Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Applied Reservoir Engineering

Applied Reservoir Engineering

Jayakarta Suite Hotel & Spa , Bandung| March 21-24, 2011 | US$  1190,-/participant



Hydrocarbon systems found in petroleum reservoirs are known to display multi-phase behavior over wide ranges of pressure and temperatures. The most important phases that occur in petroleum reservoirs are: liquid phase (crude oil or condensates) and gas (natural gases). This course will explain the hydrocarbon phase behavior and practical application in reservoir and production engineering. Firstly it will review the principles of phase behavior and illustrate the use of phase diagram in describing the volumetric behavior of single-component, two-component, and multi-component system.

It will also present numerous mathematical and graphical correlations for estimating physical and critical properties of the undefined petroleum fraction, evaluation of properties of natural gases and introduces their application in Darcy?s equation and material balance equation. A complete and cohesive independent unit on methods of determining the crude oil physical properties, presents the concept and application of vapor-liquid phase equilibrium, developments and advanced in the field of empirical cubic equation of state and application in petroleum engineering. Details scheme of splitting and lumping of petroleum-fraction.

Properly understanding the reservoir fluid properties is very significant and are very importance steps during the entire life of the oil and reservoir developments and operations. This five-day training will provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of reservoir fluid properties and application to reservoir and production engineering to keep excellent reservoir and production performance as long as possible.


  • Refresh the knowledge of the participants on reservoir fluid properties.

  • Understand the basic principles of hydrocarbon phase behavior and its application in petroleum engineering.

  • Learn the numerous mathematical and graphical correlation for estimating physical and critical properties of the undefined petroleum fraction

  • Enhance the knowledge on hydrocarbon phase behavior, reservoir fluid properties and application.

  • Gain additional knowledge on recent technology in reservoir fluid properties calculation and correlation.

  • Knowledge sharing among the participants and instructors


1. Basic Phase Behavior

  • Single Component Systems

  • Two Component Systems

  • Multi Component Systems

  • Classification of Reservoir and Reservoir Fluids

2. Pure Component Physical Properties and Characterizing Undefined Petroleum Fraction

  • General Correlation for Estimating Physical Properties of Hydrocarbon Fraction

  • Critical Compressibility Factors

  • Characterizing Hydrocarbon Heavy Fractions

  • Determining of Physical Properties of Heavy Petroleum Fraction from Correlation

3. Properties of Natural Gases

  • Behavior of Ideal Gases

  • Ideal Gas Mixtures

  • Properties of Ideal Gas Mixtures

  • Behavior of Real Gases

  • Effect of Non Hydrocarbon Components on the Z-Factor

  • Correction for Non Hydrocarbons

  • Correction for High-Molecular-Weight Gases

  • Direct Calculation of Compressibility Factors

  • Compressibility of Natural Gases

  • Gas Formation Volume Factor & Viscosity

  • Engineering Application of natural gases PVT Properties

4. Phase Behavior of Crude Oils

  • Crude Oil Density and Specific Gravity

  • Methods for Determining Density of Crude Oils as Unknown Composition

  • Methods for Determining Density of Liquids as Unknown Composition

  • Isothermal Compressibility Coefficient of Undersaturated Crude Oils

  • Density of Undersaturated Crude Oils

  • Gas Solubility

  • Oil Formation Factor of Undersaturated Crude Oils

  • Total Formation Volume Factor

  • Total System Isothermal Compressibility Coefficient

  • Crude Oil Viscosity

  • Bubble Point and Surface Tension

  • Application of the Crude Oil PVT P

  • The Material Balance Equation for Oil Reservoirs

5. Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibrium

  • Equilibrium Ratio & Flash Calculation

  • Application of Equilibrium Ratio in Petroleum Engineering

6. Equation of State

  • The General Sized Form of Equation of State

  • Application of Equation of State for Petroleum Engineering

  • Three-Phase Equilibrium Calculation

7. Splitting Lumping Schemes of Petroleum Fraction

  • Splitting Schemes & Lumping Schemes

  • Simulation of Laboratory PVT Data by Equation of State


The following selected participants should attend this course:

  • Field Young and Senior Operators.

  • Fresh Petroleum, Reservoir, Production and Facility/Process Engineer

  • Geoscientist

  • Asset Management Team members and Business Development Manager

  • Production staff , and Operation Personnel who is responsible for the Oil and Gas Reservoir development design and implementation

  • Experienced professional who wants to refresh or broaden their understanding of Oil and Gas Properties in the purposes of fields development.

  • Other professionals who want a better understanding of the subject

DR. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA is General Manager of Program Development Department of ITB. He was an extreme dedicated consultant and researcher with countless hands-on expertise in analytical methods, engineering mathematics, computer simulation, fluid mechanic, mass and heat transfer. Mr. Sudjati has published numerous articles regarding of researches and analyses in France, Australia, USA and Singapore.

His expertise has brought him to one of the top-notch expert hired among UNOCAL, MOBIL OIL Indonesia, PPTM Migas, PT. CALTEX Pacific Indonesia, LEMIGAS, PT. LNG Bontang, VICO Indonesia, GULF, ARCO and PERTAMINA. He is an active member of SPE [Society of Petroleum Engineers] and Fine Particles Society, US. He holds Diplome d'Etude Approfondie and Docteur en Mecanique de Fluide in Methode Numerique from UCB, France.

March 21-24, 2011
4 days



Jayakarta Suite Hotel & Spa , Bandung

Tuition Fee

Registration until February 17, 2011

o US$  1190,-/participant
o US$ 990,-/participant if Register more than 3 (three) participants from 1 (0ne) Company



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 28 Februari  – 03 Maret 2011 | Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung |18 – 21 April 2011| Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 11 – 14 July 2011 | Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung |10 – 13 October 2011 | Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung |12 – 15 December 2011 | Rp 7.250.000/person


After completion of the course, the participants should be able to describe and demonstrate thoroughly of gas-compressors. Identify component by names, operation, maintenance and inspection. Describe the proper care, removal alignment and installation of gas-compressors and their accessories.


Gas-compressor operator, supervisor, and to whom may concern in gas-compressor operation and maintenance.


  • Fundamental of fluid mechanics and thermodynamic

    • Properties of fluids

    • Measurement unit

    • Basic of fluids dynamic

    • Energy losses in pipe installation

    • The gas Laws

    • Specific Heat

    • Compression process

      • Isothermal

      • Adiabatic

      • Polytrophic

    • Compression Work

    • Multistage compression

  • Pressure loss at gas pipe installation

    • Definition and accuracy

    • Factors to estimate friction loss

    • Pressure gradient in pipe

      • General equation of various gas

      • Natural gas piping equation

      • Vacuum piping equation

    • Fitting pressure loss

    • Flexible pipe pressure loss

  • Fundamental theory of compressor

    • Compressor development history

    • Compressor classification

    • Compressor work cycle

      • Theoretic cycle

      • Semi theoretic cycle

      • Actual cycle

  • Centrifugal compressor

  • Head, losses and efficiency

  • Characteristic at each speed

  • Compressor installation

  • Dynamic Compressor

    • Performance & condition definition

    • Type of centrifugal compressor

      • High casing

      • Horizontal split casing

      • Vertical split casing

    • Package assembly

    • Multi casing unit

    • Centrifugal compressor application

    • Characteristic of centrifugal compressor

    • General detail of centrifugal compressor

      • Impeller

      • Diaphragm

      • Inter stage packing

      • Rotor assembly

      • Casing

      • Journal and thrust  bearing

      • Shaft seals

      • Seal and lubrication system

      • Gas cooling

    • Pressure ratio and centrifugal characteristic curve

    • Control of capacity

      • Load curve

      • Control method

      • Surge control

      • Parallel operation

      • Unloading start

    • Inner gear air centrifugal compressor

      • Modulation pressure control

      • Dual step capacity control

      • Auto dual control

  • Axial flow compressor

  • Positive Compressor

    • Application of theory

      • Reciprocating compressor

      • Clearance control

      • Clearance control and variable compression ratio

      • Effect of heat specific ratio to horse power

      • Peak horse power and break horse power

      • Effect of compressibility

      • Effect of altitude

    • Reciprocating compressor

      • Definition

      • Characteristic

      • Classification

      • Cylinder

      • Valve

      • Cylinder cooling

      • Non-cooled cylinder

      • Air cooling cylinder

      • Capacity control

      • Manual control

      • Main automatic control

      • Load depletion  to start

      • Types of control

      • Constant speed control

      • Suction side throttling

      • Variable speed control

  • Installation, operation and maintenance

    • Installation

      • Placement

      • Suction condition

      • Foundation

      • Piping

      • Electric cabling

    • Field testing

      • Commissioning

      • Running test

    • Operation

      • Responsibility

      • Recording

      • Cleaning

      • Lubrication

      • Safety

      • Initial start

      • Capacity control

      • Spare parts

      • Trouble shooting

    • Inspection and maintenance

      • Preventive maintenance

      • Predictive maintenance


Ir. I Nengah Diasta, M.Eng. is graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and till now he is a lecturer at mechanical engineering Bandung Institute of Technology majoring on fluid mechanics and fluid machineries. He has followed many courses for his competencies supporting, such as Application of Pumps and Turbines in Industries, Industrial Application of Fluid Machinery, Drafting of Patent Applications, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbo Pumps and Turbines, Application of Turbo Type of Fluid Machinery, Industrial Application of Pumps and Renewable Energies, Effective Energy Systems For Preservation of The Environment, Application of Fluid Machinery Focused on Energy Conservation, and etc.

Ir. I Nengah Diasta, M.Eng.  has much experiences in real practical work in project implementation and has collaborated with many institution and companies.

Ir. I Nengah Diasta, M.Eng.  has been frequently teaching training class for many companies in Indonesia on some topics in his core expertise such as Pump Operation and Maintenance, pump and compressor, pneumatic system and maintenance, compressor and gas turbine, Centrifugal Pump: Selection, Operation, and Maintenance, Centrifugal Gas Compressor: Anti Surge Control, Hydraulic Power System, Gas Compressor and Anti Surge Control, Service & Maintenance for Fixed Machines, Rotating Equipment, Gas Compression System and Operation, Basic Rotating Machinery as Program on Basic Maintenance/Generalities for Control System Supervisor Training, Fundamentals of Pipeline Hydraulic, Gas Pipeline Hydraulic, Aplication of Termo-Fluid in Manufacture Industry, and etc.  Many Indonesian companies training participants have been taught by him such as PT PERTAMINA, PT Pupuk Kaltim, PT TELKOM, ARCO, PT.CALTEX,  Total E&P Indonesie, CONOCOphillips, PT PLN (Persero), PT Pupuk Kujang, Arun, PT Badak, PT Semen Andalas, PT TGI, PT Astra, PT CPI, CNOOC SES Ltd, and many others.


Hotel Golden Flower Bandung


4 days


  1. 18 – 21 April 2011

  2. 11 – 14 July 2011

  3. 10 – 13 October 2011

  4. 12 – 15 December 2011


  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD Contains Training Material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or Backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified  instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 9 – 13 May 2011| Rp 7.750.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 1 – 5 August 2011| Rp 7.750.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung |24 – 28 October 2011| Rp 7.750.000/person


a.    Basic theory of hydraulics in relation to hydraulic power system
b.    Basic calculation of hydraulic transmission power and knowledge about basic hydraulics circuit
c.    The utilization of hydraulics system in industries and its advantages
d.    Basic analyzing capability on simple hydraulic circuit



  1. Introduction to Fluid Power

    • History of Fluid Power

    • Advantages of Fluid Power

    • Application of Fluid Power

    • Component of a Fluid Power System

    • Type of Fluid Power Systems

    • The Fluid Power Industry

  2. Properties of Hydraulic Fluids

    • Fluids

    • Weight, Density and Specific Gravity

    • Pressure, Head and Force

    • The Metric SI System

    • Pascal Law

    • Bulk Modulus

    • Viscosity and Viscosity Index

    • Oxidation and Corrosion Prevention

    • Fire and Foam Resistance Fluids

    • Lubricating Ability

    • General Types of Fluids

  3. Energy and Power in Hydraulic Systems

    • Review of Mechanics

    • Application Pascal Law

    • Conservation of Energy

    • Hydraulic Horse Power

    • Bernoulli Equation

    • Energy, Power and Flow rates in SI system

  4. The Distribution System

    • Sizing Flow rate requirement

    • Pressure Rating of Conductors

    • Steel Pipes

    • Steel Tubing

    • Plastic Tubing

    • Flexible Hoses

    • Quick Disconnect Couplings

  5. Basic Hydraulic Flow in Pipes

    • Laminar and Turbulent Flow

    • Reynolds number

    • Darcy’s Equation

    • Frictional Losses in Laminar and Turbulent Flow

    • Losses in Valves and Fittings

    • Equivalent Length Technique

    • Hydraulic Circuit Analysis

    • Flow Measurement

    • Pressure Measurement

  6. The Source of Hydraulic Power

    • Pumping Theory

    • Pump Classification

    • Gear pump

    • Vane pump

    • Piston Pump

    • Pump Performance

    • Pump selection

    • Pressure Intensifier

    • Pump Performance rating

  7. Fluid Power Actuators

    • Linear hydraulic actuators

    • Limited Rotation Hydraulic Actuator

    • Vane motors

    • Piston Motors

    • Hydraulic Motor Performance

    • Hydrostatic transmissions

    • Electro hydraulic Stepping Motors

    • Low Speed High Torque Motors

  8. Control Components in Hydraulic Systems

    • Directional Control Valves

    • Pressure Control Valves

    • Flow Control Valves

    • Servo Valves

    • Hydraulic Fuses

    • Pressure and Temperature Switch

    • Shock Absorber

  9. Hydraulic Circuit Design and Analysis

    • Control Single Acting Hydraulic Cylinder

    • Control of Double Acting Cylinder

    • Regenerative Circuit

    • Pump unloading Circuit

    • Double Pump Hydraulic System

    • Pressure Intensifier Circuit

    • Counter Balance Valve Application

    • Hydraulic cylinder sequencing circuit

    • Fail safe circuits

    • Speed Control Of a Hydraulic Motor

    • Hydrostatic Transmission System



Ir. I Nengah Diasta, M.Eng.

Ir. I Nengah Diasta, M.Eng.  is graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and till now he is a lecturer at mechanical engineering Bandung Institute of Technology majoring on fluid mechanics and fluid machineries. He has followed many courses for his competencies supporting, such as Application of Pumps and Turbines in Industries, Industrial Application of Fluid Machinery, Drafting of Patent Applications, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbo Pumps and Turbines, Application of Turbo Type of Fluid Machinery, Industrial Application of Pumps and Renewable Energies, Effective Energy Systems For Preservation of The Environment, Application of Fluid Machinery Focused on Energy Conservation, and etc.
Ir. I Nengah Diasta, M.Eng.  has much experiences in real practical work in project implementation and has collaborated with many institution and companies.
Ir. I Nengah Diasta, M.Eng.  has been frequently teaching training class for many companies in Indonesia on some topics in his core expertise such as Pump Operation and Maintenance, pump and compressor, pneumatic system and maintenance, compressor and gas turbine, Centrifugal Pump: Selection, Operation, and Maintenance, Centrifugal Gas Compressor: Anti Surge Control, Hydraulic Power System, Gas Compressor and Anti Surge Control, Service & Maintenance for Fixed Machines, Rotating Equipment, Gas Compression System and Operation, Basic Rotating Machinery as Program on Basic Maintenance/Generalities for Control System Supervisor Training, Fundamentals of Pipeline Hydraulic, Gas Pipeline Hydraulic, Aplication of Termo-Fluid in Manufacture Industry, and etc.  Many Indonesian companies training participants have been taught by him such as PT PERTAMINA, PT Pupuk Kaltim, PT TELKOM, ARCO, PT.CALTEX,  Total E&P Indonesie, CONOCOphillips, PT PLN (Persero), PT Pupuk Kujang, Arun, PT Badak, PT Semen Andalas, PT TGI, PT Astra, PT CPI, CNOOC SES Ltd, and many others.



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung



5 days



  1. 9 – 13 May 2011

  2. 1 – 5 August 2011

  3. 24 – 28 October 2011



  1. Rp 7.750.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.500.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 7.250.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)





Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung |4 – 7 July 2011| Rp 7250.000/person
Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung|21 – 24 November 2011| Rp 7250.000/person


To fulfill the oil and gas demand for power generation, recovery processes, and other uses, pipelines are utilized to transport the supply from their source.  These pipelines are mostly buried and operate without disturbing normal pursuits.

Construction procedures for most pipeline systems can be adapted to consider specific environmental conditions and are tailored to cause minimal impact on the environment.

Unattended pumping stations move large volumes of oil and petroleum products under high pressure.  Many factors have to be considered in the engineering and design of long-distance pipelines, including the nature and volume of fluid to be transported, the length of pipeline, the types of terrain traversed and the environmental constraints.  Major factor influencing pipeline system design are: Fluid properties, design condition, supply and demand magnitude/location, Code and standards, Route, topography and access, environmental impact, economic, hydrological impact, seismic and volcanic impacts.

To obtain optimum results for a pipeline transmission system, complex economic and engineering studies are necessary to decide on the pipeline diameter, material, compression/pumping power requirements and location of the pipeline route.



  1. Overview of Problems in Gas, Oil and Produced Water Pipeline Operations and Maintenance

  2. The Pipeline Design Approach and Considerations

  3. Design of Gas Transmission Pipeline

  4. Design of Crude, Oil and Produced Water Transportation Pipeline

  5. Valves, Flanges and Fittings Selection for Crude, Oil, Gas and Produced Water Pipeline Design



Dr. Hilman Ahmad and Team
Hilman Ahmad, PhD., an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center for Professionals and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000.He has been delivering consultative course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.



Hotel Jayakarta, Bandung



4 days



  1. 4 – 7 July 2011

  2. 21 – 24 November 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Flash Disk contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. T-Shirt

  6. Bag

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training

  10. Qualified instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)





Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 25 – 28 July 2011| Rp 7.250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung |19 – 22 December 2011| Rp 7.250.000/person


The natural gas industry has recognized that dehydration is necessary to ensure smooth operation of gas transmission lines. Dehydration prevents the formation of gas hydrates and reduces corrosion. Unless gases are dehydrated, liquid water may condense in pipelines and accumulate at low points along the line, reducing its flow capacity. Therefore, the removal of the water that is associated with natural gases in vapor form is one critical step in gas processing scheme. Several methods have been developed to dehydrate gases on an industrial scale. The three major methods are: direct cooling, adsorption and absorption. Glycol and methanol injection, glycol dehydration contactor, and glycol regeneration are important issues in gas production operations.



  1. Overview of the Production of Transportable and Salable Gas

  2. Legal and Safety Requirements in Gas Fuel Market

  3. Reservoir Fluid Type and the Hydrocarbon PVT Diagram

  4. Prevention of Hydrate Formation and the Dehydration Processes

  5. Hydrate Inhibitor and the Methanol and Glycol Injection

  6. Injection System and the Low Temperature Separation

  7. Dehydration in Contactor Column and Glycol Regeneration

  8. Contactor and Regenerator Plant Operation and Controls

  9. Glycol Conditioning and Glycol Losses Control

  10. Plant Maintenance and Troubleshooting



Dr. Hilman Ahmad and Team
Hilman Ahmad, PhD., an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center for Professionals and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000.He has been delivering consultative course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung



4 days



  1. 25 – 28 July 2011

  2. 19 – 22 December 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Flash Disk contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. T-Shirt

  6. Bag

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training

  10. Qualified instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)




Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 11 – 14 July 2011| Rp 7250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung |5 – 8 December 2011| Rp 7250.000/person


  1. By attending this course, participants are able to broaden or reshape their knowledge on the related subjects of his or her area of responsibility, learn more detail about corrosion and scaling mechanism, know more how to prevent corrosion and scaling, understand how to select and use chemicals, discuss and consult their specific problems they are about to bring to the class, and share experiences with others.

  2. After completion of this course, participants will understand what corrosion and scaling are and their fantastic devastating potential, why and how they begin, how to detect, predict and monitor their growth, and how to control and prevent these big and serious problems. Participants will know whether or not corrosion and scaling happen in particular oil & gas field and what to do to anticipate the risks.

  3. This course is designed as an effective practical shortcut to understand oil & gas field corrosion and scaling prevention, for either corrosion engineers or non corrosion engineering personnel who involve in oil & gas operations and maintenance, pipeline and asset integrity management, pipeline inspection and pigging, material purchasing, chemical selection and injection, produced water handling, hazard and HSE management, and any corrosion and scaling prevention related business activity.

  4. The course content and approach are designed to suit participants of different background and different position in the company. It will be delivered as a to-the-point explanation by a professional instructor, utilizing an easy-to-understand examples and illustrations, especially the actual findings in Indonesia.



  1. Reservoir and Wellhead Downstream Fluid Characteristics

  2. Down Hole and Wellhead Pressure and Temperature

  3. H2S, CO2, and Acidic Impurities Components

  4. Sour Corrosion and Microbial Induced Corrosion

  5. Equipment and Pipeline Leakage and Rupture by Corrosion

  6. Fluid Properties and the Scaling Tendency

  7. Equipment and Pipeline Plugging by Scaling

  8. Corrosion Monitoring and Scale Prediction

  9. Corrosion Control and Scale Prevention Methods



  1. Oil, condensate, gas, and water in reservoir

  2. Reservoir fluid and the hydrocarbon PVT diagram

  3. Down hole to wellhead pressure and temperature change

  4. Corrosion and scale in tubing and wellhead downstream

  5. Corrosion and scale in produced water re-injection system and the injection well

  6. Corrosion and scale in sea water injection system

  7. Characteristics of produced water and the ionic balance

  8. The role of H2S, CO2, and acidic impurities in the surface fluid

  9. Nature of H2S corrosion, pitting and stress corrosion cracking

  10. Nature of CO2 corrosion and calcium carbonate scaling

  11. Calcium, barium and strontium scales problems

  12. Carbonate, sulfate, and silicate scales problems

  13. Sour corrosion and top of line corrosion problems

  14. Microbial induced corrosion mechanism and its related problems

  15. Corrosion caused by SRB and the pitting mechanism

  16. Corrosion caused by oxygen penetration

  17. Examples of corrosion damage and pipeline leakage

  18. Examples of scale problems and pipeline plugging

  19. Calculation of ionic balance, and corrosion and scaling indexes

  20. Prediction of corrosion and scale tendency

  21. Corrosion monitoring methods in oil & gas field

  22. Scale monitoring methods in oil & gas field

  23. Oil & gas filed corrosion and scaling prevention methods

  24. Corrosion control with inhibitors and the selection of suitable corrosion inhibiting chemicals

  25. Dosage and injection methods of corrosion inhibitors

  26. Scale control with inhibitors and the selection of suitable scale inhibiting chemicals

  27. Dosage and injection methods of scale inhibitors

  28. SRB control with biocides and the selection of suitable and low risk biocide formula

  29. Dosage and injection methods of biocides

  30. Oxygen control by de-aeration and chemical injection, and the selection of suitable oxygen scavenger

  31. Dosage and injection methods of oxygen scavenger

  32. Safety in oil & gas corrosion and scaling prevention

  33. Case studies in tubing and wellhead downstream

  34. Case studies in produced water re-injection

  35. Case studies in sea water injection system




None. No previous training in Hazops is required. However, to gain the most from this course, a basic understanding of science, physics and chemistry will be helpful.



Dr. Hilman Ahmad and Team
Hilman Ahmad, PhD., an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center for Professionals and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000.He has been delivering consultative course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung



4 days



  1. 11 – 14 July 2011

  2. 5 – 8 December 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Flash Disk contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. T-Shirt

  6. Bag

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training

  10. Qualified instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)





Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung|6 – 9 June 20111| Rp 7.250.000
Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung|24 – 27 October 2011| Rp 7.250.000


  1. The mine steel structures and the mining supporting facilities are naturally subject to failure cause by corrosion hazards, and potentially affect health, safety and environment. These may result in wasting of steel component, slowing down the mining operation, increasing maintenance and repair cost, loss of asset, loss of production, and sudden failure and injury.

  2. The steel structure include the main mining equipment; and the supporting facilities are field transportation vehicle, ship and barges, jetty, steel piles, bridges, fuel storage tanks, fuel and water transportation pipeline, mining waste disposal pipeline, and any other steel structure in the mining site.

  3. The corrosion damage can only be prevented and totally stopped by application of cathodic protection.

  4. The course focuses on recognition and identification of corrosion hazards, its potential damage to steel structures in the mining field, the risk of equipment failure, injury, and the negative effects to safety and environment; and the principle method and techniques to prevent or control corrosion damage with cathodic protection.

  5. Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection (SACP) method and Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) method will be explained in detail, both for inland (topside) mining steel structures and underwater or water-immersed mining supporting facilities.

  6. It provides a basic but thorough review of corrosion characteristics and its devastating mechanism, cathodic protection principle and method, and the technique by which cathodic protection can be applied. Active participation is encouraged through case studies, examples, and an open discussion format.



  1. Mining personnel who concern and responsible for maintenance of steel structures and mining supporting facilities in the mining workplace.

  2. Anyone who needs to recognize corrosion hazards in the workplace and understand its devastating potential, especially as it relates to his or her area of responsibility, in any mining activity.

  3. Anyone who needs to understand the engineering concept of corrosion control in the mining site and the benefit of steel corrosion control with cathodic protection technique.

  4. Those who involves in asset management, and responsible for reliability of mining supporting facilities such as field transportation vehicle, ship and barges, jetty, steel piles, bridges, fuel storage tanks, fuel and water transportation pipeline, mining waste disposal pipeline, and any other steel structure in the mining site.

  5. Anyone who involves in health, safety, and environment.

  6. Other beginners who interested in.



  1. Corrosion mechanism of mining steel structure and mining supporting facilities.

  2. Atmospheric, soil and water corrosiveness.

  3. Standard and recommended practice for application of anti-corrosion method and materials; and consideration for the use of cathodic protection.

  4. Practical methods to prevent atmospheric topside corrosion.

  5. Cathodic protection for fuel, chemicals, and water storage tanks, silos, piping, structures, and its associated equipment.

  6. Cathodic protection for underground pipeline, structures, and its associated equipment.

  7. Cathodic protection for underwater pipeline and structures, ships, barges, jetty, steel piles, bridges, fuel and water transportation pipeline, waste disposal pipeline, and marine facilities.

  8. Design and installation of SACP and ICCP.

  9. Inspection, monitoring, maintenance and evaluation of SACP and ICCP.

  10. Hazards and Safety in using Cathodic Protection System.



Ir. Hilman Ahmad, DCE

Ir. Hilman Ahmad, DCE., an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center for Professionals and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000.He has been delivering consultative course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.




Hotel Golden Flower, Bandung



4  days



  1. 6 – 9 June 2011

  2. 24 – 27 October 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Flash Disk contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. T-Shirt

  6. Bag

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified Instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)



Participants are recommended to bring laptop for practice sessions



Hotel Harris Tebet, Jakarta|10 – 13 Oktober  2011| Rp 7.250.000


  • Peserta mengerti K3 dalam inspeksi rig

  • Peserta memahami philosophy tentang inspeksi

  • Peserta memahami dan mampu melakukan verifikasi dokumen dan  inspeksi peralatan rig

  • Peserta cakap menggunakan peralatan inspeksi dan mengetahui standar kriterianya.

  • Peserta mampu membaca dan menterjemahkan standar pemeriksaan rig.



  1. Pre test dan Post test

  2. Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja Inspeksi Rig

  3. Philosophy Inspeksi

  4. Inspeksi Rig & Review dokumen

  5. Inspeksi peralatan hoisting system

  6. Inspeksi circulating system

  7. Inspeksi peralatan rotating system

  8. Inspeksi peralatan well control

  9. Inspeksi peralatan  power system

  10. Perkenalan peralatan inspeksi rig

  11. Pengetahuan standard pemeriksaan rig



Mr. Afrinal

Mr. Afrinal has been working at PT.Surveyor Indonesia as Senior Inspection Engineer for Equipments in Industrial and Oil & Gas Company and he has done many projects so he has much real field experiences, this his experiences will be shared throught his training class to participants. His education background is chemical engineering. Some his experiences working duties as follows: Responsible for the Quality of Inspection works, Perform Physical Inspection and Document Review, Perform Wire Rope Testing Operation, Perform Load Testing, Perform Crane Inspector, Perform Lifting and Rigging Inspector, Perform Coating Inspector, Perform Welding Inspector, Perform Corrosion Inspector, Perform Cathodic Protection Inspector, Perform Blow Out Preventer Inspector, Perform make planning for maintenance program for equipments, Perform  Ahli  Keselamatan  Kerja  (AK3)  Umum Disnakertrans, Perform Ultrasonic Testing (UT Inspector), Perform Rig Inspection and documents related, Perform Auditor SMK3, Perform for HES Managerial System.

He has also followed many training and certification for improving his knowledge and skills, some of them are : Training and Certification Koordinator Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Migas, Certification Ahli Pengeboran (APB) Migas, Certified Juru Bor III from Migas, Refresh training FSWP, DDC and OEMS, Pump Operation, Maintenance and Trouble Shooting, Certified by ModuSpec Rig Inspection, Basic Drilling and Technologies Practices, Certified Auditor SMK3 by Depnakertrans, Failure Analysis Engineering, Certified Ultrasonic Testing Level II, FSWP, DDC & OEMS, OHSAS 1801, HIRARC, Solid Control, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Studi Kelayakan Proyek, Quality and Reliability Enginnering, Certified    of    Diklat    Ahli    Keselamatan    dan Kesehatan  Kerja  Umum, Winning Through Services, Certified Pipeline Corrosion, Certified Lifting Equipment Courses by MIGAS, Wire   Rope   Training, Load Cell Training, Outbound Training, Certified Coating Inspector Level II, Certified Corrosion Inspector, Certified Cathodic Protection Level I, Certified Welding Inspector, ISO 9001 : 2000 Awareness Training, Certified Coating Inspector level I, Management Strategy Manajemen Proyek, Welding Inspector from IWS – API – DWI, Crane Inspector from Migas, Ultrasonic Technician Level II, Corrosion Inspector, Cathodic Inspector, Blow Out Preventer Inspector from Migas, Coating Inspector, Rig Inspector, AK3U from Depnakertrans, Juru Bor III from Migas, Auditor SMK3 from Depnakertrans, Koordinator K3 Migas, Ahli Pengeboran Migas.




Hotel Harris Tebet, Jakarta



4  days



  1. 10– 13 Oktober 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Flash Disk contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. T-Shirt

  6. Bag

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified Instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)



Participants are recommended to bring laptop for practice sessions




Hotel Golden Flower,  Bandung |13 – 16 June 2011| Rp 7.250.000
Hotel  Golden Flower,  Bandung |7 – 10 November 2011| Rp 7.250.000


This course focuses on corrosion – from either internal or external source – and its potential problem, and the protection methods to stop or control them. Review on corrosion and technique by which it can be identified, monitored and controlled will be given in detail. Active participation is encouraged through case studies and examples especially on the use of painting and coatings, transformer-rectifier of impressed current, magnesium, zinc and alum sacrificial anodes for external protection, and the injection of corrosion inhibitors and biocides for internal corrosion control.



NONE. No previous training in corrosion control is required. However, to gain the most from this course, a basic understanding of physics, chemistry and basic unit operations will be helpful.



  1. Review of oil & gas surface production facility and operations.

  2. Review of metallic materials used in surface production facility and pipelines and the corrosion problem usually happen.

  3. Case studies and examples of oil & gas material failure caused by corrosion from internal and external source.

  4. Uniform, galvanic and localized corrosion failures.

  5. Internal corrosion of pipeline, vessel and processing equipment caused by sour component, H2S, CO2, organic acid, brine, and the SRB (sulfate reducing bacteria).

  6. External corrosion of underground, underwater and under-seawater pipeline and structure caused by impurities in soil and water environment.

  7. External corrosion of topside structure caused by marine atmosphere.

  8. Basic electrochemistry of corrosion process, Ohm’s law and the corrosion rate.

  9. Corrosion control and prevention with painting & coatings and the cathodic protection.

  10. Measurement of corrosion potential and corrosion current.

  11. Protection with sacrificial anode and impressed current.

  12. Understanding NACE Standard RP-01-69 to stop external corrosion attack.

  13. Requirement, design and criteria of cathodic protection.

  14. Sacrificial anode specification, installation and construction.

  15. Testing, monitoring, and inspection of cathodic protection.

  16. Inspection and maintenance of transformer-rectifier and sacrificial anode.

  17. Field test, measurement techniques and instrument.

  18. Data recording and evaluation of cathodic protection system.

  19. Case studies of corrosion control and prevention with cathodic protection.

  20. Internal corrosion problem in the pipeline and surface facility.

  21. Oil/gas/water fluid properties and the corrosion tendency.

  22. Deterioration by H2S, CO2, and acidic corrosive components.

  23. Pipeline leakage and rupture by microbial induced corrosion.

  24. Corrosion caused by SRB and the pitting mechanism.

  25. Corrosion caused by oxygen penetration.

  26. Examples and case studies of equipment corrosion damage and pipeline leakage.

  27. Understanding NACE Standard RP-0775 for internal corrosion control and monitoring.

  28. Practical internal corrosion monitoring methods.

  29. Access fittings, corrosion coupon and corrosion probes.

  30. Practical internal corrosion control and prevention methods.

  31. Internal corrosion control with inhibitors and the selection of suitable corrosion inhibiting chemicals.

  32. Dosage and injection methods of corrosion inhibitors.

  33. SRB control with biocides and the selection of suitable and low risk biocide formula.

  34. Dosage and injection methods of biocides.

  35. Oxygen control by de-aeration and chemical injection, and the selection of suitable oxygen scavenger chemicals.

  36. Dosage and injection methods of oxygen scavenger.

  37. Safety in the use of chemicals for internal corrosion prevention.

  38. Review of gas dehydration process and operations.

  39. Internal corrosion problem in glycol contactor (dehydration) unit.

  40. Method and materials use to control the corrosiveness of rich glycol solution.

  41. Review of amine sweetening process and operations.

  42. Internal corrosion problem in amine sweetening unit.

  43. Method and materials use to control the corrosiveness of rich amine solution.

  44. Examples and case studies of internal corrosion control




Ir. Hilman Ahmad, DCE

Ir. Hilman Ahmad, DCE., an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center for Professionals and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000.He has been delivering consultative course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.



Hotel Golden Flower,  Bandung



4  days



  1. 13 – 16 June 2011

  2. 7 – 10 November 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Flash Disk contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. T-Shirt

  6. Bag

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified Instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)



Participants are recommended to bring laptop for practice sessions




Hotel Golden flower,  Bandung | 9 – 12 May 2011| Rp 7.250.000
Hotel Golden flower,  Bandung |3 – 6 October 2011| Rp 7.250.000


  1. This course is for either corrosion engineers or non corrosion engineering personnel who involve in oil & gas operations and maintenance, pipeline and asset integrity management, pipeline inspection and pigging, material purchasing, chemical selection and injection, hazard and HSE management, and any corrosion related activity.

  2. By attending this course, participants are able to broaden or reshape their knowledge on the related subjects of his or her area of responsibility, learn more detail about internal corrosion control and monitoring, and understand how to select and use of corrosion inhibitors and chemicals.

  3. After completion of this course, participants will understand what internal corrosion is, how to detect, predict and monitor their growth, and how to control these serious problems in the pipeline.



  1. Internal Corrosion Problem in the Pipeline

  2. H2S, CO2, and Acidic Corrosive Components

  3. Sour Corrosion and Microbial Induced Corrosion

  4. Equipment and Pipeline Leakage and Rupture by Corrosion

  5. Fluid Properties and the Corrosion Tendency

  6. Internal Corrosion Monitoring and Corrosion Prediction

  7. Internal Corrosion Control and Prevention Methods



  1. Oil, condensate, gas, and water flowing in the pipeline

  2. Corrosion in water re-injection system and the injection line

  3. Corrosion in sea water injection system

  4. The role of H2S, CO2, and acidic impurities in the fluid

  5. Nature of H2S corrosion, pitting and stress corrosion cracking

  6. Nature of CO2 corrosion

  7. Sour corrosion and top of line corrosion problems

  8. Microbial induced corrosion mechanism and its related problems

  9. Corrosion caused by SRB and the pitting mechanism

  10. Corrosion caused by oxygen penetration

  11. Examples of corrosion damage and pipeline leakage

  12. Corrosion monitoring methods in oil & gas field

  13. Oil & gas filed corrosion prevention methods

  14. Corrosion control with inhibitors and the selection of suitable corrosion inhibiting chemicals

  15. Dosage and injection methods of corrosion inhibitors

  16. SRB control with biocides and the selection of suitable and low risk biocide formula

  17. Dosage and injection methods of biocides

  18. Oxygen control by de-aeration and chemical injection, and the selection of suitable oxygen scavenger

  19. Dosage and injection methods of oxygen scavenger

  20. Safety in oil & gas corrosion prevention



Ir. Hilman Ahmad, DCE

Ir. Hilman Ahmad, DCE., an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center for Professionals and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000.He has been delivering consultative course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.



Hotel GOLDEN FLOWER  Bandung



4  days



  1. 9 – 12 May 2011

  2. 3 – 6 October 2011



  1. Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare)  or

  2. Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week  before training) or

  3. Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Flash Disk contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. T-Shirt

  6. Bag

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified Instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)



Participants are recommended to bring laptop for practice sessions


Submersible Pump - YOGYAKARTA

Submersible Pump - YOGYAKARTA

Yogyakarta | Yogyakarta, 19 – 21 April  2011| IDR 4.500.000,-


Pompa banyak digunakan di industri. Baik buruknya operasi pompa akan mengganggu proses produksi suatu industri. Untuk itu pompa selalu dijaga jangan sampai rusak, yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian perusahaan. Kondisi ini tidak dapat dicapai bila tidak didukung tenaga teknis yang kompeten. Untuk mendapatkan tenaga teknis yang kompeten, perlu adanya pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang prosedur, aspek yang fundamental dan teknis yang terkait dengan operasi dan pemeliharaan pompa. Bagaimana mengoperasikan yang tepat, cara merawat dan memperbaikinya merupakan pengetahuan yang harus dikuasai oleh teknisi yang bekerja dengan pompa. Oleh karena itu pelatihan ini sangat penting bagi tenaga tenaga teknis yang bekerja dengan pompa. Kemampuan ini juga dapat membantu perusahaan mereduksi terjadinya down time dan dapat meningkatkan keuntungan baik dari segi produksi maupun dari umur mesin yang lebih panjang.



  1. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang teori dasar pompa submersible

  2. Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang operasi pompa

  3. Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang pemeliharaan pompa

  4. Melakukan analisis karakteristik pompa

  5. Melakukan operasi dan perawatan pompa

  6. Dengan pengetahuan yang diberikan dan pengalaman dilapangan diharapkan peserta dapat melakukan pekerjaan dengan aman dan memahami apa yang sedang dilakukan ketika bekerja dengan pompa submersible



  1. Pendahuluan

  2. Prinsip kerja dan klasifikasi pompa

  3. Dasar- dasar mekanika fluida pada pompa (Sifat-sifat fluida, sifat aliran, perubahan momentum, tekanan, karakteristik pompa)

  4. Konstruksi pompa submersible

  5. Peralatan bantu pada pompa submersible

  6. Jenis penggerak dan transmisi daya poros (Motorlistrik, cara start, motor bakar torak)

  7. Pemilihan pompa submersible

  8. Instalasi dan operasi (Instalasi pemipaan, pengujian, operasi harian)

  9. Performansi dan test

  10. Pemeriksaan dan pemeliharaan (Pemeriksaan rutin, harian, prosedur pemeriksaan, pemeliharaan, monitoring)

  11. Gangguan dan cara mengatasinya (Air tidak keluar, pompa tidak beroperasi, pemanasan lebih, bunyi, getaran dan korosi)




Manajer, Supervisor, Staff Teknik, dan Operator



Lecturing, workshop, konsultasi interaktif, dan praktek MC



Tugino, ST MT



Yogyakarta, 19 – 21 April  2011






  • IDR 4.500.000 – (non residential )

  • (termasuk picking-up service dari Bandara/Stasiun KA ke hotel, training modul, training kit, 2x coffee break, 1x lunch, souvenir, dan sertifikat)


Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

building a powerful internet gateway with clearos

building a powerful internet gateway with clearos

Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Harris Hotel Tebet - Jakarta |9 - 11 Maret 2011| 08.30 – 16.30 | Rp Rp 3.750.000,--/person



Pemanfaatan Internet untuk kepentingan perusahaan/organisasi saat ini sudah menjadi suatu kebutuhan untuk bisa hadir secara kompetitif bersaing dalam bisnis. Ada banyak solusi implementasi Internet gateway yang ditawarkan baik yang proprietary maupun open source. Namun masing-masing solusi memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan yang sering kali menjadi kendala terutama bagi organisasi/perusahaan kecil dimana tidak ada satupun orang yang memiliki keahlian khusus dalam bidang IT. ClearOS adalah jaringan yang kuat dan server gateway dirancang untuk perusahaan/organisasi kecil dan lingkungan terdistribusi. Meskipun ClearOS dilengkapi dengan daftar panjang fitur dan layanan terpadu, solusinya adalah mudah untuk mengkonfigurasi berkat antarmuka berbasis web yang intuitif. Implementasi ClearOS ini dapat digunakan untuk keperluan perusahaan/organisasi kecil hingga menengah, pemerintahan, usaha warnet atau game online bahkan bisa dilakukan oleh orang yang belum pernah mengenal Linux sama sekali. Dengan demikian ClearOS ini diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi implementasi yang memiliki potensi besar tidak hanya mendukung kepentingan perusahaan/organisasi dalam mengakses Internet melainkan juga sebagai bagian dari implementasi Intranet yang berdaya guna.



Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

  • Memahami konsep jaringan komputer

  • Memahami komponen jaringan komputer

  • Memahami IP address

  • Memahami manfaat dari Intranet

  • Mengenal apa itu ClearOS

  • Memahami tahapan implementasi ClearOS

  • Melakukan tahapan implementasi ClearOS

  • Memahami fitur-fitur yang disediakan ClearOS

  • Memahami dan melakukan implementasi solusi berdasarkan fitur-fitur pada ClearOS

  • Melakukan proses penyelesaian studi kasus dengan ClearOS berdasarkan kegiatan bisnis masing-masing organisasi/perusahaan.


Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan.

  1. 60% Theory

  2. 40% Practices

  3. Dynamic and interactive training presentation.



  • Hari ke – 1 : teori dasar

  • Hari ke – 2 : 08.30 s/d 12.00 teori instalasi, 13.00 s/d 16.30 praktik instalasi

  • Hari ke – 3 : 08.30 s/d 12.00 teori fitur-fitur, 13.00 s/d 16.30 studi kasus



  1. Pemahaman tentang jaringan komputer

  2. Komponen jaringan komputer

  3. Pemahaman IP address

  4. Selamat datang di Clear OS

  5. Fitur-fitur di ClearOS

  6. Tampilan layar ClearOS

  7. Garis waktu distribusi ClearOS

  8. Adopsi ke seluruh dunia

  9. Komparasi dengan kompetitor

  10. Implementasi – Persiapan

  11. Implementasi – Instalasi

  12. Implementasi – Pasca Instalasi

  13. Praktik implementasi

  14. Fitur direktori

  15. Fitur jaringan

  16. Fitur gateway

  17. Fitur server

  18. Fitur siste

  19. Fitur pelaporan

  20. Studi kasus dan diskusi yang diikuti trainer dengan peserta.



Manager and staff of :

  • Inventory planning

  • Purchasing

  • Buying

  • Cost control

  • Warehouse



Agung Kus Sugiharto, ST

AGUNG KUS SUGIHARTO, ST. Praktisi bidang IT yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih dari 12 tahun diawali sebagai instruktur dan penanggung jawab praktikum komputer di Universitas Gunadarma, Depok; menggeluti operasional dan konsultan IT antara di PT. Matahari Lintas Cakrawala dan PT. Rahajasa Media Internet; hingga menjadi IT Head di PT. Mentari Multimedia.
Aktivitas terakhir beliau adalah sebagai konsultan dan usaha pemasaran layanan IT dan investasi keuangan sebagai bagian aktualisasi kewirausahaannya.
Selain itu juga beliau menjadi penasihat bisnis untuk Meruvian Foundation sebuah yayasan pelatihan dan konsultan kewirausahaan teknologi berbasis Java yang telah memberdayakan SMK IT se-Indonesia untuk mendukung konsep link & match dari akademik terhadap industri IT.
Dengan berbekal pengalaman dan keahlian serta keterpaduan dengan bidang Non IT seperti diantaranya pengenalan kepribadian, mindset motivation dan mind mapping, memungkinkan beliau menyajikan pelatihan IT Soft Skill dengan cara yang berbeda sehingga mudah dipahami dan dipraktekkan oleh peserta sesuai dengan tujuan pelatihan.


9 - 11 Maret 2011,              08.30 – 16.30


Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Harris Hotel Tebet - Jakarta

Investment/Person :

  • Rp 3.750.000,- ( Full Fare )

  • Early Bird : Rp 3.500.000,- (Paid 4 days Before 9 Maret 2011)

  • Group Price : Rp 9.900.000,- (3 participants from the same company)


intranet networking for non it executives

intranet networking for non it executives

Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Harris Hotel Tebet - Jakarta | 21 - 22 Maret 2011 | Rp 3.500.000


Era globalisasi dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dewasa ini sangat membutuhkan solusi Intranet selain dari pemanfaatan Internet dalam bisnis suatu organisasi/perusahaan. Akan tetapi banyak sekali para eksekutif dalam perusahaan yang mengimplementasikan Intranet dengan konsep dan langkah-langkah dengan tidak menghasilkan kesuksesan dan mampu secara aktif bisa bersinergi dengan bisnis. Di sisi yang lain ada anggapan yang sempit bahwa Intranet hanyalah berupa berbagi pakai sumber daya penyimpanan file dan pencetakan melalui jaringan komputer saja. Padahal ada berlimpah manfaat baik yang terukur maupun tidak terukur dari Intranet apabila dipahami dengan benar dan proporsional. Apabila konsep dan langkah-langkah tersebut di atas sudah dipahami dengan baik dan benar tentang Intranet, maka ini akan sangat membantu mengoptimalkan proses bisnis perusahaan dari mulai pelayanan dan respon, baik kepada internal karyawan/rekanan ataupun hingga kepada pelanggan/klien, sehingga mampu dapat meningkatkan daya saing dan kesempatan meraih peluang keuntungan bisnis yang lebih baik.


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

  • Memahami konsep dasar jaringan komputer

  • Memahami perbedaan antara Internet, Intranet dan Ekstranet

  • Memahami aplikasi dan informasi yang diperoleh dari Intranet

  • Memahami manfaat dari Intranet

  • Memahami tantangan dalam membangun Intranet

  • Memahami pertimbangan manajerial dalam pengembangan Intranet

  • Memahami pertimbangan legal dalam pengembangan Intranet

  • Mengidentifikasi penggunaan Intranet berdasarkan kepentingan departemen/bagian masing-masing

  • Memahami dan melakukan penyusunan rencana berdasarkan petunjuk sukses mengimplementasi Intranet

  • Memahami dan melakukan pemilihan rekomendasi berdasarkan ulasan tentang CMS untuk solusi Intranet

  • Memahami pendekatan implementasi Intranet

  • Melakukan proses penyelesaian studi kasus berdasarkan departemen/bagian masing-masing




  • 80% Theory

  • 20% Practices

  • Dynamic and interactive training presentation




  • Hari ke – 1 : teori dasar

  • Hari ke – 2 : 08.00 s/d 12.00

  • teori implementasi, 13.00 s/d 16.30 studi kasus.




  • Apakah itu Intranet?

  • Aplikasi dan informasi yang diperoleh melalui Intranet

  • Manfaat Intranet yang terukur dan tak terukur

  • Tantangan dalam membangun Intranet

  • Pertimbangan manajerial dalam pengembangan Intranet

  • Penggunaan Intranet

  • Petunjuk sukses mengimplementasi Intranet

  • Menetapkan pedoman dasar

  • Mendefinisikan kepemilikan Intranet

  • Menetapkan prinsip-prinsip petunjuk

  • Menetapkan sebuah model bisnis Intranet

  • Menciptakan kebijakan publikasi

  • Mendefinisikan ukuran dari kesuksesan Intranet

  • Menciptakan pedoman gaya

  • Menetapkan hirarki situs

  • Menetapkan anggaran

  • Mengembangkan rencana rollout akses

  • Memilih model keamanan, sistem pengelolaan konten (CMS), standar integrasi basis data, alat bantu analisa trafik Intranet

  • Mengestimasi server dan lebar pita

  • Membentuk komite pengarah dan tim pengelola Intranet

  • Mengembangkan sistem pendukung

  • Ulasan tentang CMS untuk Solusi Intranet

  • Pendekatan implementasi Intranet 25. Studi kasus dan diskusi yang diikuti trainer dengan peserta.




AGUNG KUS SUGIHARTO, ST. Praktisi bidang IT yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih dari 12 tahun diawali sebagai instruktur dan penanggung jawab praktikum komputer di Universitas Gunadarma, Depok; menggeluti operasional dan konsultan IT antara di PT. Matahari Lintas Cakrawala dan PT. Rahajasa Media Internet; hingga menjadi IT Head di PT. Mentari Multimedia.
Aktivitas terakhir beliau adalah sebagai konsultan dan usaha pemasaran layanan IT dan investasi keuangan sebagai bagian aktualisasi kewirausahaannya.
Selain itu juga beliau menjadi penasihat bisnis untuk Meruvian Foundation sebuah yayasan pelatihan dan konsultan kewirausahaan teknologi berbasis Java yang telah memberdayakan SMK IT se-Indonesia untuk mendukung konsep link & match dari akademik terhadap industri IT.
Dengan berbekal pengalaman dan keahlian serta keterpaduan dengan bidang Non IT seperti diantaranya pengenalan kepribadian, mindset motivation dan mind mapping, memungkinkan beliau menyajikan pelatihan IT Soft Skill dengan cara yang berbeda sehingga mudah dipahami dan dipraktekkan oleh peserta sesuai dengan tujuan pelatihan.



21 - 22 Maret 2011,              08.30 – 16.30




Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Harris Hotel Tebet - Jakarta



Investment/Person :

  • Rp 3.500.000,- ( Full Fare )

  • Early Bird : Rp 3.300.000,- (Paid 4 days Before 21 Maret 2011)

  • Group Price : Rp 9.600.000,- (3 participants from the same company)