Integrated Maintenance Management
Santika Hotel, Bali | March 22-26, 2010 | Rp.8.250.000,-
- Memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan pengawasan yang ketat serta meningkatkan komunikasi untuk mencapai pengaturan yang lebih baik dari pekerjaan perawatan
- Mengarahkan pada penyiapan format sistem perintah kerja-penggunaan jadwal harian, mingguan dan bulanan, program tepat waktu dan perencanaan perubahan biaya untuk menjaga agar biaya perawatan tetap rendah
- Memberi perintah tentang bagaimana cara mengenal biaya operasi yang berubah menurut operasi pabrik dan penggunaan peralatan, bagaimana cara menganalisa factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efisdiensi karyawan dan bagaimana cara bekerja dalam anggaran dengan tetap dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan perawatan tepat waktu.
- Menyajikan cakupan untuk seluruh unsure-unsur utama dari program perawatan pencegahan dan bagaimana cara mengimplementasikannya.
- Mengurangi frekuensi dan waktu tidak produktif
- Mengoptimasi biaya perawatan
- Meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan
- Menguasai bagaimana melakukan perancangan awal pekerjaan, termasuk pekerjaan darurat, secara efektif
- Memahami bagaimana cara melakukan penjadwalan dan pengorganisasian aliran pekerjaan
- Meningkatkan efisiensi prosedur pelaporan
1. Introduction
- Maintainability
- Maintainability in Life-Cycle System
- Life-Cycle Cost (LCC)
- Cost Effectiveness (CE)
- Total Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) Visibility
- Commitment of Life-Cycle Cost
- Maintainability & Related Interfaces
- Maintenance
- Maintenance Category
- Maintenance Function
- Maintenance Time Relationship
2. Reliability Factors
- Reliability Function
- Failure rate and MTBF
- Series, Parallel and Combined Network
- Probability of Survival
- Reliability Growth Curves
- Gambling With Maintenance
- Profit-and Customer-Centered Maintenance
- Where is Your CMO?
- Key Requirements
- Four Real Challenges
- Challenge One
- Challenge Two
- Challenge Three
- Challenge Four
- Validate Results Improvement
- Ensure Top Leaders
- The Need of PCC Approach
- Do not Kill the Goose
- Do not Gamble with Maintenance Costs
- Do not be a Takeover Target
5. Maintenance Information
- Source of Maintenance Work
- Maintenance Work Order
- Design of W/O
- Types of W/O Form
- Field on W/O Form
- Repair History Jacket
6. Managing Preventive Maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance
- PM Strategy for 3 Equip. Life Cycles
- Justifying PM Expenditures
- Installing PM Systems
- Access to Equipment
- PM FREQUENCY: How often to Perform the PM
- Common Task
- Staffing the PM Effort
- Strategies to Get PM Done
- Steps to Install a PM System
- PM System Increase Professionalism
7. Planning And Scheduling
- What is Planning?
- How Much will Planning Help?
- Planning Mission
- Why Maintenance does?t Assign Enough Work
- Advance Scheduling is An Allocation
- WO Planing Flowchart
- Plan Follow Up
8. Estimating Maintenance Budget
- Pendahuluan
- Zero-Based Budget (Z-BB)
- How to Start?
- Estimasi Maintenance Budget
9. Maintenance Store And Inventory Control
- Introduction
- Maintenance Store Component
- Conditions Tending to Increase Maintenance Stores Inventory
- Conditions Tending to Reduce Maintenance Stores Inventory
- Centralized vs Decentralized Storeroom
- Principles of Maintenance Stores Control
- Procedural Guidance and Recommendations
10. Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)
- Benefits of Improved CMMS
- CMMS Justification
- Determining the True Need for CMMS
- Determining Maintenance Best Practices Needed
- CMMS Evaluation and Selection Process
- Establish the CMMS Team
- Get Outside Help when Needed
11. Maintenance Performance Indicators
- Performance Measures versus Benchmarking
- Benchmarking
- Performance Measures
- Measuring MPI
12. Predictive Maintenance
- Pendahuluan
- Pemantauan Getaran
- Thermography
- Tribology
- Process Parameters
- Ultrasonic Monitoring
- Visual Inspection
- Teknik NDT Lain
- Program Pd.M Optimal
- Implementasi Program Pd.M
- Maintenance Manager/ Superintendent/ Supervisor/ Engineer
- Plant Manager/ Superintendent/ Supervisor/ Engineer
- Operation Manager/ Superintendent/ Supervisor/ Engineer
- Everybody or professional who want to get benefit or broaden knowledge from this course
DR. Ir. I Wayan Suweca has been a senior consulting engineer specialist for PT. TIMAH Tbk., PT. TAMBANG BATUBARA Bukit Asam, KONDUR Petroleum S.A., and PT. KAI whereas he’s involved in failure analysis of machineries and equipments’ design. Mr. Wayan also is a distinguished professor of mechanical engineering at ITB since 1987 and has conducted numerous short courses and seminars for various major oil companies such as PT. CALTEX Pacific Indonesia, PT. FREEPORT Indonesia as well as VICO.
His field of expertise includes mechanical design and drawing, stress analysis and computer aide MSC/Nastran finite element program, mining hydraulics, and vibrations control as well as maintenance management. Mr. Wayan received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, French in 1990.
March 22-26, 2010
5 days
Santika Hotel, Bali
Tuition Fee
Rp.8.250.000,- per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.