern Selling Skill for Medical Representative (Detailmen)

    Grand Flora Hotel Kemang Jakarta | 14-15 Juli 2009 | Rp. 1.500.000,-

    Free Buku "30 Tahun Menjadi Tukang Obat"


    Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa pemasaran obat-obat etikal (obat dengan resep dokter) yang paling efektif adalah menggunakan jasa Medical Representatives (detailmen), namun selaras dengan perkembangan jaman, apakah cara-cara tradisional yang telah kita kenal lebih dari tiga dekade ini masih efektif?

    Training selama dua hari ini akan memperkenalkan metode Selling skill baru syang sudah dikembangkan dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi saat ini, dimana jumlah perusahaan farmasi semakin banyak, sedangkan waktu yang disediakan oleh dokter makin sedikit


    Tujuan training

    Membekali setiap Medical Representative dengan metode detailing yang sudah didisain sedemikian rupa sehingga ketika para Medical Reps tampil di depan dokter/konsumen mereka dapat mempresentasikan produknya lebih baik dan menjualnya dengan cara yang lebih efektif.


    Siapa saja yang harus mengikuti training?

    Semua orang di bagian sales perusahaan farmasi terutama Medical representatives baik Junior maupun Senior, dan siapa saja yang tertarik untuk mendalami pekerjaan sebagai Medical Representative.


    Metode training

    Selama mengikuti training peserta akan mengikuti pola belajar interaktif, dengan berbagi pengalaman, games dan studi kasus.


    Susunan Acara

    Hari I

    08:00 - 09:45 :


    • Tugas Medical Reps

    • Selling Step by Step

    • Knowing My Doctors

    • Medical Reps Objectives

    09:45 - 10;00 : Coffe Break

    10:00-12:00 :

    • Persepsi dokter atas praktek pemasaran industri farmasi

    • Mengapa dokter tidak menyukai Reps?

    • Persepsi dokter terhadap materi promosi

    • Membuat Profil Dokter

    12:00 - 13:00 : Lunch

    13:00 - 14:30 :

    Film : Kite Runner


    • Selling Process

    • Pre-Call Planning

    14;30 - 14:45 : Coffee Break

    14:45 - 16:00 :

    • Mengapa kita butuh Komodati?

    • Aturan Dalam Komodati

    Hari 2

    08:00 - 09:45 :

    • Hukum dampak

    • Menyampaikan
      pesan yang dapat diingat dan berdampak tinggi

    09:45 - 10;00 : Coffe Break

    10:00-12:00 :

    • Meminta BISNIS dengan

    • Teknis meminta BISNIS

    12:00 - 13:00 : Lunch

    13:00 - 14:30 : Role Play

    14:30 - 15:00 : Coffee Break

    15:00 - 16:00 : Role Play



    Fasilitator Kami

    Soetantyo Moechlas

    Pak Tantyo berpendidikan Asisten Apoteker yang awalnya bekerja di pabrik farmasi namun selama 30 tahun waktunya dihabiskan lebih banyak pada penjualan produk farmasi. Dimulai sebagai Medical Representative di perusahaan multinasional besar, selama 5 tahun , Pak Tantyo kemudian diangkat menjadi District Sales Manager kurang lebih selama 5 tahun, kemudian 14 tahun sebagai Product Manager dan terakhir menjadi Training Manager pada perusahaan yang sama.

    Selama menjadi Training Manager Pak Tantyo memberikan pelatihan Medical Reps baru, Selling Skill, 7 habits, Coaching Skill untuk level Manager dan beberapa training lainnya.


    Waktu & Tempat

    14 - 15 July 2009

    Grand Flora Hotel Kemang Jakarta



    • Rp. 1.500.000,-/Peserta

    • Discount 10% Early Birds ( Pendaftaran dan Pembayaran Sebelum Tanggal 6 July 2009

    • Discount 20% untuk minimal 3 orang perserta dari satu perusahaan.

    Senin, 01 Juni 2009



    Bali |  14-17 July 2009 | USD 1050,-


    Internal Corrosion Problems in Gas, Oil and Produced Water Pipeline and Equipment

    • Piping and Pipeline Leakage due to Pitting Corrosion and Microbiological Induced Corrosion

    • Severe Pipe Wall Thickness Reduction and Short Remaining Service Life caused by Sour Corrosion

    • Pipe Wall, Rotating Parts and Equipment Cracking due to Chloride and Sulfide in the Fluids

    • Internal Corrosion of Pipeline and Equipment due to Water in Oil and Oil in Water Emulsions

    • Internal Corrosion due to Multi Phase Flow in the Pipeline

    • Severe Corrosion Rate caused by CO2 and Hydrate in the Gas Lines, CO2/H2S Removal Unit and Glycol Dehydration Unit

    • Internal Corrosion in the Water Lines due to Dissolved Oxygen, Mud and Sludge

    • Malfunction of Pump, Compressor, Valves and Equipment due to Under-Deposit Corrosion, Under-Film Corrosion and Fouling

    The Nature, Mechanism and Characteristics of Internal Corrosion and the Control Methods

    • Anodic-Cathodic Reactions, Electrical Properties and Characteristics of Corrosion Cells

    • Physical & Metallurgical Conditions of Metals and Chemical Composition that Promote Corrosion

    • Destructive and Catastrophic Effects of Corrosive Agents and Microorganism in the Gas, Oil and Produced Water Fluids

    • The Role and Mechanism of O2, CO2, H2S, Dissolved Salts and Microorganism in Internal Corrosion

    • The Role of Oilfield Bacteria and the Mechanism of MIC

    • Characteristics and Detection of Internal Corrosion in the Pipeline and Surface Equipment

    • Removal of Dissolved Corrosive Agents and Non-Hydrocarbon Gases in the Gas, Oil and Produced Water Fluids

    • Internal Corrosion Control with On-line Chemical Inhibitors Injection, Surface Barriers and Scavengers

    Internal Corrosion Detection and Monitoring  Techniques, Devices and Analysis

    • Visual Inspection and Early Detection Techniques & Devices for Monitoring Fluid Corrosiveness and Tests for Identifying Corrosion products

    • The Important of Internal Corrosion Rate Monitoring Before and After Chemical Injection and Treatment

    • NACE Standard Method for Preparation, Installation, Laboratory Analysis and Interpretation of Results of Internal Corrosion Monitoring

    • Access Fittings, Retrievers, Corrosion Coupons, Scale Coupons, Corrosion Probes,  Holders, Injection & Sampling Devices and Instrument for On-line Internal Corrosion Monitoring

    • The Use of Nipple or Spool, Hydrogen Probe and Galvanic Probe

    • NACE Standard Method for Testing and Analysis of Bacterial Activity and Microbiological Induced Corrosion

    • Iron Content Analysis of Produced Water and the COPRA Correlation

    • Down-hole Tubing or Casing Calipers, Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Testers and Radiography

    Internal Corrosion Control with Chemical Inhibitor Injection, Passive Film Formation and Biocides

    • Nature & Classification of Inhibitors and Effect of Ionic Character on Inhibiting Ability

    • Formulations of Oilfield Inhibitors and the use of Water Soluble Inhibitors, Volatile Inhibitors and Acid Inhibitors

    • Typical Corrosion Inhibitors, Scavengers & Biocides for Oil & Gas Field

    • Guidelines of Inhibitor and Biocide Applications and the Chemical Injection Equipment for Pipeline and Surface Facility

    • Inhibitor and Biocide Batch Treatment Using Pigs, Chemical Dosage and the Pigging Operations

    • Surfactant and Cleaners for Solving Fouling Problem in the Equipment and Systems

    • Cationic & Mixed Charge Organic Inhibitors for Hydrocarbon and Oxygen Corrosion Inhibitors for Produced Water

    • Testing and Evaluation of Inhibitor and Biocide Effectiveness

    • Safety Precaution in Working with Inhibitors and Biocides

    Internal Corrosion Control as a Key Factor to Pipeline Integrity Management

    • Hazard Assessment and Risk Based Inspection for the Pipeline and Equipment Maintenance Program

    • Pipeline Internal Damage Record and Wall Thickness Monitoring

    • Pigging for Water and Deposit Removal from the Pipeline System

    • Controlling of Flow Stability and Corrosion Rate to a Safe Level

    • Estimating Present Pipeline Remaining Service Life

    • Evaluation of Present Condition and Comparison with Initial Pipeline Design Baseline

    • Evaluation and Controlling of Chemical Inhibitor and Biocide Injection by using Corrosion Rate Monitoring Data.

    • Evaluation of Pipeline and Equipment Damage in accordance with Root Cause Failure Analysis

    • Development of Specific Pipeline Integrity Management System by using Internal Corrosion Rate Monitoring Data


    Course Leader: Hilman Ahmad

    This specially designed course will be conducted by Hilman Ahmad & Associates, an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Professional Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center, and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000. He has been delivering training course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.


    General Information

    Certificate of Appreciation

    All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.



    • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by Our Partner.

    • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.


    Dress Code

    Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



    • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

    • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

    • Interactive presentation with discussion

    • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

    • Lunch per day

    • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

    • Certificate of Completion

    • Local drop and pick up for arrival and departure between airport to hotel.

    • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment  (optional)

    • Exclusive flash disk


    Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

    • USD 1050,-/ Person,

    • Discount 10 % if register three or more persons from one company.

    • Discount 10 % if register before 17 June 2009

    • Registration deadline a weeks before training held.


    Minimum Participant

    This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)



    Bali | 7-10 July 2009 |USD 1050,-

    Designing a sucker rod pump installation is not an exact science; it is mostly an art. But it is a talent which can be easily acquired if care and attention are paid to what the well is telling us, and what we want to do with the well. The well conditions vary from one well to other, but the basic information required for a design does not. What we require from a particular well must, of course, be within the limits of the well in question.

    To summarize the state of the art of sucker rod pump technology. It included the example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solutions; it also listed an overview of conventional well productivity and Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) technology and is general introduction to the latest methods of production optimization using sucker rod pump technology.


    This course is mainly directed to the practicing professionals who make engineering calculations and decision on sucker rod pump application. For managers, the course helps to review the present state of the art. It also outlined some of new method in artificial technology that exist today. These gaps in technology will be useful for research engineers and research professionals to determine the areas of future research.


    I.            INTRODUCTION








    Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA graduated from Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB in 1979 and got his Doctorate Degree with honored in 1987 from Ecole Centrale de Lyon I, France . The topic of his thesis is Modelisation Numerique d'Ecoulements Polyphasiques en Milieux Poreux Application au Cas de Calcul des Champs de Pressions et de Saturations dans un Gisement de Petrole.

    For the time being, he became a lecturer in Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB. His subjects are Analysis and Numerical Method, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Simulation, Flu id Mechanic, Artificial Intelligence for Petroleum Engineering.

    He also gave many courses to the community, such as: basic reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation, basic production engineering, down hole well testing, statistic and numerical method for petroleum engineering, basic log interpretation, etc. He is a member of some profession organization such as: IATMI, SPE/EIME, IMA, HAIAI, FPS-USA, INAGA, and IGA.

    General Information

    Certificate of Appreciation

    All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.


    • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by Our Partner.

    • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

    • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.


    • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

    • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

    • Interactive presentation with discussion

    • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

    • Lunch per day

    • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

    • Certificate of Completion

    • Local drop and pick up for arrival and departure between airport to hotel.

    • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment  (Optional)

    • Exclusive flash disk.

    Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

    • USD 1050,-/ Person, discount 10 % if register three or more persons from one company.

    • Discount 10 % if register before 10 June 2009

    • Registration deadline a weeks before training held.

    Minimum Participant

    This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)