Natural Gas Engineering
Properties Estimation and Pipe Line Network Design for Distribution and Processing
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung|Bandung, 18 – 21 April 2011| Pkl. 09.00 – 16.30 WIB |7.750.000,-/Peserta
Training Objective.
After completing this training, you should able to do the following :
- Apply the concept of thermodynamic including mixing rule (volumetric properties of mixture) to calculate the properties of Natural Gas.
- Predict the condition of hydrate formation and know the method to prevent it
- Apply the concept of fluid flow to calculate the parameters used in sizing the Natural Gas lines
- Recognize the use of non pipe elements and to calculate the parameters which fit the elements to the pipe line.
- Formulate equations for steady-state analysis
- Use graph theory to design and estimate, and optimize gas networks
- Doing troubleshooting of gas networks
Day 1
I. Thermodynamic Aspect of Real Gas
- The Law of Thermodynamics in relation to energy balance
- Volumetric Properties of Pure Substances: Cubic Equations of State
- Volumetric Properties of Pure Substances: The Virial Equations
- Generalized Correlations for Gases
II. Volumetric Properties of Mixtures
- Behavior of Ideal Gas
- Ideal Gas Mixtures
- Behavior of Real Gases
- Effect of Non-hidrocarbon component on Z-Factor: Wichert-Azis Correction Method
- Effect of Non-hidrocarbon component on Z-Factor: Carr-Kobayashi-Burrow Correction Method
- Effect of Non-hidrocarbon component on Z-Factor: Correction Method for high-molecular weight gases
- Direct Calculation of Compressiblity Factors using several methods including Papay, Hall-Yarborough, Dranchuk-Abu-Kassem, Dranchuk-Parvis-Robinson and Hankinson-Thomas-Phillips Methods
Day 2
III. Properties of Natural Gas I: Thermodynamic Properties of Natural Gas
- Compressibility of Natural Gases
- Gas Formation Volume Factor
IV. Properties of Natural Gas II: Estimation of the Viscosity of Gases
- Carr-Kobayashi-Burrow Method
- Leo-Gonzalez-Eakin Method
- Dean and Stiel Method
V. Gas Hydrates and Their Prevention
- Water content in natural Gas
- Water-Hydrocarbon systems: Gas Hydrates
- Prediction of Conditions for Hydrate Formation
- van der Waals-Platteeuw Model
- Gas Expansion-Joule Thomson Cooling
- Use of Methanol to Prevent Hydrates
- Hydrate in the Earth
Day 3
VI. Fundamental of Gas Flow in Pipe line
- Application of Flow Equation
- Calculation of Static Bottom Hole Pressure
- General Flow Equation
- Flow Equations in Practice: Gas Flow Characteristic in Pipes
- Flow Equations in Practice: Efficiency Factor
- Flow Equations in Practice: Common flow equation
VII. Non-Pipe Elements in Gas Networks
- Compressor Stations
- Pressure Regulators: Direct operated gas Regulators
- Pressure Regulators: Pilot-loading gas regulators
- Valves
VIII. Selected Elements of Graph Theory
- Terms and Definitions in Graph Theory
- Network Topology: The Branch-Nodal incidence matrix
- Network Topology: Branch-Loop incidence matrix
- Methods of Loop generation
Day 4
IX. Formulation of Equations for Steady-State Analysis
- Flow of Gases: Lacey Equation
- Flow of Gases: Polyfo Equation
- Flow of Gases: Panhandle ‘A’ Equation
- Flow of Gases: The Weymouth Equation
- Nodal Formulation
- Loop Formulation
X. Gas Networks design:
- Newton-Nodal Method (Multi-dimensional Case)
- Newton-Nodal Method (One-dimensional Case—Hardy-Cross Method)
XI. Natural Gas Liquid Recovery and Gas for The Fuel Market
- Natural Gas Liquid
- Gas Absorpsion versus Fractionation
- Cooling in Gas Processing
- Gas Absorpsion/Stripping Cycles for Liquid Recovery
- Adsorption versus Absorption
- Expander Plant
- Conclusion
XII. Troubleshooting of Gas Networks
- Philosophy of Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting of pipe line
- Troubleshooting of Compressor
- Troubleshooting of Control-Valves
Marthen Luther Doko
Alumnus Institut Teknologi Bandung tahun 1982 dan melanjutkan S2 di Institut Teknologi Bandung lulus tahun 1997. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Department Head of Chemical Engineering Dept. National Institute of Technology dan Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Dept. National Institute of Technology.
Sering mengikuti seminar di dalam dan luar negeri antara lain : International Seminar on Chemical Engineering 2010, International Federation of Automatic Control Simposium on Automatic Control 2006, International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Hanoi 2005, Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia “Kejuangan” 2007, dll.
- Bandung, 18 – 21 April 2011| Pkl. 09.00 – 16.30 WIB
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung
- Rp 7.750.000,00/Peserta (full fare)
Setiap peserta akan memperoleh 'Certificate of Accomplishment' , Gandaan Materi baik hardcopy (makalah) maupun softcopy (CD Materi), dan konsumsi (makan siang dan 2xmeals).
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