Minggu, 10 Mei 2009



Bandung | 22 - 24th  June   2009  | Rp. 4.000.000,- /pax


It  is  highly  desirable that  non-technical  personnel who work in the petroleum industry acquire a practical  knowledge and understanding of the Oil and Gas Industry, covering Preparation, Exploration, Drilling and Exploitation phases in an interesting and effective manner. An early understanding of terminology and technical concepts can appreciably help them to do their work in oil and gas business.

This three-day course was introduced in 1982 and was updated using the latest information in oil & gas industry ever since. It was given as an in-house training for Vico, PetroChina, Unocal, ConocoPhillips, Kodeco, SperrySun, Halliburton, EMP Kangean, Total Indonesie, Bank Mandiri and is a regular SPE short course since 2002.


The Objectives

The objective of the course is to arm and equip the non-engineering personnel  to:

  • Appreciate the complexity of oil and gas business and understand the need

  • for the integration of the activities the make up the petroleum industry

  • Learn how companies search for crude oil and natural gas (exploration) and

  • how the material is brought up from under the ground (production).

  • Future oil and gas business in Indonesia


Who should attend?

All non-technical personnel -  secretaries, technical exploration/exploitation

and drilling assistants, finance, logistic, procurement and everyone who needs to expand their horizon in petroleum industry.


Method of Training

During the training, participant will be in interactive learning mode, by actively

join the group discussion, sharing concepts, games and case studies.


Rundown Program


08.00 - 09.45  :     Introduction, Petroleum geology: Types of rocks, the age of

the earth, rock deformations.

09.45 - 10.00  :     Coffee Break

10.00 - 12.00  :     How is oil generate?, oil/gas traps and migrations, oil basins

in Indonesia

12.00 - 13.00  :     Lunch

13.00 - 14.30  :     Preparation Phase: how to acquire a contract area

14.30 - 14.45  :     Coffee Break

14.45 - 16.00  :     Exploration Phase, from Geological & Geophysical surveys

to a prospect location


08.00 - 10.00  :     Drilling Phase-Drilling history & equipments (Type of rigs,

rig equipments,  drilling bits & mud, coring & well types)

10.00 - 10.15  :     Coffee Break

10.15 - 12.00  :     Drilling process (drilling a well, cementing & set casings)

and drilling problems (i.e: blow-out, lost circulation etc.)

12.00 - 13.00  :     Lunch

13.00 - 14.30  :     Exploitation Phase - Well Completion

14.30 - 14.45  :     Coffee Break

14.45 - 16.00  :     Exploitation Phase - Well Services, Artificial Lift, Production

Optimization, Type of platforms


08.00 - 10.00  :     Oil & Gas Refineries

10.00 - 10.15  :     Coffee Break

10.15 - 12.00  :     Future Oil & Gas in Indonesia, Oil pollution & Waste Handling

12.00 - 13.00  :     Lunch

13.00 - 14.30  :     Case Study -  To obtain a PSC in Indonesia

14.30 - 14.45  :     Coffee Break

14.45 - 15.30  :     Summary, Evaluation & Closing


Our Facilitator

Ir. Kris Hendardjo, MBA
Mr. Kris Hendardjo graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) majoring in Geology and obtained his Master degree from Institute Pengembangan Wiraswasta Indonesia (IPWI). Mr. Hendardjo's 25 years experiences in major oil & gas corporations and oil service companies will be extremely valuable learning sources. Three years of his overseas assignment in Conoco London, UK and Houston, USA would allow distinctively to share his practical experience, tools, and knowledge to participants of all aspects in petroleum him effectively and engineering and operations in Indonesia and world best practice.

He have so many experience as Instructor for Pertamina Management Course, conducting bimonthly in Bandung, Instructor on various public courses/seminars on "Soft Skills" ie. Leadership & Management Skills, Communication, Self Management, Motivation, Supervisory Courses, Outbound Negotiatian Skills, Presentation and Meeting Skills, Stress & Change Management, Handling Difficult People & Partnering with your Boss etc. for various Oil Companies, Mining, Banks, Energy (Geothermal), Automotives, Insurances, Fertilizer, Garments, Chemical Industries, LSM, Telkom, PLN, Press, Peruri etc.

Also he facilitated technical related to oil & gas industry such as Basic Petroleum, Geology for Non-geologists, Exploration for Non-Explorationists, , Introduction to Petroleum Engineer for Non-Technical Personnel, and many others. Mr. Herdardjo also actively involved in many organizations, such as AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists), IAGI (Ikatan Ahli Geologi), HAGI (Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia), HFI (Himpunan Ahli Fisika Indonesia), and IPA ( Indonesian Petroleum Association).


Date & Time

22 - 24 June 2009
08.00 - 17.00 WIB



Galery Ciumbuleuit Hotel Bandung



Rp 4.000.000/pax for Workshop and Certification



2 komentar:

  1. [...] This is unlike most other dating products around because it will help you deal with people INTRODUCTION TO OIL AND GAS OPERATION WORKSHOP – informasi-training.com 03/02/2009 INTRODUCTION TO OIL AND GAS OPERATION WORKSHOP Bandung | [...]
