Senin, 24 Mei 2010



Hotel Golden Flower  Bandung | 19 – 22 July 2010 | Rp 6.450.000  exclude tax



Retak (crack) merupakan salah satu jenis kegagalan yang sering terjadi pada komponen mekanik seperti blade turbin, impeller pompa, pipa dan pressure vessel (bejana tekan), atau struktur konstruksi baja seperti rel dan body kereta api, konstruksi bangunan lepas pantai dan lain lain.



Setelah training ini peserta memahami hal-hal sebagai berikut :

  • Jenis retak dan kegagalan pada struktur dan komponen mesin

  • Faktor penyebab terjadinya retak

  • Mekanisme penjalaran retak

  • Faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan penjalaran retak


  1. Dasar teori kekuatan material

  2. Faktor faktor penyebab dan mekanisme penjalaran retak

  3. Teknik pengendalian penjalaran retak

  4. Sifat material dan ketangguhannya dalam menahan retak

  5. Retak dan life assesment

  6. Retak dan korosi

  7. NDT untuk deteksi dini retak

  8. Studi kasus retak dan pengendaliannya di industri

  9. Diskusi



Dr. Ir.Tatacipta Dirgantara (Dosen pada Program Studi Aeronotika & Astronotika Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara Kelompok Keahlian Struktur Ringan) and Team



Hotel Golden Flower  Bandung



4 days



19 – 22 July 2010



Rp 6.450.000  exclude tax



  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or waistcoat

  6. Bag or backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with full AC facilities, with one lunch and twice coffee break

  9. Qualified instructor

  10. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Meminimalkan waktu proses ganti model dan waktu setup dengan SMED

Meminimalkan waktu proses ganti model dan waktu setup dengan SMED (Single Minutes Exchange of Dies)

Harris Hotel Tebet /  Hotel Aryaduta Semanggi, Jakarta | Senin, 21 Juni 2010| Rp 1.650.000,-


Dewasa ini, persaingan dalam dunia industri, mengalami pergeseran yang cukup signifikan, dari tangible asset ke intangible asset. Salah faktor intangible asset yang berpengaruh dalam proses produksi adalah begaimana meminimalkan waktu proses ganti model (changeover time) dan waktu setup (setup time). Sayangnya, walaupun proses tersebut masuk dalam kategori tidak bernilai tambah (non value added), di beberapa perusahaan masih dikerjakan dalan waktu yang cukup lama.

Kecepatan dalam melakukan pergantian model dan waktu set up mesin di awal produksi, merupakan bagian dari proses yang tidak bisa dihindarkan. Namun begitu, dapat diminimalkan waktu pengerjaannya. Dimana kecepatan waktu tersebut, akan memperkuat kemampuan perusahaan dalam persaingan bisnis.


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu:

  • Memahami prinsip Lean Manufacturing

  • Memahami prinsip KAIZEN di tempat kerja

  • Meningkatkan kepekaan terhadap masalah di tempat kerja

  • Meningkatkan kapabilitas karyawan dalam teknik penurunan waktu setup

  • Mampu melakukan prinsip SMED di tempat kerja masing-masing


Who should attend ?
General manager, Manager, Department Head, Supervisor, Section Head


Presentasi materi, diskusi, simulasi, role play, contoh-contoh nyata.


Outline :











profesional konsultan yang memfokuskan diri pada bidang Productivity & Quality Management. Dudung pernah bekerja di Quality Assurance Department, PT. LG Innotek Indonesia - Quality Control Engineer, dan Konsultan Manajemen Kualitas dan Produktivitas pada PQM Consultants, Jakarta. Saat ini, selain sebagai associate consultant, juga menjadi Management Innovation Manager pada sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang chemical dan bio diesel. Dudung adalah lulusan dari Fakultas Teknik Industri, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung, dan mendapatkan Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (SSMBB) dari International Quality Federation (IQF), Amerika Serikat. Untuk menambah wawasan pengetahuannya, Dudung pernah aktif sebagai Sekretaris Eksekutif pada Komunitas EDAS (Eksplorasi Dinamika & analisa Sosial), dan mengajar di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam "45" dan STT Mitra Karya Bekasi. Klien-klien yang telah ditanganinya antara lain : Pencil Lead Indonesia, Goodyear Indonesia, Cometa Can Indonesia, Gramedia Majalah, Sumitomo Electric Wintec Indonesia, DuPont Powder Coatings Indonesia, American Standard Indonesia, Yasulor Indonesia, Linfox Indonesia, Bumimulia Indah Lestari, Sumatera Prima Fibreboard, Indofarma, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Biotis Agrindo, Bank Mandiri, Indonesia Steel Tube Work, Danone Dairy Indonesia, Federal Nittan Indonesia, Actavis Indonesia, Trac Astra, Inter Aneka Kimia Lestari, Schneider Indonesia, Sanyo Prescision Batam, Eterindo Wahanatama, Saitama Stamping Indonesia.


Jadual & Lokasi :

Senin, 21-06-2010
Harris Hotel Tebet /  Hotel Aryaduta Semanggi

Fee/Investasi :

  • Rp 1.650.000,- (Full Fare)

  • Early Bird Rp 1.500.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 14 Juni 2010

  • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 2.700.000 untuk pendaftaran  2 orang peserta


Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Economic & Risk Analysis for Oil & Gas Project

Economic & Risk Analysis for Oil & Gas Project

Bogor | August 3-6, 2010 | IDR 8.750.000,-


Participant (who should attend):

Technical and-non-technical personnel of Industrial, Oil and Gas Company who involves in or concern with economics & risk analysis techniques and procedures related with design, selection, handling, installation, operation and maintenance of up-stream and down-stream industrial, oil, and gas projects and those who responsible in economic evaluation of a project.


Course Objectives (why attend):

This special practical approach course is designed to provide a compressive understanding of applied economics & risk analysis for industrial oil & gas project. The course content designed to help technical or non-technical people who promoted to higher ranks and found themselves confronted with financial terminology to easily understand and immediately practice economics & risk analysis in their new daily work.


Program Summary (what the participant will get):

After completion of this practical course, participant will better understand and get improvement on the logic of accounting and than moves to finance and to cost estimating, both capital and operating. Economics and risk analysis through the time value of money, cash low, depreciation and taxation will be given with examples and exercises. Uncertainty analysis based on errors in forecasting is treated from a practical standpoint based on widely-used industrial practice. Managerial attitude are used in the approach to feasibility analysis and approval of capital appropriations.


Course Content (what the participant learns):

In this specially designed practical course participant will learn from and discuss with professional instructor the following subjects:

Principles of accounting

  • The Accounting Equation

  • Data Recording

  • Financial Reports

  • How to read an Annual Report

  • Income Statement

    Financing the Corporate

    • Source of Funds

    • Debt vs Equity Financing

    • Investment Decision Making

    • Economics Modelling

    • Use of the Basic Profit Indicators

      Measures of Profitability

      • Profitability Indicators

      • Calculation Procedures

      • Interest and the Future Value of Money

      • The Net Present Value

      • Decision Criteria

        Incremental Analysis

        • Basics of Incremental Analysis

        • Generating Alternatives

        • Absolute and Relative Indicators

        • Profit Making Opportunities

        • Cost-reducing Projects

          Sensitivity Analysis

          • Basics of Sensitivity Analysis

          • Analyzing the Results

          • Price Sensitivity

          • Conclusion from Sensitivity

            Quick Estimates Methods

            • Estimating NCR, PIR and Payout

            • Quick Estimate Adjusment

            • Estimating IRR

            • Other Indicators and Rules of Thumb

            • Rules of Probability

              Risk Analysis

              • Basics of Risk Analysis

              • Risk-weighted Expected Value

              • The Uncertainty of Risk

              • Sensitivity Analysis of Risk

              • Projects Risk Analysis


                Course Leader:

                Hilman Ahmad

                This specially designed course will be conducted by Hilman Ahmad & Associates, an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Professional Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center, and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000. He has been delivering training course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.


                General Information

                Certificate of Appreciation

                All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.


                Documentation & Dress Code

                • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by Our Partner.

                • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

                • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



                • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

                • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

                • Interactive presentation with discussion

                • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

                • Lunch per day

                • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

                • Certificate of Completion

                • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment (Optional)

                • Exclusive flash disk.


                Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

                IDR 8.750.000,-/ Person, Registration deadline a weeks before training held.


                Minimum Participant

                This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)

                IT Technical & Maintenance Support

                IT Technical & Maintenance Support

                Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Santika Hotel Jakarta| 18-19 June 2010 | 08.30 - 16.30 | Rp 2.500.000,-

                Semakin banyak jumlah computer yang digunakan dalam suatu organisasi, ditambah dengan masih banyaknya aplikasi yang dijalankan berdiri sendiri di setiap computer, akan mengakibatkan timbul beragam permasalahan. Permasalahan tersebut akan biertambah besar dan kompleks, jika user tersebut sangat bergantung kepada kemampuan staff IT yang tidak seragam dan jumlahnya terbatas bila dibandingkan dengan jumlah usernya.

                Untuk mengatasi masalah ini diperlukan adanya kemampuan yang cukup merata di kalangan staff IT dan peningkatan kemampuan maintenance IT untuk kalangan non IT (user), agar setiap permasalahan yang timbul dapat segera langsung diatasi sehingga dapat menunjang kelancaran tugas-tugas sehari-hari.

                Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

                1. Merakit komputer dan melakukan proses instalasi OS Windows.

                2. Mengambil data (file dan folder) pada harddisk yang sudah diformat atau sudah dipartisi ulang

                3. Membuka proteksi file aplikasi (*.XLS, *.DOC) yang sudah dipassword user lain.

                4. Mengetahui dan memahami ciri-ciri kerusakan hardware & preventive repair action

                5. Mengetahui dan memahami penyebab terjadinya kerusakan software & hardware

                6. Melakukan proses clean up, defrag dan restore system.

                7. Mengetahui dan memahami pemilihan dan pemakaian software antivirus yang baik.

                8. Melakukan proses instalasi software anti virus dan cara mengupdate database virus.

                TRAINING METHOD
                Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan.

                1. 20% Theory

                2. 80% Practices (installation, application setup, software & hardware repair).

                3. Dynamic and interactive training presentationn

                TRAINING SYLLABUS

                1. Perakitan computer dan instalasi OS Windows

                2. Data Retrieve and Recovery after Formatting & Delete Partition

                3. Open Protect Password Document with using application unprotect.

                4. Ciri-ciri kerusakan hardware and preventive repair action

                5. Faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan hardware dan software

                6. CLEAN UP, DEFRAG & RESTORE SYSTEM

                7. Pemilihan Software Antivirus

                8. Instalasi Software Antivirus dan Updating Database Virus.

                WHO SHOULD ATTEND
                IT Staff, IT Supervisor & IT Practitioner

                LEAD FACILITATOR

                Praktisi & trainer yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun menjadi instructor / trainer di beberapa lembaga pelatihan swasta, instansi pemerintah / swasta di Jakarta, mulai tahun 1992 - 2003, antara lain di PT. Asiana IMI Industries, Tbk., PT. COMBIPHAR, di PT. LG Philips Display Devices Indonesia, PT. LG Electronics Indonesia, PT. LG Innotek Indonesia dan PT. Harita Prima Abadi Mineral (Mining Company). Pernah menjabat sebagai Manager EDP dan Manager Training & Development di perusahaan swasta dan perusahaan jasa konsultan. Jabatan terakhir beliau adalah sebagai Direktur di PT. Target Digital Solusindo. Beliau juga pernah memberikan pelatihan sebagai berikut : Mastering Microsoft Excel 2007 : Beyong Basic For Office Automation, Powerfull Data Analysis & Dashboard Reporting with Ms. Excel 2007, COBOL Programming, RPG Programming, FORTRAN Programming, RDBMS With SQL 2000, System Analyst and Design, VB6 Database programming, VF9 Database Programming, IT Security, ITIL, COBIT, dan lain-lain. Selain itu juga beliau adalah praktisi pelatihan dengan metode quantum teaching, quantum learning, mind mapping dan NLP di bagian pengembangan sumber daya manusia (HRD Training & Development) selama lebih dari 7 tahun. Dengan perpaduan metode pelatihan seperti itulah, pelatihan seberat apapun selalu dibawakan secara ringan, jelas dan tuntas. Sehingga proses pelatihan berlangsung dengan menyenangkan dan mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan oleh peserta pelatihan.


                18-19 June 2010              08.30 – 16.30


                Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Santika Hotel Jakarta

                Investment :

                • Rp 2.500.000,- /Person

                • Early Bird : Rp 2.350.000,- (Paid 4 days Before 18 June 2010)

                • Group Price : Rp 6.750.000,- (3 participants from the same company)

                Powerfull Data Analysis And Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2007 (Surabaya)

                Powerfull Data Analysis And Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2007

                Majapahit Hotel / Shangrila Hotel Surabaya | 22 –24 June, 2010 | 08.30 – 16.30 | Rp 3.750.000,-


                Berdasarkan pengalaman mengadakan training di sejumlah perusahaan dari tahun 1994 - sekarang, muncul banyak permintaan dari sejumlah karyawan (accounting & finance, purchasing, production, sales, dll) akan adanya solusi yang efektif dan efisien untuk melakukan processing , analysis dan reporting data dalam jumlah yang besar ( lebih dari 65.000 record ) di mana sumber datanya berupa file teks, data hasil convert aplikasi integrasi information system (seperti : SAP) atau database server lainnya dengan menggunakan program Microsoft Excel.

                Informasi yang diinginkan selama ini secara umum adalah laporan analisa data tahunan mengenai sales, finance, production, dan lain-lain berdasarkan kriteria dan fungsi analisa data tertentu dengan tampilan graphic yang menarik, dinamis dan interaktif. Pengolahan data seperti itu tentunya tidak dapat dikerjakan oleh Ms.Excel XP, 2002 dan 2003.

                Sedangkan di Excel 2007 masalah-masalah tersebut semua dapat di atasi secara cepat dan tepat. Anda tidak perlu lagi membangun aplikasi program untuk menganalisa data dan membuat report dengan bahasa progam computer tertentu, yang membutuhkan waktu dan biaya yang tidak sedikit, karena semua hal tersebut di atas dapat dikerjakan dengan Excel 2007.


                Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

                1. Membaca dan memasukkan berbagai macam data : text file dan database yang lain yang jumlah record lebih dari 65.000 record ke dalam Excel 2007.

                2. Melakukan disain, summary database dan query data.

                3. Memanfaatkan fungsi-fungsi Excel untuk berbagai macam kebutuhan analisa data

                4. Melakukan berbagai teknik analisis data.

                5. Membuat laporan yang menarik, dinamis dan interaktif

                TRAINING METHOD

                Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan.

                1. 25% Theory

                2. 75% Practices (Case study of Finance, HRD, Marketing, Production, Purchasing problems)

                3. Dynamic and interactive training presentation.

                TRAINING SYLLABUS

                1. What's New in Excel 2007

                2. Read of Ribbon menu

                3. Read & writing external data

                4. Data sort, Filter and Query

                5. Conditional Formatting

                6. Using data analysis tools ( What If Analysis - Data table, Goal Seek and Scenario manager )

                7. Make and using PivotTable and PivotChart

                8. Make and using dashboard reporting

                9. Case study implementation

                10. Training evaluation

                WHO SHOULD ATTEND

                Staff, Leader, Supervisor, Manajer yang sering menggunakan aplikasi Ms. Excel ( Basic to Intermediate level )


                ERAWAN SUPRIATNA, S. KOM & TIM

                Praktisi & trainer yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun menjadi instructor / trainer di beberapa lembaga pelatihan swasta, instansi pemerintah / swasta di Jakarta, mulai tahun 1992 - 2003, antara lain di PT. Asiana IMI Industries, Tbk., PT. COMBIPHAR, di PT. LG Philips Display Devices Indonesia, PT. LG Electronics Indonesia, PT. LG Innotek Indonesia dan PT. Harita Prima Abadi Mineral (Mining Company). Pernah menjabat sebagai Manager EDP dan Manager Training & Development di perusahaan swasta dan perusahaan jasa konsultan. Jabatan terakhir beliau adalah sebagai Direktur di PT. Target Digital Solusindo. Beliau juga pernah memberikan pelatihan sebagai berikut : Mastering Microsoft Excel 2007 : Beyong Basic For Office Automation, Powerfull Data Analysis & Dashboard Reporting with Ms. Excel 2007, COBOL Programming, RPG Programming, FORTRAN Programming, RDBMS With SQL 2000, System Analyst and Design, VB6 Database programming, VF9 Database Programming, IT Security, ITIL, COBIT, dan lain-lain. Selain itu juga beliau adalah praktisi pelatihan dengan metode quantum teaching, quantum learning, mind mapping dan NLP di bagian pengembangan sumber daya manusia (HRD Training & Development) selama lebih dari 7 tahun. Dengan perpaduan metode pelatihan seperti itulah, pelatihan seberat apapun selalu dibawakan secara ringan, jelas dan tuntas. Sehingga proses pelatihan berlangsung dengan menyenangkan dan mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan oleh peserta pelatihan.


                22 –24 June, 2010 | 08.30 – 16.30


                Majapahit Hotel / Shangrila Hotel Surabaya


                • Rp 3.750.000,-/person

                • Early Bird : Rp 3.600.000,- (Paid 4 days Before 22 June 2010)

                • Group Price : Rp 10.500.000,- (3 participants from the same company)

                Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

                Pipeline Systems - Design, Construction, Maintenance and Asset Management (PASTI JALAN)

                Pipeline Systems - Design, Construction, Maintenance and Asset Management

                Grand Seriti Hotel, Bandung | 17 - 21 Mei 2010 | Rp. 8.250.000,-



                Within industry, piping is a system of pipes used to convey fluids (liquids and gases) from one location to another. The engineering discipline of piping design studies the efficient transport of fluid.

                Industrial process piping (and accompanying in-line components) can be manufactured from wood, glass, steel, aluminum, plastic, copper, and concrete. The in-line components, known as fittings, valves, and other devices, typically sense and control the pressure, flow rate and temperature of the transmitted fluid, and usually are included in the field of piping design. Piping systems are documented in Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (PID). If necessary, pipes can be cleaned by the tube cleaning process.

                Plumbing is a piping system that most people are familiar with, as it constitutes the form of fluid transportation that is used to provide potable water and fuels to their homes and business. Plumbing pipes also remove waste in the form of sewage, and allow venting of sewage gases to the atmosphere. Fire sprinkler systems also use piping, and may transport potable or nonpotable water, or other fire-suppression fluids.

                Piping also has many other industrial applications, which are crucial for moving raw and semi-processed fluids for refining into more useful products. Some of the more exotic materials of construction are titanium, chrome-moly and various other steel alloys.



                • Purpose .

                • Applicability

                • References

                • Distribution

                • Scope

                • Metrics

                • Brand Names

                • Accompanying Guidance

                • Specification

                • Manual Organization

                Design Strategy

                • Design Analyses

                • Specifications

                • Drawings

                • Basis of Design

                • Loading Conditions

                • Piping Layout

                General Piping Design

                • Materials of Construction

                • Design Pressure

                • Sizing

                • Stress Analysis

                • Flange, Gaskets and Bolting

                • Materials

                • Pipe Identification

                • Piping Supports

                • Testing and Flushing

                Metallic Piping Systems

                • General

                • Corrosion

                • Design Pressure

                • Piping Supports for Metallic

                • Piping Systems

                • Joining

                • Thermal Expansion

                • Ductile Iron

                • Carbon Steel

                • Nickel and Nickel Alloys

                • Aluminum

                • Copper

                Plastic Piping Systems

                • General

                • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

                • Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

                • Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene

                • ABS

                • Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride

                • CPVC

                • Polyethylene (PE)

                • Polypropylene (PP)

                • Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)

                Rubber and Elastomer Piping Systems

                • General

                • Design Factors

                • Sizing

                • Piping Support and Burial

                • Fluoroelastomer

                • Isobutylene Isoprene

                • Acrylonitrile Butadiene

                • Polychloroprene

                • Natural Rubber

                Thermoset Piping Systems

                • General

                • Reinforced Epoxies

                • Reinforced Polyesters

                • Reinforced Vinyl Esters

                • Reinforced Furans

                Double Containment Piping Systems

                • General

                • Piping System Sizing

                • Double Containment Piping

                • System Testing

                • Leak Detection Systems

                Lined Piping Systems

                • General

                • Plastic Lined Piping Systems

                • Other Lined Piping Systems


                • General

                • Valve Types

                • Valve Sizing and Selection

                • Valve Schedule

                Ancillary Equipment

                • Flexible Couplings

                • Air and Vacuum Relief

                • Drains

                • Sample Ports

                • Pressure Relief Devices

                • Backflow Prevention

                • Static Mixers

                • Expansion Joints

                • Piping Insulation

                • Heat Tracing

                • Corrosion Protection

                • Cathodic Protection

                • Isolation Joints

                • Protective Coatings

                Corrosion Protection

                • Corrosion Protection

                • Cathodic Protection

                • Isolation Joints

                • Protective Coatings


                At the end of the program, participants will be able to:

                • Develop a working knowledge of piping systems ;

                • Differentiate between the different classes of piping;

                • Understand better the design, construction, operations and maintenance requirements of piping systems;

                • Implement strategies and methodologies to create an effective piping maintenance program;

                • Enhance their knowledge and skills to identify and address piping operational problems at all levels;

                • Implement mechanisms to measure piping performance at all levels;

                • Analyse and understand the impact of piping knowledge on the maintenance strategy;

                • Develop and implement an effective piping maintenance budget;

                • Use life cycle costing techniques to deliver best practice piping maintenance;

                • Implement maintenance plans that are cost effective and aligned to the organisation?s strategic goals;

                • Improve performance by developing detailed specifications with service partners;

                • Establish an effective maintenance team.

                WHO SHOULD ATTEND

                Facilities engineers, maintenance engineers, design engineers, production and manufacturing engineers, architects, property and asset managers, technicians and any one involved in piping systems and would like to widen their knowledge.


                Prof. DR. Ir. IGN. Wiratmaja Puja

                Prof. DR. Ir. IGN. Wiratmaja Puja has 16 years continuous mechnanical engineering experience in failure and stress analysis, mining machinery and design as well as mechanical drawing and has been a consulting engineering expert in machinery and equipment maintenance for PT. Tambang Batubara Tanjung Enim, KONDUR Petroleum and PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. He also has served as an in-company training instructor for several major oil and gas companies such as PT. Badak LNG, PT. Freeport Indonesia, VICO and PT. Timah Tbk.

                Mr. Wiratmaja has authored numerous publications and presentations related to mechanical engineering and mining machinery. He holds a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kentucky, USA.


                17 - 21 Mei 2010
                5 days

                Grand Seriti Hotel, Bandung

                Tuition Fee
                Rp. 8.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.



                Bandung | July 6-9, 2010| IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person



                Handling and disposal of wastes generated in oil and gas exploration and production has received significant attention in recent years. This heightened interest has been a result of the public and regulatory agencies focus on environmental protection. Because of this, the oil industry has directed emphasis on waste handling and disposal to ensure that these wastes are properly managed.

                From company's perspective, proper waste management is an important part of doing business. As a company, they must be concerned with compliance with applicable waste regulations, minimizing the impact of wastes on the environment, and the reduction of potential liability associated with improperly disposed waste. This must be accomplished within certain economic bounds. Also eliminating or minimizing the generation of waste is becoming more critical, both environmentally and economically, as a means of reducing waste-related liabilities and costs.

                The 3 day course covers regulations and waste management basics, from generation to disposal.  The curriculum is designed to provide the information needed as a waste professional, regardless of skill level. 

                The Waste Management course is a must attend for all individuals with overall waste compliance responsibilities.  This course provides the tools needed for the job.


                Who Should Attend?

                Managers, supervisors, environmental coordinators and/or engineer, health and safety coordinators, and consultants all benefit from this training.  Many of our participants attend because they have responsibility to back up the designated environmental coordinator at the facility.

                Superintendent and Supervisor of Operational function, Legal Counsel, Waste Management Team, Transportation and Logistics Division as well as Health, Safety & Environmental senior staff.

                The recommended participant may include key personnel whose activities are most likely to impact the environment and or producing industrial


                What will the participant get?

                Upon completion of the training, the participants will have improvement in:

                • Knowledge on hazardous and non-hazardous wastes:  generation, characteristics and impacts on occupational safety, health and environment.

                • Understanding waste management principles including waste minimization or cleaner production

                • Practical knowledge on the proper identification, segregation, containerization, temporary storage

                • Practical knowledge on the ISO-14001 implementation related to waste handling and treatment or  storage.

                • Practical knowledge on the 'PROPER' environmental audit scheme in Indonesia related to waste handling and treatment, both onsite and outside handling

                • Transportation, treatment and safe disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes

                • Translating the principles and knowledge on waste management into strategic problems solving


                Course Leader

                Ir.Wahyu Priatna Affandi,M.Si has more than 15 years experience of experience in waste management and petroleum business. He has experienced more than 25 years as a practitioner in world-class Petroleum Industries. Graduated from Petroleum Engineering of ITB, directly He started its career as a Production Operations Engineer in on-shore's HUFFCO/VICO-Indonesia in 1982. Finally He left the company after more than 19 years of services (as a Reservoir Engineer, Production Operations Engineer, Tanker Coordinator until a Senior Environmental Coordinator for Kalimantan Operations). He has experienced in wastes handling both hazardous and non-hazardous classification when he was assistant to the Waste Management Chairman, including the impact to stakeholders, sensitive areas, etc

                He learned offshore PSC/JOB  in LASMO/Eni-Indonesia then in EPC offshore  Swiber Offshore in HSE related matters. Also he has experienced with national PSC Medco E&P Indonesia, mainly in emergency preparedness implementation, including hazardous related wastes sources. He finished the career in oil and gas companies as an advisor ISO-14001 Audit & Certification Developing Environmental Program, Risk Assessment, Petroleum business Training, Waste Management and Community Development, etc.

                He received a Master degree program on The Environmental Management, held by The Padjajaran University of Bandung and The Twente Enschede of Netherlands.

                General Information

                Certificate of Appreciation

                All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.



                • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by  Our Partner.

                • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.


                Dress Code

                Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



                • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

                • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

                • Interactive presentation with discussion

                • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

                • Lunch per day

                • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

                • Certificate of Completion

                • Local drop and pick up for arrival and departure between airport to hotel.

                • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment  (optional)

                • Exclusive flash disk.


                Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

                IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person, Registration deadline a weeks before training held.

                Minimum Participant

                This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)

                Petroleum Engineer for Non Petroleum Engineer

                Petroleum Engineer for Non Petroleum Engineer

                Bandung | July 13-15, 2010 | IDR 7.250.000,-/ Person

                Bandung | August 3-5, 2010 | IDR 7.250.000,-/ Person

                COURSE OBJECTIVE

                This course will tell participants from cradle to the grave concerning the oil & gas industry. This course provides introduction to the petroleum industries and petroleum engineering activities. The coverage starts from introducing the petroleum (oil and gas) industries, and it is followed by the illustration and description of oil and gas reservoir (what is it really looks like?). The participants will then be presented the petroleum engineering activities from finding, lifting, and transporting oil and gas. Brief presentation on the current technologies to increase oil recovery will be also presented. Social aspect including HSE, CSR and Decommissioning activity will be covered, so anybody involved in the business will understand how to run the activity safely and to give profits to all of us, including the stakeholders.


                COURSE CONTENT

                1. Basic Oil and Gas Industry

                2. Introduction to Oil and Gas Reservoir

                3. Oil and Gas Exploration

                4. Drilling Operation

                5. Drilling Mud

                6. Casing Selection and Setting Depth

                7. Cementing

                8. Completion, Work over and Stimulation

                9. Formation Evaluation

                10. Introduction to Technical Production

                11. Introduction to Surface Facility for Oil and Gas

                12. Introduction to Artificial Lift

                13. EOR introduction

                14. Field management

                15. HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental) – ‘new’ pre-requisites

                16. CSR or CD

                17. Decomissioning (restoration, reclamation or similar )



                This course is designed for non engineers who are interested (or already) in the petroleum industries, and engineers who do not involved directly in the petroleum engineering activities, such as:

                • Secretary in petroleum business and support/services companies

                • Environmental personnel

                • Safety personnel

                • ComDev or CSR staff personnel

                • Security staff personnel

                • PR staff personnel

                • Informal organization internal company such as BDI, Umkris and similar, who are not familiar with this roles

                • Stakeholders leader (tomas?)

                • NGO and/or CSO who are interest with the oil and gas business in their home-villages


                ABOUT INSTRUCTOR:

                Wahyu Priatna Affandi is experienced Instructor, who succeeds in combining the experience of practitioner with ability adequate academic. He has experience more than 25 years as a practitioner in Petroleum Industries. After he graduated from ITB, he started his career as a Production Operation Engineer in HUFFCO-Indonesia and then he joined VICO Indonesia for more than 19 years (as a Reservoir Engineer, Tanker Coordinator until as a Senior Environmental Coordinator for Kalimantan Operations). He also spent his 3 years career in LASMO Indonesia as Environmental Specialist and ended his career in Oil & Gas Company as an advisor in ISO-14001 Audit & Certification Developing Environmental Program, Risk Assessment, Training, Waste Management and Community Development, in ENI Indonesia.


                General Information

                Certificate of Appreciation

                All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.


                Documentation & Dress Code

                • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.

                • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

                • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



                • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

                • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

                • Interactive presentation with discussion

                • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

                • Lunch per day

                • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

                • Certificate of Completion

                • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment (Optional)

                • Exclusive flash disk.


                Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

                IDR 7.250.000,-/ Person, Registration deadline a weeks before training held.


                Minimum Participant

                This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)


                Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

                Oil and Gas Handling Facilities

                Oil and Gas Handling Facilities

                Bandung | July 13-16, 2010 | IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person


                OBJECTIVES :

                After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to :

                • Understand the basic concept of oil and gas handling processes and facilities, and how to operate this technology in field application.

                • Diagnostic of oil and gas reservoir performance under actual drive mechanism and future performance with current handling processes.

                • Analyze the production potential of reservoir under with actual handling system processes and to plan the better development processes according to reservoir capacity.

                • Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of oil and gas handling processes.



                No specified  (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer)


                COURSE OUT-LINE:

                1.  Gas Handling Facilities

                • Introduction to Gas Handling and Facilities

                • Gas Properties

                  • Ideal gas

                  • Real Gas

                  • Gas Formation Volume Factor

                  • Gas Compressibility

                  • Gas-Water System

                  • Gas-Condensate System

                • Gas Reservoir Performance

                  • Reservoir Gas Flow

                  • Gas Reserves

                  • Well Completion Effect

                  • Tight Gas Well

                  • Gas Well Testing

                • Gas Piping System

                  • Basic  Flow Equation

                  • Flow in Wells and Flow in Pipelines

                  • Effect of Liquids

                  • Use of Pressure Traverse Curve

                  • Liquid Removal from Gas Wells

                • Gas Compression

                  • Type of Compressors

                  • Compressor Design

                  • Centrifugal Compressor

                • Total System Analysis

                  • Tubing and Flow Line Effect

                  • Separator Pressure Effect

                  • Compressor Selection

                • Flow Measuring

                  • Orifice Metering

                  • Metering System Design

                  • Other Metering Methods

                • Gas Condensate Reservoir

                  • Well Testing and Sampling

                  • Gas Cycling

                • Field Operation Problems

                  • Pressure Cumulative Production Plot

                  • Hydrate Formation

                  • Sour Gas Production

                  • Corrosion Control With Inhibitors

                  • Sulfur Deposition

                • Gas Processing

                  • Field treatment of Natural Gas

                  • Gas Plant Operation

                  • Gas Dehydration

                  • Gas Sweetening


                2.  Oil Handling Facilities

                • Oil Well Surface Production Equipment and Operation

                  • Oil Well Equipment

                  • Oil Well Production Operation

                  • Well Automatic Safety Device

                • Oil Gathering System. Manifold and Flowline

                  • Oil Gathering System

                  • Maniflod System

                  • Flow line Sizing and Design

                • Crude Oil and Gas Separation

                  • Separator and Principle of Separation

                  • Design of Separator

                  • Oil Dehydration

                • Principles of Measurement

                  • Introduction to Measurement

                  • Crude Oil Measurement

                  • Gas Measurement

                • Well Test

                  • Introduction

                  • Responsibility for Test

                  • Preparation for Test

                  • Types of Well Test

                  • Equipment and Procedures

                  • Accuracy of Fluid Measurement

                  • Problem in Testing

                  • Type of Test


                INSTRUCTOR :

                Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA graduated from Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB in 1979 and got his Doctorate Degree with honored in 1987 from Ecole Centrale de Lyon I, France . The topic of his thesis is Modelisation Numerique d'Ecoulements Polyphasiques en Milieux Poreux Application au Cas de Calcul des Champs de Pressions et de Saturations dans un Gisement de Petrole.

                For the time being, he became a lecturer in Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB. His subjects are Analysis and Numerical Method, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Simulation, Flu id Mechanic, Artificial Intelligence for Petroleum Engineering.

                He also gave many courses to the community, such as: basic reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation, basic production engineering, down hole well testing, statistic and numerical method for petroleum engineering, basic log interpretation, etc. He is a member of some profession organization such as: IATMI, SPE/EIME, IMA, HAIAI, FPS-USA, INAGA, and IGA.


                General Information

                Certificate of Appreciation

                All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.



                • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by Our Partner.

                • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.


                Dress Code

                Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.



                • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)

                • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.

                • Interactive presentation with discussion

                • Convenient training facilities with five star quality

                • Lunch per day

                • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training

                • Certificate of Completion

                • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment  (optional)

                • Exclusive flash disk.


                Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

                • IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person

                • Registration deadline a weeks before training held.


                Minimum Participant

                This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)

                Senin, 10 Mei 2010



                Retro Cafe, Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta | Sabtu dan Minggu,  28 - 29 May 2010| 10.00-17.00 WIB | Rp. 1.500.000



                Latar belakang dan fakta-fakta

                • Sebagai seorang manusia sudah barang tentu kita harus menyesuaikan akal dengan hati kita, oleh karena itu pelatihan ini sangat baik untuk di ikuti semua kalangan calon pengusaha dan untuk persiapan pensiun (hari tua).

                • Dengan toko online kita dapat langsung menjalankan usaha tanpa perlu sewa toko yang akhir-akhir ini tambah mahal. Dapatkan segmen pasar 20 juta pengguna internet di seluruh Indonesia!

                • Pelatihan ini berdasarkan E-book yang di download +/- 10.000 kali dalam sebulan dan berdasar pengalaman, serta buku “Cara Sukses Berjulan di Internet” yang akan terbit Juni 2010

                • Per workshop di Retro Cafe (Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta) hanya 25 sampai 50 peserta.

                • Milikilah seni berjualan via internet dengan toko online yang dapat mengakomodir biaya kirim otomatis, informasi cara pembayaran, mendisplay produk yang di jual dengan diskon berdasar jumlah atau tanggal tertentu dan segudang fasilitas lainnya untuk memudahkan baik penjual dan pembeli dalam berinteraksi jual beli.

                • Bawa pulang Toko Online setelah selesai pelatihan dan Tersedia Peluang Usaha Bagi Anda yang belum memiliki usaha apa pun…BISA TANPA MODAL STOK!!

                Tujuan pelatihan:
                Kami berharap pelatihan ini dapat membawa manfaat antara lain:

                1. Pemahaman yang baik mengenai bisnis melalui internet seperti kelangsung dan keberlanjutan usaha

                2. Meraih penghasilan tambahan bahkan dapat dijadikan penghasilan utama

                3. Persiapan pensiun sehingga dengan dana pensiun yang terbatas maka instansi dapat lebih menekan resiko demo karyawan

                4. Menambah wawasan dan kemampuan karyawan

                5. Merubah paradigma konsep memulai usaha dan mengelola usaha ke arah TANPA BATAS!!

                6. Pelatihan dipandu oleh instruktur berpengalaman dan penulis buku “Cara Sukses Berjulan di Internet” * Written Based on Experience


                1. Mendapatkan ilmu dan peluang usaha nyata

                2. Gratis 1 Domain untuk 1 tahun

                3. Gratis hosting 100 MB, bandwidth per bulan 4GB selama 1 tahun

                4. Peluang usaha produk Perantara Shop dan sesama peserta boleh saling bertukar informasi bisnis dan peluang

                5. Pelatihan berdasar pengalaman berjualan via online dan via toko online dari tahun 1997 sampai saat ini, dan pengalaman ini di tulis dalam sebuah buku yang akan terbit May 2010 ini dan sudah mendapat pengakuan dari berbagai kalangan tokoh wira usaha di Indonesia.

                6. Mendapatkan pengalaman dalam mengelola Toko Online.

                7. Dapat membentuk komunitas bisnis (Perantara Indonesia dan Sesama Peserta)

                8. Dan yang Terpenting, Pelatihan ini bukan Omong Kosong ..

                Cakupan pelatihan, alokasi waktu dan tim pembawa Acara:

                1. Pendahuluan dan prospek Toko Online (1 Jam “Jualan barang atau Jasa tanpa modal Stock dengan akad Salam” Team Komunitas Pengusaha Muslim Indonesia ~ Noval Ramsis)

                2. Cara membuat catalog produk di toko online (3 Jam Team Perantara Indonesia ~ Feel Inside The Online Store Experience ~ “Cara Mudah Memulai Usaha” )

                3. Cara Promosi (3 Jam oleh Team Detik.Com “Kenapa banyak orang mengatakan ~ Google is My Sales Man!” dan Cara Menentukan Promosi Efektif menurut kondisi usaha anda masing-masing … Serta apa hubungannya dengan Detik.Com ?? )

                4. Transaksi toko online dan internet banking (2 jam ~ Tentative Team T-Cash Telkomsel)

                5. Pengiriman (2 jam, Tentative Team JNE Pusat / RPX FeDex)

                6. Tips (Founder Perantara Indonesia Rachmad Igen ~ “Strategi Sukses Berjualan Online” *Ulasan Buku dan Filosofi Global Vertikal dan Titik Temu dengan Horizontal)

                7. Acara akhir sharing peluang usaha bersama … (saat acara ini peserta tidak perlu khawatir overtime di Retro CafĂ©)


                Tentative .. Dimaz Andrean (Artist / Public Figure)

                Waktu pelatihan

                adalah 12 jam, per hari 6 jam, lama pelatihan 2 hari.


                • Retro Cafe, Bidakara

                • Jakarta Selatan

                Tuition Fee / Investasi

                • Rp. 1.500.000

                • Early bid sebelum 20 May 2010 discount 20%

                Cara pembayaran:

                • Down payment 25% transfer saat kirim formulir

                • 75% saat registrasi ulang pada acara workshop

                • Down payment tidak dapat dikembalikan.

                Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan mengisi formulir berikut. Permintaan informasi tambahan melalui Warta Training tidak mengikat dan dikenakan biaya tambahan apapun. Follow up dan proses selanjutnya langsung dilakukan oleh penyelenggara training.