Rabu, 28 April 2010

Electrical Power System Analysis

Electrical Power System Analysis

Grand Preanger Hotel, Bandung | 17 - 20 Mei 2010 | Rp.7.250.000,-


The purpose of this course is to develop a thorough understanding of power system analysis and design as well as the overall capabilities of Power Station. Class room discussion and problem-solving has been designed to provide the analytical techniques necessary to solve a wide variety of practical problem. In this 5-day course the participant will:

  • Learn and get better understanding of electric power system operation and condition

  • Learn and better understanding the types of electric power configuration

  • Be able to calculate basic calculation of electric power system

  • Be able to analyze disturbance

  • Learn and better understanding of monitoring system and control

  • Learn and better understanding effect of load in power system


  • Electric power grid representation and characteristic

  • Type of electric power system configuration

  • Load shedding system and load analysis

  • Basic calculation in normal condition

  • Basic calculation in disturbance condition and disturbance analysis

  • Electrical Power System Monitoring Equipment


  • Electric Engineer/Supervisor/Superintendent

  • Power Plant Maintenance Engineer/Supervisor/Superintendent

  • Power Plant Operation Engineer/ Supervisor/ Superintendent

  • Everybody or professional who wants to broaden knowledge or gain Benefit from this course

Ir. Qamaruzzaman, MT and Team

Ir. Qamaruzzaman, MT graduated from Electrical Engineering, Bandung Institute Technology. He studied at Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany in 1979 to add has knowledge. He has been lectures and researcher at Department of Electrical Eng ITB since 1973. He has experience in PT. Sucofindo as senior Engineer for Perum Pelabuhan II Project, as senior Engineer, Feasibility study at PT. Spektra, etc. He is actives in IEEE Society Power Electronic, Industrial Engineer, ndustrial Application sine 1986

17 - 20 Mei 2010
4 days


Grand Preanger Hotel, Bandung

Tuition Fee

Rp.7.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

ASME Pressure Vessel: Design, Operation and Maintenance (PASTI JALAN)

ASME Pressure Vessel: Design, Operation and Maintenance

Ibis Slipi Hotel, Jakarta |  3 - 7 Mei 2010 | Rp. 8.250.000,-


  • Be able to calculate, analyze both stress and strength in pressure vessel design

  • Gain knowledge of proper material selection for pressure vessel application

  • Gain knowledge of welding code standard, which includes inspection, and testing

  • Gain better skill to operate, maintain, and repair of pressure vessel

  • Perform vessel inspection & maintenance per the applicable Codes and Standards

  • Familiar with instrumentation and control system commonly associated with vessel operation


Stress and Strength Analysis Calculation Code

  • Tube

  • Tube-Sheet

  • Shell head: Spherical; Hemispherical; Dished; Ellipsoidal; Torispherical; Conical; Toriconical

  • Shell joint with head

  • Shell joint with bracing and staying

  • Ligament on drum and shell

  • Openings

  • Reinforcement on shell and flat plate

  • Bolt on head

  • Wind load

  • Earth quake load

  • Support structure

  • Proof Test and Bursting Test


  • Material characteristics

  • Heat-treatment effect

  • Effect of alloy additive

  • ASME Material Code

  • Type of material and its selection


  • Type of welding

  • ASME Welding Code

  • Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

  • Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)

  • Quality control

  • AWS Classification

  • Weld joint efficiency

  • Welding defect and repair

NDT (Non Destructive Testing)

  • Welding Inspection

  • NDT Selection

  • Visual Radiography: Limitation; Code of weld joint radiography testing

  • Magnetic particle

  • Dye Penetrant

  • Ultrasonic

  • Eddy Current

  • Acoustic Emission

  • Destructive Testing

Operational Aspects

  • Process characteristic consideration

  • Start-up procedure

  • Observation and shut- down


  • Code of instrumentation for: Pressure gauge; Temperature gauge; Flow meter; Level metering; Density

  • Control: Manual, regulating and control valve; Sensor; Transmitter; Actuator and control

  • ASME Code for control valve: Valve material; Valve selection; Installation; Setting and test

  • Safety and Safety Devices: Alarm indicator, Interlocks; Hard restraints; Restraint of chemical reaction; Pressure relief valve; Pressure safety valve; ASME Code for safety valve; pressure and vacuum relief valve

Effect of Stress and Operating Condition on Pressure Vessel

  • Fatigue cracking

  • Hydrogen embritlement

  • Hydrogen embritlement of welds

  • Crack due to welding

  • Creep

  • Corrosion

  • Type of corrosion on pressure vessel

  • Pitting

  • Crevice

  • Inter-granular

  • Fatigue corrosion

  • Stainless Steel corrosion

  • Corrosion inhibitor

Inspection, Repair and Maintenance

  • Inspection: Inspection of internal and external physical data; Inspection preparation; Safety in performing internal inspection

  • Inspection procedure

  • Inspection interval

  • NDT

  • Hydro test

  • Pneumatic test

  • Leak test

  • Stainless steel overlaid inspection and lined vessel

  • Rotating roll inspection

  • Low-pressure vessel inspection and heat exchanger

  • Maintenance: Preventive maintenance high pressure plant; Predictive maintenance; Maintenance organization; Safety on weldment and cutting; Maintenance management; Maintenance supervision

  • Repair: Pitting repair; Crack repair; Heat exchanger repair; Welding repair to stainless steel; Repair involving dissimilar metals; Management support of pressure vessel safety system


  • Engineer, supervisor, superintendent, and manager of power plant, process plant in refinery, petrochemical, marine, pulp & paper, sugar cane, palm oil

  • Maintenance and Operation Engineer, Supervisor, Superintendent

  • Design Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Process Engineer

  • Everybody who wants to take benefits from this course


DR. Ir. Tri Wibowo, M.Sc graduated from Metallurgy Engineering of Mining Department, Institute of Technology Bandung in 1979. After graduated from ITB he worked as Research Engineer. In 1985 he took master degree in Tribology of Metallurgy and Material Engineering Department, Vanderbilt, Nashville, Tennessee University USA and Five years latter he continued his study by taking PhD degree in Mechanic Metallurgy and Material Engineering Department, KU, Leuven, Belgie.

In his study periods he had a lot of experiences in industrial, for example, in 1980 he was a Research Engineer. In the same time he responsible for Material Identification, In-Situ Metallographic, Remaining Life Assessment and Failure analysis in refinery plants of many cases in oil and gas industries. From 1999 on, he is a leader of laboratory for failure Analysis and Remaining Life Assessment (FARLA)

As a matter of fact, he is a lecturer in Post Graduate on Manufacturing in Mechanical Department of ISTN (National Institute for Science and Technology). Other than teaching, he actives as a free-lance instructor for educations, trainings or courses in the field of material of selection, failure analysis and remaining life assessment, tribology and material testing. Mr. Wibowo is also active as member of Expert Committee in INDOCOR (Indonesian Corrosion Association) and Indonesian Engineer Association member (PII). Lot of his experiences in the field of failure analysis so he published many papers in the field of failure analysis, remaining life assessment, fatigue of metal, corrosion and related topics in journals, seminars or symposium in Indonesia.


April 5-9, 2010
5 days

Ibis Slipi Hotel, Jakarta

Tuition Fee

Rp. 8.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

Gas Lift And Production Optimization (PASTI JALAN)

Gas Lift And Production Optimization

Ibis Malioboro Hotel,Yogyakarta | May 3-7, 2010 | Rp.8.250.000,-


  • The objective of this course is to provide comprehensive coverage of Gas Lift design in Production Optimization. The latest technology multi phase flow and inflow well performance is covered.

  • Continuous flow and intermittent lift including valve mechanics are emphasized. Theory and applications are balance throughout. Example problems are discussed, and others worked out by participants.



  • Reservoir Deliverability

  • Productivity Index and Vogel IPR

  • Effect of Reservoir Pressure and Water Cut


  • Basic flow Regimes

  • Horizontal, Vertical and Inclined

  • Graphical Gradient Curves and their Applications


  • Design and Operation

  • Temperature and Effect on the Design

  • Setting and Testing


  • Operating Principles and Unloading

  • Valve Spacing

  • Optimization


  • Gas and Pressure Requirement

  • Wireline Surveys

  • Surface Recorders

  • Compressor Facility Design


Engineers, Supervisor/ Superintendent, Petroleum, Production, Operational, Maintenance

Dr.Ir. Drs. Herianto, MSc

Dr.Ir. Drs. Herianto, MSc is a Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering, UTM, SKUDAI, Malaysia. Magister Engineer in Petroleum Engineering, specially Drilling Engineering at ITB. Team Leader Project Technical Proposal and Financial Evaluation WKP Geothermal Prospect Tangkuban Perahu, Cisolok Sukarame and Tampomas, Instructor Public and Inhouse Training at Drilling, Completion and Production program Pipeline, Refinery, Oil and Gas Economic Evaluation. PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia, CNOOC SES, Petrochina Int Bermuda, PT. PERTAMINA EP, Medco Energy, BP, Kondur Petroleum SE, Sclumberger, BP MIGAS. Engineering Consultant PT. Juang Jaya, PT. Arto Moro, PT. Indolas, PT. Promosindo Media Tenaga for Project Oil and Gas Exploration and Geothermal cement. Coordinator and Team Research Project Pertamina Geothermal. Head Formation Evaluation laboratory, Petroleum Eng. Dept.UPN Yogya. Lecture at UPN: Drilling, Offshore Drilling, Geothermal Drilling Production Operation.

May 3-7, 2010
5 days

Ibis Malioboro Hotel,Yogyakarta

Tuition Fee
Rp.8.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Legal Aspect on Oil & Gas Industry

Legal Aspect on Oil & Gas Industry (Batch 3)

Hotel Atlet Century Park , Jakarta | 5 & 6 Mei   2010 | Rp. 3.500.000,-

Latar Belakang

Workshop tentang aspek hukum dalam industri minyak dan gas merupakan pelatihan komprehensif untuk memperdalam pengetahuan kita dalam aspek hukum minyak & gas industry. Workshop ini akan diselenggarakan dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia dan diberikan oleh ahli hukum dan para otoritas yang berpengalaman dan menangani kasus dan terlibat dalam industri minyak dan gas bumi.

Setelah mengikuti Workshop ini, peserta diharapkan untuk dapat memiliki keahlian hukum dalam rangka memahami aspek hukum minyak dan gas termasuk mengerti dan memahami: (i) berbagai jenis kontrak yang umum digunakan dalam industri minyak dan gas bumi (TAC, PSC, JOB, JOA, EOR ); (ii) peran dan kewenangan Badan Pengatur Minyak dan Gas yaitu BP Migas dan BPH Migas, (iii) cara untuk memperoleh wilayah pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi; (iv) berbagai kewajiban kontraktor kepada pemerintah; ( v) karakteristik kegiatan hulu dan hilir (eksplorasi, eksploitasi, pengolahan, pengangkutan, penyimpanan dan penjualan); (vi) kegiatan penciutan wilayah pertambangan, pembebasan lahan, (vii) cost recovery, AFE, WPB, POD, ROW; (viii) berbagai peraturan dan isu-isu penting yang wajib diketahui dan dipahami dalam melakukan LDD di perusahaan minyak dan gas, dan (ix) berbagai pembatasan dan peraturan yang berlaku dalam kerangka penggabungan dan pengambilalihan perusahaan minyak dan gas.


Target Peserta

Target peserta yang diharapkan dalam Workshop ini adalah berasal dari :

  1. Perwakilan dari perusahaan Minyak dan Gas Bumi

  2. Pengacara dan Konsultan Hukum

  3. Mahasiswa dari Universitas

  4. Masyarakat Umum yang tertatik dalam bidang Minyak dan Gas Bumi



  • Didi Setiarto (Penasehat Hukum Utama BP MIGAS)

  • Ir. Madjedi Hasan (Konsultant Pertambangan)

  • Syarif Hidayatullah (Partners dari Hidayat & Partners)

  • Hanim Hamzah * (Partners dari Roosdiono & Partners)

(*) dalam konfirmasi


Waktu dan Tempat


  • Rabu & Kamis, 5 & 6 Mei   2010

  • Pukul : 09.00 – 16.30



Hotel Atlet Century Park, Ruang Boardroom 4
Jl. Pintu I – Senayan



Normal Price : Rp. 3.500.000,-


Nilai Investasi sudah termasuk :

  • Konferensi Kit + Tas Ekslusif

  • Lunch & Coffe Break

  • Sertifikat

  • CD Hasil Kegiatan dan Foto Kelas Workshop

  • Souvenir



Hari ke - 1

08.30 – 09.00

Registrasi dan Coffe Morning

09.00 – 09.05


09.05 – 12.00

Sesi I

Aspek aspek Hukum Terkait Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi:

  1. Memahami perbedaan karakteristik dari Kontrak-kontrak bagi hasil pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi seperti : TAC (Technical Assistant Contract);PSC (Production Sharing Contract); JOB (Joint Operating Body); JOA (Joint Operating Aggreement); EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery)

  2. Memahami peranan, Kewenangan dan Kewajiban BP Migas dan BPH migas terkait perusahaan Migas

Didi Setiarto

(Penasehat Hukum Utama BP MIGAS)

12.00 – 13.00

Istirahat dan Makan Siang

13.00 – 16.30

Sesi II

Aspek aspek Hukum Terkait Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi:

  1. Memahami karakteristik kegiatan usaha hulu dan usaha hilir yang terdiri dari : Eksplorasi; Eksploitasi; Pengelolaan; Pengangkutan; Penyimpanan; Niaga

  2. Memahami berbagai kewajiban kontraktor kepada Negara termasuk iuran Eksplorasi; Eksploitasi; nilai bagi hasil dan perpajakan

  3. Memahami proses pengajuan sebuah wilayah kerja pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi

  4. memahami kewajiban relienquismant wilayah kerja bagi kontraktor pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi.

  5. memahami konsep cost recovery, work program and budget, AFE, P.O.D, ROW (righ of way), (authorization financial expenditure)

Pembicara :

Ir. Madjedi Hasan

(Konsultant Pertambangan)

Hari ke - 2

09.00 – 12.00

Sesi III :

Hal hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam melakukan legal Audit pada perusahaan pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi

  1. Peraturan- peraturan terkait dengan UU Migas dan pelaksanaannya

  2. Pemerintah dan pihak – pihak berwenang lainnya yang terkait dalam usaha Migas

  3. Hal –hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam melakukan legal audit perusahaan minyak dan Gas Bumi seperti aspek – aspek material contract, employee, environmental, financial report, asset-asset, perselisihan di bisang oil & gas, perticipacing interest, carry and repayment aspek, JOA (Joint Operating Aggrement, PROPER dan lain lain)

Syarif Hidayatullah

(Partners dari Hidayat & Partners)

12.00 - -13.00

Istirahat dan makan siang

13.00 – 16.00

Sesi IV

Merger dan Akuisisi perusahaan Migas

  1. Persyaratan yang harus diperhatikan sehubungan dengan pengalihan saham atau participating interest dalam perusahaan Migas dan Merger perusahaan Migas;

  2. Pembatasan-pembatasan yang diperhatikan sehubungan dengan pengalihan saham atau participating interest dalam perusahaan Migas dan merger perusahaan Migas;

  3. Persetujuan-persetujuan yang diperhatikan sehubungan dengan pengalihan saham atau participating  interest dalam perusahaan Migas dan merger perusahaan Migas;

  4. Peraturan terkait akuisisi atau merger perusahaan Migas;

  5. Hal- hal penting lainnya yang harus dipahami dan diperhatikan dalam melakukan akuisisi atau merger  perusahaan Migas.

Hanim Hamzah *

(Partners dari Roosdiono & Partners)

16.00 – 16.15

Penutupan acara

(*) dalam konfirmasi

Technical Aspect of Plan of Development (POD) for Oil Industry

Technical Aspect of Plan of Development (POD) for Oil Industry

Plaza Hotel, Jogjakarta | June 01-03, 2010 | US$ 880.00/person



Plan of Development (POD) is a Development Plan for one or more oil and gas field an integrated to develop or produce hydrocarbons reserves optimally by considering the technical aspects in one or more oil and gas field in accordance with the point of view of technology and economic determination and evaluation.



  • Introduction

    • Geology and Geophysics (G&G) Aspects

    • Petrophysic data and parameters

    • Fracture analysis from petrophysic data

    • Petrophysisc validation and cut-off determination

    • Data input for geology modeling

    • Dual porosity model

    • Facies model

    • Porosity and permeability distribution model

  • Reservoir Engineering Aspects to POD

    • Petroleum system

    • Reservoir rock and fluid properties

    • Reserve estimations

    • Reservoir drive mechanisms

  • Validation and Data Production Analysis

    • Well status and well history

    • Decline analysis

    • Decline analysis application on field optimization

    • Field development justification based on production data

  • Development Plan and Reservoir Simulation

    • Data preparation

    • Initialization

    • History matching

    • Forecasting/prediction

  • Economic Evaluation and Analysis

  • Case Study



Everyone who wants to understand about overall technical aspect of POD from petroleum geologist, reservoir and production engineers, and they are in their daily job need this material which related with this course.



Dr. Ir. Dedy Kristanto, M.Sc is a Lecturer of Petroleum Engineering Department at UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. He accomplished his Bachelor Degree from Petroleum Engineering Department UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Master Degree specialized on Reservoir Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology and hold Doctor of Philosophy especially in Reservoir Engineering and Enhanced Oil Recovery from University Technology Malaysia. He is also as a Course Instructor, Consultant and Technical Advisor for oil and gas industry.


Registration Fee

  • Registration Deadline: May 27, 2010

  • US$ 880.00/person for 1 (one) Participant

Fee includes the following:

  • Three-day registration fee for all Training sessions

  • Lunch per day

  • Daily coffee/tea breaks

  • Integrated Quality Training Materials (SOFTCOPY AND HARDCOPY)

  • Quality Training Kits

  • Convenient Training Facilites

  • Certifícate of  Compleción.


Kamis, 22 April 2010



Harris Hotel Tebet / The Park Lane Hotel Casablanca, Jakarta | Jum'at, 26-04-2010 | Rp 1.650.000,- (Full Fare)


Pernahkan Anda menghitung berapa kerugian yang diakibatkan karena kerusakan mesin atau peralatan saat proses produksi berlangsung? Kemudian bagaimana jika proses perbaikan yang dilakukan terganggu karena ketiadaan spare part?

Nilai kerugiaan atas kejadian tersebut, dipastikan sangat besar. Tidak hanya kerugiaan yang dapat dihitung, juga kerugian yang tak dapat dihitung seperti image dan kepercayaan pelanggan.

Maka demikian, penerapan program perawatan mesin atau peralatan yang efektif, serta pengendalian manajemen suku cadang (spare part management) menjadi sangat penting. Pengendalian suku cadang ini dalam hal : penentuan keputusan suatu barang diperlukan, termasuk perlu atau tidaknya melakukan penyimpanan, kepada siapa pembelian dilakukan, kapan dilakukan pemesanan, apa dan berapa yang dipesan, tingkat dan jaminan mutu suku cadang yang diperlukan, anggaran suku cadang, dan sebagainya.


Sasaran Program :

  • Memahami dan mampu melakukan perawatan mesin yang efektif

  • Memahami strategi penyediaan barang

  • Memahami dan mampu melakukan pengendalian suku cadang

  • Mampu menyediakan barang yang diperlukan dalam proses overhaul

  • Mampu mengelola suku cadang dengan efisien


Metode Pelatihan :
Presentasi materi, studi kasus, latihan, diskusi kelompok, presentasi kelompok


Who should attend ?
General Manager, Manager, Supervisor, Group Leader, Section Head, Team Leader : Production, PPIC, Quality, Warehouse, Maintenance/Engineering, Purchasing, General Affair.


Outline :

1. Strategi Penyediaan Barang

- Barang Persediaan

- Trend Perubahan Manajemen Persediaan

- Klasifikasi Manajemen Persediaan

- Perawatan dan Pemeliharaan

2. Pengendalian Persediaan Suku Cadang

- Spare part Management & Logistik Terpadu

- Klasifikasi Suku Cadang

- Klasifikasi Peralatan

- Perhitungan Pergantian Persediaan

- Administratsi suku cadang

3. Pengendalian Keperluan Overhaul

- Jenis pemeliharaan Peralatan

- Proses perencanaan overhaul

- Penggunaan rumus Pemesanan

- Surplus barang overhaul

- Pengontrakan overhaul

4. Persediaan pengaman dan Kodifikasi Barang

- Biaya persediaan pengaman

- Persediaan pengaman tersembunyi

- Perhitungan persediaan pengaman

- Jenis kodifikasi barang

- Keuntungan kodifikasi


Course Leader :

Profesional konsultan yang memfokuskan diri pada bidang Productivity & Quality Management. Dudung pernah bekerja di Quality Assurance Department, PT. LG Innotek Indonesia – Quality Control Engineer, dan Konsultan Manajemen Kualitas dan Produktivitas pada PQM Consultants, Jakarta. Saat ini, selain sebagai associate consultant, juga menjadi Management Innovation Manager pada sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang chemical dan bio diesel. Dudung adalah lulusan dari Fakultas Teknik Industri, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung, dan mendapatkan Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (SSMBB) dari International Quality Federation (IQF), Amerika Serikat. Untuk menambah wawasan pengetahuannya, Dudung pernah aktif sebagai Sekretaris Eksekutif pada Komunitas EDAS (Eksplorasi Dinamika & analisa Sosial), dan mengajar di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam “45” dan STT Mitra Karya Bekasi. Klien-klien yang telah ditanganinya antara lain : Pencil Lead Indonesia, Goodyear Indonesia, Cometa Can Indonesia, Gramedia Majalah, Sumitomo Electric Wintec Indonesia, DuPont Powder Coatings Indonesia, American Standard Indonesia, Yasulor Indonesia, Linfox Indonesia, Bumimulia Indah Lestari, Sumatera Prima Fibreboard, Indofarma, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Biotis Agrindo, Bank Mandiri, Indonesia Steel Tube Work, Danone Dairy Indonesia, Federal Nittan Indonesia, Actavis Indonesia, Trac Astra, Inter Aneka Kimia Lestari, Schneider Indonesia, Sanyo Prescision Batam, Eterindo Wahanatama, Saitama Stamping Indonesia.


Jadual & Lokasi :
Jum'at, 26-04-2010
Harris Hotel Tebet / The Park Lane Hotel Casablanca

Fee/Investasi :

  • Rp 1.650.000,- (Full Fare)

  • Early Bird Rp 1.450.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 18 April 2010

  • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 2.600.000 untuk pendaftaran  2 orang peserta

  • BONUS Exclusive Organizer


Rabu, 21 April 2010

Field Water Management in Oil & Gas Industry: Safe Handling-Treatment-Disposal

Field Water Management in Oil & Gas Industry

Safe Handling-Treatment-Disposal

Bandung | June 8-11, 2010 | IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person


A comprehensive course, which deals with produced water treatment and handling within the overall context of oil production operations, it provides a brief review of water in the reservoir and the methods by which water is produced to allow forecasting of rates for equipment sizing considerations. Includes review of Water Chemistry, Sampling Procedures, Scales, Waxes, Corrosion, Bacteria, Inhibitors and Treatments, Surface Equipment for Oil and Water Handling, Separation, Emulsions and Treatment, of Water, Disposal Practices.



Process Engineers, Laboratory Chemists, Pipeline and Production Engineers, Hydro-Geologists, Environmental advisers, Production Geologists and individuals involved in handling, Treating and Disposal of Produced Water.



In this practical course participants will learn from and discuss with professional instructor the following subjects:

1. Proper Water Sampling

Sample Containers, Sample Amount, On –Site Analysis, Source of Produced Water

2. Water Treating

Use of Water in Oil Recovery, Required Water Quality, Source of Injection Water, Problems with Injection Water, Typical Treatment Systems, Open VS closed Systems

3. Water Disposal Practices

Introduction, Production Formation, Re-Injection into the Production Formation, Selection of Other, Deep Well Disposal Formations, Disposal Well Completions, Offshore Disposal, Other Disposal Practices

4. Scales

Sources of Scales, Scales Deposition and Identification, Scales Removal, Scale Control, Scale Inhibitors, Predicting Scale Formation, Treating Problems, Squeeze Treatments

5. Treatment and other Tests

Scale Inhibitors, Information Requirements, Types of Inhibitors, Methods of Treatment, Selecting the Inhibitors, System Monitoring

6. Corrosion Fundamentals

Definitions and Forms, Electro-Chemical, Corrosion, Factors in Corrosion, Types of Corrosion Control, Factors Governing Oil-well Corrosion, Choosing the correct Corrosion Inhibitor

7. Bacteria

Introduction, Types of Organisms, Recognition of Bacterial Problems, Detection of Microorganisms, Sampling Procedure, Controlling Microbial Corrosion

8. Wax

What Is It?, Problems associated with wax, Wax Formation and its Removal, Control of Deposition, Screening Test, Points to watch for wax problems

9. Surface Tension

Reservoir Wettability, Capillarity and Repartition, Irreducible Water Saturation, Displacement Pressure, Displacement of Oil, Relationship between Permeability and Fluid Saturations, Reservoir Fluid Properties

10. Surface Equipment – Oil Handling

Flow Lines and Test Separators, Free Water Knock Outs, Heaters and Heater Treaters, Cheme-Electric, Gun-barrels Storage, Tanks and Oil Metering

11. An Overview of Geology and Hydrocarbon accumulation

Introduction, Classification of Rock, Origin and Habitat of Oil, Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Subsurface Mapping, Reservoir Temperature and Pressure

12. Relative Permeability and Saturations

What is an Emulsion, Formation of an Emulsion, Breaking the Emulsion, Action of chemical Demulsifiers, Selecting the Best Demulsifier, Bottle tests

13. Reservoir Drive Mechanisms

Oil Reservoirs, Solution Gas Reservoir, Gas Cap Expansion Reservoirs, Water Drive Reservoirs, Recovery Efficiencies, Pressure Maintenance and Secondary Recovery Schemes, Water Production



Wahyu Priatna Affandi is experienced Instructor, who succeeds in combining the experience of practitioner with ability adequate academic. He has experience more than 25 years as a practitioner in Petroleum Industries. After he graduated from ITB, he started his career as a Production Operation Engineer in HUFFCO-Indonesia and then he joined VICO Indonesia for more than 19 years (as a Reservoir Engineer, Tanker Coordinator until as a Senior Environmental Coordinator for Kalimantan Operations). He also spent his 3 years career in LASMO Indonesia as Environmental Specialist and ended his career in Oil & Gas Company as an advisor in ISO-14001 Audit & Certification Developing Environmental Program, Risk Assessment, Training, Waste Management and Community Development, in ENI Indonesia.


General Information

Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.


Documentation & Dress Code

  • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.

  • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

  • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

  • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

  • Interactive presentation with discussion

  • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

  • Lunch per day

  • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

  • Certificate of Completion

  • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment (Optional)

  • Exclusive flash disk.


Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

  • IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person

  • Registration deadline a weeks before training held.


Minimum Participant

This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)


Electric Power System Protection

Electric Power System Protection

Bandung | June 8-11, 2010 | IDR 7.250.000,-/ Person



Construction of generation plants, transmission and distribution of electrical energy systems is a costly business. At both levels of national grid systems and local industrial plants, two important aspects are at the heart of this strategic industry. These are the reliability of energy delivery to meet customers’ demands and safe operation. At different stages of energy processing i.e. at the generation, transmission and energy delivery stage, protection of personnel and equipment is of prime importance. To achieve these goals, protection schemes are to be employed. The philosophy adopted in any protection scheme is to clear faults with a minimum system disruption, at a high speed, and in a simple and economical way. The course deals with different types of protection schemes used in large networks and those adopted in industrial plants. It describes some of the important components such as relays, comparators and other protective gears, and techniques and calculations used for their settings. The course also reflects on recent development and what are new in this important field of electricity industry.


The following sees the benefits from this course:

On organizational level

  • It introduces the subject of protection as an art where technical and economical constraints are to be met and compromised to achieve certain engineering requirements.

  • Learn to develop and manage well-protected plants that lead to a higher security, less outages and hence better profitability.

  • The course introduces new technologies used in relaying systems such as microprocessor and computer relaying which put organizations at the forefront of modern electricity industries.

  • Helps organizations in making appropriate decisions at times of system expansion or in situations where new developments become necessary.

  • Help organizations to understand causes of system failures, means available for remedies and hence better system management and operation with minimum investment.

Personal Impact

  • Introduces and acquaints attendees with different components used in protection schemes.

  • Ability to perform some basic essential calculations required for relay settings.

  • Establishes confidence in dealing with protection schemes installed for protecting personnel equipment to grantee flow of energy.

  • Learn how to assess protection performance.

  • Add knowledge on how to improve security level by designing better protection systems with aim to improve performance.

  • Learn about error sources introduced by some protection scheme components and how to overcome them.


Fundamentals of Protection Practice and Basic Technology

  • Protective Gear.

  • Reliability

  • Selectivity

  • Speed, Stability and Sensitivity

  • Circuit quantities & conventions

  • Fault calculations

CTs Requirements

  • Error in CTs and compensation

  • Accuracy limit current of CTs

  • Class X CTs and linear CTs

  • Transients in CTs

  • Practical conditions

Static Relays

  • Circuits using analogue techniques

  • Digital techniques

  • Output and Tripping circuits

  • Electrical Interference

  • Future trends

Protection Schemes and substation design diagrams

  • Generator protection

  • Motor protection

  • Transformer protection

  • Line Protection

  • Substation Design Diagrams

Differential protection

  • Classification of differential protection

  • Direction comparison

  • Circulating current and balanced voltage systems

  • Transformer differential protection

  • Differential protection for generators and rotating machines

  • Line differential protection

  • Busbar-differential protection

  • Differential system with multiple restraint

  • High impedance differential system

Industrial Power System Protection

  • Busbar arrangement

  • Discrimination

  • HRC fuses

  • Industrial circuit-breakers

  • Infeed fault current from induction motor

  • Automatic changeover systems

  • Voltage and phase reversal protection

  • Private generation

Installation, testing and maintenance of protection systems

  • Installation of protection equipment

  • Testing protection schemes.

  • Pre-commissioning tests,

  • Installation resistance measurements

  • Secondary injection tests

  • C.Ts tests

  • Periodic maintenance

  • Setting and testing numerical protection


Managers involved with energy management, Electrical engineers and Technical Staff who have to deal with the aspect of electrical and industrial power system protection, control and operation.


Ir. Qamaruzzaman, MT and Team

Ir. Qamaruzzaman, MT graduated from Electrical Engineering, Bandung Institute Technology. He studied at Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany in 1979 to add has knowledge. He has been lectures and researcher at Department of Electrical Eng ITB since 1973. He has experience in PT. Sucofindo as senior Engineer for Perum Pelabuhan II Project, as senior Engineer, Feasibility study at PT. Spektra, etc. He is actives in IEEE Society Power Electronic, Industrial Engineer, ndustrial Application sine 1986.


General Information

Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.



  • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.

  • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.


Dress Code

Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

  • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

  • Interactive presentation with discussion

  • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

  • Lunch per day

  • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

  • Certificate of Completion

  • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment  (optional)

  • Exclusive flash disk.


Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

  • IDR 7.250.000,-/ Person

  • Registration deadline a weeks before training held.


Minimum Participant

This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)


Selasa, 20 April 2010


KARTIKA CHANDRA HOTEL – Jakarta |  19  s/d  20  Mei   2010 | Rp.  3. 950.000,-

Course Contents and Descriptions

  1. IS Audit Process : Provide IS audit services in accordance with IS audit standards, guidelines, and best practices to assist the organization in ensuring that its information technology and business systems are protected and controlled

  2. IT Governance : To provide assurance that the organization has the structure, policies, accountability, mechanisms, and monitoring practices in place to achieve the requirements of corporate governance of IT

  3. System and Infrastructure Life cycle : To provide assurance that the management practices for the development/acquisition, testing, implementation, maintenance, and disposal of systems and infrastructure will meet the organization's objectives.

  4. IT Service Delivery and Support : To provide assurance that the IT service management practices will ensure the delivery of the level of services required to meet the organization's objectives

  5. Protection of Information Assets : To provide assurance that the security architecture (policies, standards, procedures, and controls) ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.

  6. Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery : To provide assurance that in the event of a disruption the business continuity and disaster recovery processes will ensure the timely resumption of IT services while minimizing impact.

Target Audience  :

IT Operation Manager, MIS Manager, Internal Auditor, IT Operation functional roles.

Tuition Fee  :

  • Rp.  3. 950.000,- atau

  • Paket penginapan 3 malam Rp. 5.750.000,-


Senin, 19 April 2010



Jogjakarta | June 1-4, 2010 | IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person

1.  Introduction

  • Effect of Logging Data/Information to Drilling Operation and Production Operation

  • Logging Data to Optimize Drilling Operation

  • Logging Data to Determine Problems during Production

2. Formation Evaluation in Open Hole

  • Fluid Reservoir Characteristics

  • Permeable, impermeable and Shale Layer Identification

  • Interpretation relationship Basic

  • Porosity and Mineral Identification Determination

  • Summary of Loss-Circulation Identification with Temperature Log

3.  Formation Evaluation on Cased Hole

  • Cement Strength Measurement tool

  • Limitation, Measurement and Interpretation

4.  Logging Tools Production

  • Lithology Data Logging

  • Logging for Reservoir/Information  Data

  • Neutron Lifetime Log (NLL)

  • Temperature Log

  • Radial-Differential temperature Log

  • Noise Log

5.  Fluid Location and Condition within Pipe

  • One Phase Flow with Pipe

  • Multi Phase Flow within Pipe

  • Spinner-Flow Meter Logging



Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA graduated from Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB in 1979 and got his Doctorate Degree with honored in 1987 from Ecole Centrale de Lyon I, France . The topic of his thesis is Modelisation Numerique d'Ecoulements Polyphasiques en Milieux Poreux Application au Cas de Calcul des Champs de Pressions et de Saturations dans un Gisement de Petrole.

For the time being, he became a lecturer in Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB. His subjects are Analysis and Numerical Method, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Simulation, Flu id Mechanic, Artificial Intelligence for Petroleum Engineering.

He also gave many courses to the community, such as: basic reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation, basic production engineering, down hole well testing, statistic and numerical method for petroleum engineering, basic log interpretation, etc. He is a member of some profession organization such as: IATMI, SPE/EIME, IMA, HAIAI, FPS-USA, INAGA, and IGA.

General Information

Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.


  • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by Our Partner

  • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

  • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.


  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

  • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

  • Interactive presentation with discussion

  • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

  • Lunch per day

  • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

  • Certificate of Completion

  • Local drop and pick up for arrival and departure between airport to hotel.

  • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment  (Optional)

  • Exclusive flash disk.

Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

  • IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person

  • Registration deadline a weeks before training held

Minimum Participant

This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)

Minggu, 18 April 2010



Santika Hotel / Novotel Hotel,  Surabaya | Tuesday-Wednesday, 25-26 Mei 2010 | 08.30 am - 04.00 pm | Rp. 2.500.000,-

Seminar / Workshop Description :

Mesin merupakan faktor produksi yang sangat vital. Perlu pengendalian yang seksama dan priodik untuk menjaga kapabilitasnya. Adalah tugas bagian perawatan (maintenance), untuk menyusun dan melakukan proses Perencanaan, Penjadwalan dan Pengendalian Perawatan Mesin secara efektif dan efisien.

Biaya perawatan mesin dalam struktur biaya perusahaan, seringkali tidak kecil. Maka dari itu, banyak perusahaan kurang memperhatikan perawatan mesin secara komprehensif. Padahal, sangat besar dampak kerugian yang didapatkan, jika mesin tersebut rusak ketika sedang beroperasi.

Pada training ini ditujukan untuk membekali para praktisi bagian perawatan dalam hal perencanaan, penjadwalan, dan pengendalian perawatan mesin, sehingga dapat menekan biaya perawatan dan perbaikan mesin.

Pelatihan Ini Sangat Penting Bagi :

  • • Bagian Maintenance, Engineering, dan Teknisi.

Topik Bahasan :
1. Maintenance Program
a. Types of Maintenance Activities
b. Role of the Maintenance Planner/Controller
c. Serving the User/Customer

2. Preventive Maintenance (PM)
a. Benefits and Principles
b. Scheduling PM Work
c. PM System Operation and Documentation
d. Maintenance Documentation Model
e. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
f. Role of the Maintenance Planner in TPM

3. Planning and Scheduling of Major Maintenance Work
a. Network Analysis and the Critical Path Method
b. Bar Charting and the Optimization of Resources
c. How to Set and Use Maintenance Standards

4. Life Cycle Cost of Equipment
a. Definition of Capital Budgeting and Cost of Capital
b. Maintenance Investment Rate of Return
i. Accounting Rate of Return (ARR)
ii. Pay Back Period
iii. Net Present Value (NPV)
iv. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
c. Replacement of Equipment

5. Planning and Controlling Maintenance Materials
a. Inventory Ordering and Control
b. Storage, Counting and Issuing
c. Spare part management

6. Safety in Maintenance
a. Planning and Control for Safety
b. Causes and Cost of Accidents

7. Controlling Maintenance Work
a. Types of Control
b. Control Documentation
c. Measuring the Performance of a Maintenance Department
d. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that Count in Maintenance

Method of Training
Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan.

Speaker :

Berpengalaman dalam implementasi manajemen produktivitas dan kualitas di perusahaan baik nasional maupun multi nasional. Telah membantu banyak perusahaan dalam implementasi Total Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing (Toyota Production System), Six Sigma Management, Gemba Kaizen, Supply Chain dan Material Management.



  • Full Fare Rp. 2.500.000 per peserta,

  • Pembayaran termasuk ; Sertifikat, seminar kit, makan siang, coffee break,

  • Special Discount:

    • Rp 2.300.000,- per peserta (Lunas 10 hari sebelum training)

    • Rp 2.200.000,- per peserta (Group minimal 3 peserta)

  • BONUS : CD Materi dalam format PDF



Golden Flower Hotel, BANDUNG | May 04-06 2010 | US$  770,-

The Key issues of contract are the ownership of hydrocarbons and state sovereignty of natural resources, goals of petroleum policy, state participation, petroleum authorities, the role of national companies, exploration and production regulations.

Contractual systems consist of concession contract, production contractual contracts and other contractual form. Mostly, Production Sharing Contracts are applied in Indonesia. However, other contractual from can also be applied. Petroleum is common property resources, therefore its management should give greatest benefit for the people.


  • Dynamics of Petroleum Business

  • Profit Indicators

  • Government Take from Tax and non Tax

  • Important Issues on Law, Fiscal and Frame work of Upstream Petroleum Contracts

  • General Assessment on Petroleum Exploitation and Production Concession

  • Production Sharing Contract

  • Other Contractual Systems

  • Comparison between Systems

  • Petroleum Contracts in Indonesia


  • Financial Analyst

  • Project Engineering and Economic Team

  • Development Planning Team

  • Geophysicist and Geologist

  • Reservoir Engineers, Production Engineers and Drilling Engineers

  • Anybody who wish to learn the course subjects



Widjajono Partowidagdo is a Professor in Petroleum Economics and Field Management at the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), a member of National Energy Council, a member of Supervision Team for Increasing Petroleum Production at Ministry of  Energy and Mineral Resources and advisor for Association of Petroleum National Companies and Indonesian Petroleum Engineers Association.

He was the Head of the Research Group in Drilling and Production Engineering and Management of Oil and Gas at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology, ITB from 2005-2007, Head of Graduate Program in Development Studies ITB from 1993-2004, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Mining Technology and Senate Member of ITB from 1994-1997 and Coordinator for Research in Sustainable Development at the Inter-University Center for Economics, University of Indonesia from 1989-1992.

He received his Bachelor in Petroleum Engineering from ITB, MSc in Petroleum Engineering, MSc in Operations Research, MA in Economics and PhD with a dissertation on â€Å“An Oil and Gas Supply and Economics Model for Indonesia” from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.

He has written three books (in Indonesian):  Management and Economy of Oil and Gas, 2002; Understanding Development and Policy Analysis, 2004; and Petroleum and Energy in Indonesia, Problems and Policy Analysis, 2009. He was a coordinating author of Agenda 21, Energy for Sustainable Development, Coordinating Ministry of Environment and UNDP, 2000.

Registration Fee:

  • Registration until April 27, 2010

  • US$  770,-/participant

  • Exclude accommodation

For additional course dates and locations, and registration please contact:



Majapahit Hotel / JW Marriot Hotel Surabaya | Rabu, 26-05-2010 - Kamis, 27-05-2010 | Rp 3.150.000,-


Industri manufaktur dituntut untuk melakukan perbaikan proses guna mencapai efisiensi, kualitas dan pengiriman tepat waktu. Sistem manajemen perencanaan (Production Planning & Inventory Control) yang baik merupakan kunci sukses industri manufaktur dalam bersaing.

Program pelatihan ini memberikan konsep, prinsip dan praktek penerapan PPIC dengan contoh kasus menarik.


Metode Pelatihan :
Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan serta pemutaran video.


Who should attend ?
Manufacturing Manager, Production Planner, Material Manager, Material Controller, Master Scheduler






  • Qualitative method

  • Quantitative method

  • Forecasting vs product life cycle

  • Moving average method

  • Tracking forecast

  • Menghitung forecast error


  • Why we need sales & operation plan

  • Who involve in S&OP

  • 5 langkah S&OP bulanan









  • Tujuan MRP

  • Input MRP

  • Where used & pegging

  • Net requirement, exploding & offsetting




Pengalaman 20 tahun dalam bidang manufacturing beberapa perusahaan MNC seperti Mitsubishi Electric, Sony, Mattel, Pirelli Cables. Lulus dari ITB Teknik Elektro dan mendapatkan MBA dari Monash University. Mendapatkan sertifikasi CPIM (Certified Production Inventory Management) dan CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) yang dikeluarkan oleh APICS (Association for Operation Management - USA) pada tahun 2005. Pernah mengikuti berbagai short courses di manca negara seperti di Jepang, Amerika, Italy, Malaysia, dan China. Ia telah memberikan berbagai topik training dalam area operation management di berbagai perusahaan baik secara in house ataupun publik.


Pengalaman 15 tahun dalam bidang manufacturing beberapa perusahaan MNC seperti AT&T, Pirelli Cables & Geomed. Lulus dari ITS Teknik Mesin. Ia telah memberikan beberapa topik training in house di beberapa perusahaan.

Pernah memimpin sebuah departemen dengan jumlah karyawan lebih dari 500 orang di AT&T dan Geomed Indonesia.

Jadual & Lokasi :
Rabu, 26-05-2010 - Kamis, 27-05-2010
Majapahit Hotel / JW Marriot Hotel Surabaya

Fee/Investasi :

  • Rp 3.150.000,- (Full Fare)

  • Early Bird Rp 3.000.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 19 Mei 2010

  • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 5.800.000 untuk pendaftaran  2 orang peserta


Sabtu, 17 April 2010


Estubizi Business Center / Hotel Aryaduta Semanggi, Jakarta | Saturday, 29-05-2010 | 08.30 am - 04.00 pm |


Losses adalah waktu produksi yang terbuang karena menurunnya performa mesin atau adanya kerusakan yang mengakibatkan mesin tidak dapat bekerja sebagaimana mestinya. Oleh karena itu, losses seringkali diartikan sebagai “hama penyakit” yang mengerogoti keuntungan perusahaan, menghabiskan biaya perbaikan yang sangat tinggi, melalui berbagai kerusakan yang diakibatkannya.

Ada 6 type losses yang menggerogoti performa mesin produksi : breakdown, setup and adjustment, idling and stoppages, reduced speed, defect and rework, startup and yield. Eliminasi six big losses ini, diyakini mampu menjaga kapabilitas dan performa mesin.


Pelatihan Ini Sangat Penting Bagi :

  • Karyawan bagian Produksi,

  • Maintenance,

  • Engineering,

  • PPC,

  • Quality.


Topik Bahasan :










Method of Training
Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan.


Speaker :

Berpengalaman dalam implementasi manajemen produktivitas dan kualitas di perusahaan baik nasional maupun multi nasional. Telah membantu banyak perusahaan dalam implementasi Total Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing (Toyota Production System), Six Sigma Management, Gemba Kaizen, Supply Chain dan Material Management.



  • Full Fare Rp. 1.250.000,- per peserta

  • Pembayaran termasuk ; Sertifikat, seminar kit, makan siang, coffee break

  • Special Discount:

    • Rp 1.100.000,- per peserta (Pembayaran 10 hari sebelum training)

    • Rp 1.000.000,- per peserta (Group minimal 3 peserta)

  • BONUS : CD Materi dalam format PDF

Kami menerima permintaan In house training dan Konsultasi terkait dengan materi diatas atau materi lainnya

Senin, 12 April 2010



Manhattan Hotel, Jakarta | Kamis, 6 Mei 2010, Pukul 09:00 – 16:00 WIB | Rp. 2.750.000,-/peserta (DITUNDA)



    Beberapa pekan terakhir ini, pada industri Migas di Indonesia marak dibicarakan mengenai ketentuan cost recovery. Hal ini dikarenakan pemerintah akan segera menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah terkait pengaturan cost recovery.

    Ketentuan baru mengenai cost recovery ini tentunya akan memberikan pengaruh terhadap keberlangsungan industri migas di Indonesia. Yang paling berpengaruh adalah mengenai ketentuan pada kontraktor kontrak kerjasama (KKKS). Pada dasarnya KKKS yang sudah ada seharusnya tetap berlangsung karena karakteristik dari kontrak itu sendiri. Namun, bagi para pelaku usaha yang baru akan membuat kontak kerjasama tersebut, tentunya membutuhkan informasi serta pemahaman terkait ketentuan mengenai cost recovery tersebut.

    Untuk, kami ADCO Indonesia mencoba untuk memberikan pencerahan dengan menghadirkan para pembicara yang terkait dengan industri Migas. Dengan begitu, workshop ini diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah bagi para stakeholders berdiskusi untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dan solusi terkait ketentuan cost recovery dan penyusunan kontrak kerjasama yang baru.


      II. TUJUAN:

        Memberikan pemahaman terkait Pengaturan Cost Recovery terutama pengaruhnya terhadap kontrak kerjasama yang sudah ada dan yang akan disusun



          • informasi terbaru mengenai update peraturan Cost Recovery;

            • Pemahaman tentang prosedur penyusunan kontrak kerjasama pada Industri minyak bumi dan gas alam;

            • Peluang untuk mendapatkan ide bisnis;

            • Gathering dengan para stakeholders industri minyak bumi dan gas alam di Indonesia;


            IV. TEMA WORKSHOP

              “Pengaturan Cost Recovery terkait Penyusunan Kontrak Kerjasama pada Industri Migas”


              V. SUBJEK UTAMA:

                • Pengantar mengenai Cost Recovery

                • Peran BP Migas sebagai Pengawas Pelaksanaan Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS)

                • Update terbaru mengenai Peraturan yang Mengatur Ketentuan Cost Recovery

                • Teknik Penyusunan Kontrak pada Industri Migas (diskusi dan simulasi)


                VI. JADWAL KEGIATAN

                  Kamis, 6 Mei 2010, Pukul 09:00 – 16:00 WIB


                  VII. TEMPAT

                    Manhattan Hotel, Jakarta


                    VIII. TARGET PESERTA

                    • Pelaku usaha Industri minyak bumi dan gas alam

                    • Asosiasi terkait

                    • Praktisi hukum

                    • Akademisi

                    • Masyarakat umum lainnya


                    IX. FASILITATOR

                      • Dr. Ing. Evita Herawati Legowo*, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM

                      • Lambok H. Hutauruk*, Deputi Evaluasi dan Pertimbangan Hukum BP Migas

                      • M. Hakim Nasution, SH, LLM*, Managing Partner Hakim dan Rekan

                      *dalam konfirmasi (Will be updated soon)


                      X. INVESTASI

                        • Rp. 2.750.000,-/peserta


                        XI. FASILITAS

                          • Kenyamanan tempat pelaksanaan pada Hotel bintang 5;

                          • Pelayanan terbaik dari Kami  untuk para peserta yang akan siap membantu segala sesuatunya terkait dengan penyelenggaraan kegiatan;

                          • Materi pembicara yang bekualitas disertai dengan diskusi yang menarik dalam pembahasan;

                          • Materi kits yang disediakan secara ekslusif;

                          • Sertikat untuk para peserta dan pembicara yang telah mengikuti workshop ini;

                          • Dokumentasi kegiatan yang dapat di upload setelah kegiatan berlangsung pada situs kami.

                          Rabu, 07 April 2010

                          GPS (Global Positioning System) - Yogyakarta

                          GPS (Global Positioning System)

                          Wisma MM UGM, Yogyakarta | 19 – 21 April 2010 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Rp. 4.000.000,-


                          Dalam memanfaatkan teknologi GPS untuk keperluan survei dan pemetaan, sangat tergantung dari tipe dan jenis receiver, metoda pengukuran, dan proses data dan ketelitian yang diperlukan. Pemilihan metoda, jenis receiver dan ketelitian yang dibutuhkan, memerlukan pemahaman yang memadai. Dalam pelatihan ini akan diberikan konsep dan tatacara pemilihan metoda, peralatan dan ketelitian yang tepat dalam memanfaat kan teknologi GPS untuk survei dan pemetaan.



                          Public atau Staf/karyawan yang bertugas dan bertanggungjawab dalam proyek penentuan lokasi baru, pemetaan dsb



                          Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation



                          • Metoda Penentuan Posisi dengan GPS· Dasar – dasar proses data GPS

                          • Teknologi GPS Untuk Survei Pemetaan

                          • Pemakaian data GPS pada data spasial (Dasar-dasar Teknologi SIG).

                          • Pemanfaatan data GPS dalam surta (Aplikasi data GPS) Praktikum

                          • Praktek Pengukuran / Pengamatan GPS

                          • Proses lanjut data GPS (post processing)



                            Arif Riyanto Budinugroho, S.T., M.Si.

                            Beliau mendapat gelar Magister Sains dari UGM Yogyakarta. Lulusan Teknik Geologi UPN Veteran Yogyakarta tahun 1996 ini aktif melakukan penelitian di bidang geologi di berbagai daerah dan lembaga dari tahun 1998 hingga sekarang.


                            WAKTU & TEPAT

                            19 – 21 April 2010
                            08.00 – 16.00 WIB
                            Wisma MM UGM Yogyakarta



                            Biaya kursus: Rp. 4.000.000,- per orang (Non Residential),


                            Biaya kursus (Non Residential) :

                            • Rp. 3.000.000,- per orang (Pendaftaran minimal 3 orang peserta)

                            • Rp. 3.250.000,- per orang (Pendaftaran 10 hari sebelum training)

                            • Rp. 3.500.000,- per orang (Pendaftaran 5 hari sebelum training)



                            Certificate, Training Kit, Module / Handout, Lunch, Coffee Break, Souvenir

                            Minggu, 04 April 2010



                            Harris Hotel Tebet / The Park Lane Hotel Casablanca | Rabu, 26-05-2010 - Kamis, 27-05-2010 | Rp 3.150.000,-

                            Dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawannya, banyak perusahaan manufaktur melaksanakan program pelatihan, baik bersifat in house training maupun public training. Namun pelatihan tersebut dapat menjadi sumber pemborosan apabila program pelatihan tidak dirancang dan dikembangkan secara sistematis untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kompetensi.

                            Tujuan dari beragam pelatihan yang dilakukan, selain adanya perubahan perilaku individu yang mendukung terhadap budaya kerja positif di perusahaan, juga aplikasi dari pelatihan  tersebut yang mendukung kinerja karyawan. Maka dari itu, para koordinator dan trainer internal di perusahaan, dituntut memiliki kemampuan dalam mendesain program pelatihan, yang mampu mengkombinasikan 30% konseptual (teori) dan 70% praktik di tempat kerja

                            Sasaran Pelatihan :

                            Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, para peserta diharapkan mampu :

                            • Merancang program pelatihan perusahaan yang efektif

                            • Memformulasikan sasaran pelatihan melalui desain materi training berbasis praktik di di tempat kerja

                            • Memastikan paket pelatihan vendor dengan kebutuhan pelatihan perusahaan

                            • Mengembangkan program pelatihan yang searah dengan Key Performance Indicator Perusahaan

                            Who should attend ?
                            Manager, Supervisor, Group Leader, Section Head, Team Leader.

                            Metode Pelatihan :
                            Presentasi materi, studi kasus, latihan, diskusi kelompok, presentasi kelompok

                            Outline :

                            1. Analisa KPI sebagai dasar analisa kebutuhan pelatihan

                            2. Merumuskan sasaran pelatihan yang dibutuhkan

                            3. Merancang program pelatihan yang mendukung kinerja karyawan dan perusahaan

                            4. Mengembangkan isi pelatihan dengan kombinasi teori 30% dan praktik 70%

                            5. Menganalisis kesesuaian program vendor dengan kebutuhan pelatihan perusahaan

                            6. Merancang program aplikasi dan penugasan setelah pelatihan

                            7. Merancang evaluasi pelatihan

                            8. Mengukur hasil dari pelatihan

                              Course Leader :

                              DUDUNG DUHARA, MT, SSMBB

                              Dudung Duhara adalah Senior Consultant dari Bina Manajemen Indonesia – suatu lembaga konsultan yang bergerak dalam bidang pelatihan dan konsultansi manajemen kualitas dan produktivitas. Sebagai konsultan, Dudung memfokuskan diri dalam bidang Industrial Strategy & Management.

                              Dudung berpengalaman dalam implementasi program peningkatan produktivitas dan kualitas, shopfloor improvement, efisiensi dan cost reduction, manajemen pergudangan dan efisiensi material, operation dan manufakturing manajemen. Sebelum berkarir sebagai konsultan, Dudung memiliki pengalaman kerja di beberapa perusahaan nasional dan multinasional. Dudung memiliki latar belakang Sarjana Teknik Elektro, dan Magister Teknik Industri, serta mendapatkan Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt dari International Quality Federation (IQF), USA.

                              Klien-klien yang telah ditangani antara lain : Pencil Lead Indonesia, Goodyear Indonesia, Cometa Can Indonesia, Gramedia Majalah, Sumitomo Electric Wintec Indonesia, DuPont Powder Coatings Indonesia, American Standard Indonesia, Yasulor Indonesia, Linfox Indonesia, Bumimulia Indah Lestari, Sumatera Prima Fibreboard, Indofarma, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Biotis Agrindo, Sayap Mas Utama, Bank Mandiri, Indonesia Steel Tube Work, Danone Dairy Indonesia, Federal Nittan Indonesia, Actavis Indonesia, Trac Astra, Inter Aneka Kimia Lestari, Schneider Indonesia, Sanyo Prescision Batam, Saitama Stamping Indonesia, Tekpack Asia, Frigorek Indonesia, Eternal Buana Chemical Industries, Eterindo Nusa Graha, Anugerahinti Gemanusa, Petrowidada, Tirta Investama, PLN, Bukit Muria Jaya, Batavia Air, LG Innotek Indonesia, Mulia Kniting Indonesia.

                              Jadual & Lokasi :
                              Rabu, 26-05-2010 - Kamis, 27-05-2010
                              Harris Hotel Tebet / The Park Lane Hotel Casablanca

                              Fee/Investasi :

                              • Rp 3.150.000,- (Full Fare)

                              • Early Bird Rp 2.950.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 17 Mei 2010

                              • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 5.600.000 untuk pendaftaran  2 orang peserta

                              • BONUS Exclusive Organizer