Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung |27 – 29 April 2011 | Pkl. 09.00 – 16.30 WIB | Rp 6.500.000,00
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung | 18 – 20 Mei 2011 | Pkl. 09.00 – 16.30 WIB | Rp 6.500.000,00
After completing this training, you should able to do the following
- Define different terms of investment, costs, and investment choice.
- Define the terms engineering economy, alternative, evaluation criteria, time value of money, interest, anprincipal
- Define interest rate and interest period and calculate the interest that had been accrued in one interest period
- Define simple interest and compound interest and calculate the total money accrued after one or more years
- Define and derive the following factors:
- Single-payment compound-amount factor
- Single-payment present-worth factor
- Uniform-series present-worth factor
- Capital-recovery factor
- Sinking-fund factor
- Find the correct numerical value of a factor in a table
- Define and develop uniform-gradient present-worth factor and annual series factor using single –payment present-worth factor
- Calculate the present-worth or future worth of special cash flow
- Define compounding period, nominal interest rate, effective interest rate, and payment period
- Derive the formula for computing the effective interest rate and define each term in the formula
- Use multiple factors to solve the more intricate problems
- State the important of incremental analysis and explain that it is true with the analysis of different Alternative
- Select the better alternative using the following methods:
- Present-worth calculation both equal life cycle or different life cycle
- Equivalent-Uniform-Annual-Worth
- Benefit/Cost Ratio
- Internal Rate of Return
- Explain the concepts of Retirement and Replacement and use the above concepts to calculate the related problem
- Define income tax, inflation, risk and put them into the problem of selecting the better alternative
- Use the entire concept stated above to solve more complex problems.
Hari pertama:
1. Investment
- Introduction
- Mutually Exclusive, Interdependent, Public Investments and Externalities
- Costs: Social, Opportunity, Capital, Income Tax and Inflation
- Investment Choice: Decision Criteria and Procedure
- Alternatives: Recognition and Consequences over Time
- Viewpoint and System Analysis
- Time Horizons and Equal Service Life
- Consequences: Differential and With-Without Criterion
- Common Unit of Measurement
- Sunk Cost, Depreciation and Incremental Analysis
- Analysis: The Manager’s and The Accountant’s
- Equivalence
2. Interest and Financial Mathematics
- Introduction
- The Double Value of Money
- Graphical Conventions
- Formulas
- Rates of Interest: Nominal and Effective
- Interest and Principal Separation
3. Present Worth dan Annual Worth
- Present Worth
- Capitalized-Cost Evaluation
- Capitalized-Cost comparison of Two Alternatives
- Study Period for Alternatives Having Different Lives
- Salvage Sinking-Fund Method
- Salvage Present-Worth Method
- Capital Recovery-plus-Interest Method
- Comparing Alternatives by EUAW
- EUAW of a Perpetual Investment
4. Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C) Evaluation
- Classification of Benefits, Costs, and Disbenefits
- Incremental Analysis Necessary
- Benefits, Disbenefits, and Cost Calculation of a Single Project
- Selection of Alternatives using B/C Analysis
- Mutually Exclusive Alternative: Selection using B/C Ratio Analysis
Hari kedua:
5. Rate of Return
- Overview of Rate-of-Return Computation
- Rate-of-Return Calculation using Present-Worth Method
- Rate-of-Return Calculation using EUAW Method
- Multiple Rate-of-Return
- Internal and Composite Rate-of-Return
6. Rate of Return Evaluation Multiple Alternatives
- Incremental Analysis
- Net Cash Flow Tabulation
- The Interpretation of Return on Extra investmen
- Evaluation of Incremental Rate-of-Return using PW equation
- Mutually Exclusive Alternatives: Selection using Rate-of-Return Analysis
7. The Effect of Income Tax on Economic Analysis
- Introduction
- Income Tax and Tax Brackets
- Deductions
- Book and Market Values
- Depreciation : Accelerated Cost Recovery System
- Depreciation : Alternative ACRS Method
- ACRS Dispositions
- Computation of After-Tax Cash flow using ACRS
- Methods of Calculating Depreciation
- Selection of Depreciation Method
- Lives
- Gain or Losses on Disposition
- Investment Tax Credit
8. Inflation
- Price : Changes and Indexes
- Rates: Constant, Current, and Inflation
- The Mathematics of Inflation
- Nominal and Effective Rates Related to Inflation
- Incorporating Inflation in an Economic Decision
- Variable Inflation Rates
9. Risk
- Introduction and Definitions
- Probability Measurement
- Expected Value
- Objective and Subjective Probabilities
- Risk Measurement
Hari ketiga:
10. Loans
- Loan Criteria
- Unequal Term of Loan
- Tax Effect
- Inflation Effects
- Collateral
11. Capital Budgeting
- Introduction and Modeling
- Programming Versus Efficiency of Capital Criteria
- Capital Rationing: Independent Projects
- Capital Rationing: Independent and Mutually Exclusive Projects
- Capital Rationing: Interdependent Projects
12. The Cost of Capital
- Introduction and Definitions
- Personal Cost of Capital
- Opportunity Cost of Capital and The Capital Budget
- Financial Cost of Capital in The Private Sector
- Public Sector Opportunity Cost of Capital
- Risk and The Cost of Capital
13. Replacement Analysis
- Retirement
- Defender, Chalenger and Economic Life
- Identical Replacement
- Different Replacement
14. Sector Analysis
- Introduction
- The Effect of View Point on Cash Flow—Transfer Payment
- Pareto and Kaldor
- The Private sector Viewpoint
- The Public Sector Viewpoint
- The Cost of Unemployed Resources
- Shadow Prices
15. Sensitivity Analysis
- Introduction and The Concept of Payback
- Breakeven Analysis
- Sensitivity: The Narrow Definition
- Sensitivity: The Broad Definition
- Multi-variable Sensitivity Analysis
Pembicara : Marthen Luther Doko
Alumnus Institut Teknologi Bandung tahun 1982 dan melanjutkan S2 di Institut Teknologi Bandung lulus tahun 1997. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Department Head of Chemical Engineering Dept. National Institute of Technology dan Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Dept. National Institute of Technology.
Sering mengikuti seminar di dalam dan luar negeri antara lain : International Seminar on Chemical Engineering 2010, International Federation of Automatic Control Simposium on Automatic Control 2006, International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Hanoi 2005, Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia “Kejuangan” 2007, dll.
- 27 – 29 April 2011, Pkl. 09.00 – 16.30 WIB
- 18 – 20 Mei 2011 , Pkl. 09.00 – 16.30 WIB
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung
- Rp 6.500.000,00/Peserta
- Setiap peserta akan memperoleh 'Certificate of Accomplishment', Gandaan Materi baik hardcopy (makalah) maupun softcopy (CD Materi), dan konsumsi (makan siang dan 2xmeals).
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