Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Workshop Peran dan Fungsi Asuransi Pada Service Contract di Bidang MIGAS

Workshop Peran dan Fungsi Asuransi Pada Service Contract di Bidang MIGAS

Hotel Ambhara, Jakarta | Kamis – Jum’at, 18 – 19 November 2010 | 09.00-15.00 | Rp 2.700.000,-

Latar belakang

services contract memiliki dua bagian besar:

Bagian pertama adalah General Terms and Condition Contract, dimana bagian ini merupakan bagian standar kontrak (berdasarkan jenis servicesnya), yang mengatur hal-hal umum dari service tsb, seperti misalnya definition, interpretation, deffective performance, contractor's general obligation, suspension, dll. Legal aspek pada bagian ini sangatlah kental.

Bagian kedua adalah Exhibit Contract, dimana bagian ini lebih banyak mengatur hal-hal spesifik yang berhubungan services itu sendiri dan juga menagemen dari kontrak tsb, misalnya administrasi dari kontrak (alamat, penanggung jawab dari kedua belah pihak), point of mob/demob, point of origin/return, scope of work, personnel and equipment, compansation and payment (disini dijelaskan tentang detil-detil pembayaran, mulai dari besarnya pembayaran untuk setiap services in detail), serta bagian lain yang mengatur soal insurace, HSE plan, export import, dan parameter-parameter penilaian untuk performance dari kontraktor.

Seperti yang kita ketahui salah satu cara penanggulangan risiko adalah dengan mengasuransikan suatu risiko. Cara ini dianggap sebagai metode yang paling penting dalam upaya menanggulangi risiko. Karenanya banyak orang yang berpendapat bahwa manajemen risiko sama dengan asuransi. Dalam asuransi pada umumnya kita mengenal ada beberapa prinsip-prinsip pokok yang sangat penting yang harus dipenuhi baik oleh tertanggung maupun penanggung agar kontrak/perjanjian asuransi berlaku (tidak batal) yakni: Prinsip itikad baik, Prinsip kepentingan yang dapat diasuransikan, Prinsip ganti rugi, Prinsip subrogasi, Prinsip kontribusi dan Prinsip sebab akibat. Sehingga peran asuransi sangatlah penting dalam setiap usaha apapun termasuk pengusahaan minyak dan gas bumi (Migas).

Sehingga workhop inipun dibuat agar kita semua dapat mengetahui sebenarnya apa peran dan fungsi asuransi pada service contract di bidang migas.

Jenis Kegiatan:


Metode Pengajaran  :

  1. Pengajaran

  2. Studi Kasus / Simulasi

  3. Berbagi Informasi dan Pengalaman

  4. Diskusi Group dan Sesi Tanya Jawab


Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah

  1. Memahami mengenai review service contract di bidang Migas

  2. Mengetahui mengenai Mitigasi dan peralihan risiko

  3. Mengetahui klausula-klausula untuk Mitigasi dan peralihan risiko

Hasil yang diharapkan

Hasil yang diharapkan dari peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan ini ialah

  1. Peserta dapat memahami review service contract di bidang Migas

  2. Peserta dapat mengetahui Mitigasi dan peralihan risiko

  3. Peserta dapat mengetahui klausula-klausula untuk Mitigasi dan peralihan risiko

Target Perserta

  • Directors

  • General Managers

  • Chief Risk / Insurance Officer

  • Senior Operational Manager

  • Internal Auditor

  • Corporate Executives

  • Strategic & Corporate Planners

  • In House Lawyer

  • Corporate Lawyer

Narasumber & Materi



Materi yang dibawakan


MS. Syahrir

  1. Pengertian umum service contract di bidang Migas

  2. Kemungkinan risiko yang dapat terjadi dalam operasi Migas

  3. Pertanggungjawaban risiko yang terjadi berdasarkan hukum

  4. Mitigasi dan peralihan risiko

  5. Jenis-jenis asuransi yang diperlukan di bidang operasi Migas

  6. Klausula di dalam kontrak yang perlu diperhatikan untuk Mitigasi dan peralihan risiko

Waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan

Hari                 : Kamis – Jum’at
Tanggal          : 18 – 19 November 2010
Waktu             : 09.00-14.00
Tempat           : Hotel Ambhara - Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No.1, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta

Harga kepesertaan

Rp 2.700.000,-

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 1 – 4 November 2010 | Rp 7.950.000/participant



This course focuses on corrosion – from either internal or external source – and its potential problem, and the protection methods to stop or control them. Review on corrosion and technique by which it can be identified, monitored and controlled will be given in detail. Active participation is encouraged through case studies and examples especially on the use of painting and coatings, transformer-rectifier of impressed current, magnesium, zinc and alum sacrificial anodes for external protection, and the injection of corrosion inhibitors and biocides for internal corrosion control.


NONE. No previous training in corrosion control is required. However, to gain the most from this course, a basic understanding of physics, chemistry and basic unit operations will be helpful.


  1. Review of oil & gas surface production facility and operations.

  2. Review of metallic materials used in surface production facility and pipelines and the corrosion problem usually happen.

  3. Case studies and examples of oil & gas material failure caused by corrosion from internal and external source.

  4. Uniform, galvanic and localized corrosion failures.

  5. Internal corrosion of pipeline, vessel and processing equipment caused by sour component, H2S, CO2, organic acid, brine, and the SRB (sulfate reducing bacteria).

  6. External corrosion of underground, underwater and under-seawater pipeline and structure caused by impurities in soil and water environment.

  7. External corrosion of topside structure caused by marine atmosphere.

  8. Basic electrochemistry of corrosion process, Ohm’s law and the corrosion rate.

  9. Corrosion control and prevention with painting & coatings and the cathodic protection.

  10. Measurement of corrosion potential and corrosion current.

  11. Protection with sacrificial anode and impressed current.

  12. Understanding NACE Standard RP-01-69 to stop external corrosion attack.

  13. Requirement, design and criteria of cathodic protection.

  14. Sacrificial anode specification, installation and construction.

  15. Testing, monitoring, and inspection of cathodic protection.

  16. Inspection and maintenance of transformer-rectifier and sacrificial anode.

  17. Field test, measurement techniques and instrument.

  18. Data recording and evaluation of cathodic protection system.

  19. Case studies of corrosion control and prevention with cathodic protection.

  20. Internal corrosion problem in the pipeline and surface facility.

  21. Oil/gas/water fluid properties and the corrosion tendency.

  22. Deterioration by H2S, CO2, and acidic corrosive components.

  23. Pipeline leakage and rupture by microbial induced corrosion.

  24. Corrosion caused by SRB and the pitting mechanism.

  25. Corrosion caused by oxygen penetration.

  26. Examples and case studies of equipment corrosion damage and pipeline leakage.

  27. Understanding NACE Standard RP-0775 for internal corrosion control and monitoring.

  28. Practical internal corrosion monitoring methods.

  29. Access fittings, corrosion coupon and corrosion probes.

  30. Practical internal corrosion control and prevention methods.

  31. Internal corrosion control with inhibitors and the selection of suitable corrosion inhibiting chemicals.

  32. Dosage and injection methods of corrosion inhibitors.

  33. SRB control with biocides and the selection of suitable and low risk biocide formula.

  34. Dosage and injection methods of biocides.

  35. Oxygen control by de-aeration and chemical injection, and the selection of suitable oxygen scavenger chemicals.

  36. Dosage and injection methods of oxygen scavenger.

  37. Safety in the use of chemicals for internal corrosion prevention.

  38. Review of gas dehydration process and operations.

  39. Internal corrosion problem in glycol contactor (dehydration) unit.

  40. Method and materials use to control the corrosiveness of rich glycol solution.

  41. Review of amine sweetening process and operations.

  42. Internal corrosion problem in amine sweetening unit.

  43. Method and materials use to control the corrosiveness of rich amine solution.

  44. Examples and case studies of internal corrosion control



  • Anyone who needs to recognize corrosion and understand its devastating potential, especially as it relates to his or her area of responsibility, in oil and gas surface production facility and pipelines.

  • Anyone involved in combating and controlling corrosion from internal and external source.

  • Technicians and field operators and engineers of any discipline.

  • Onshore / offshore facility and pipeline cathodic protection inspectors.

  • Onshore / offshore structure painting and coating applicators and inspectors.

  • Amine sweetening, glycol dehydration and gas processing plant operators.

  • Beginners who interested in.


The training will be delivered in the form of classroom exposition, case studies and open discussion.


Dr. Hilman Ahmad and Team
Hilman Ahmad, PhD., an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center for Professionals and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000.He has been delivering consultative course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979.



Hotel Golden Flower Bandung


4 days


1 – 4 November 2010


  • Rp 7.950.000/participant (full fare)  or

  • Rp 7.750.000/participant (early bird, payment before  25 October 2010) or

  • Rp 7.500.000/participant (for 3 participants or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD contains training material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified and experienced instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)


Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Power Full Data Analysis & Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2007

Power Full Data Analysis & Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2007

Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Santika Hotel Jakarta | 2 - 4 November 2010 | 08.30 - 16.30  | Rp 3.750.000,-



Berdasarkan pengalaman mengadakan training di sejumlah perusahaan dari tahun 1994 - sekarang, muncul banyak permintaan dari sejumlah karyawan (accounting & finance, purchasing, production, sales, dll) akan adanya solusi yang efektif dan efisien untuk melakukan processing , analysis dan reporting data dalam jumlah yang besar ( lebih dari 65.000 record ) di mana sumber datanya berupa file teks, data hasil convert aplikasi integrasi information system (seperti : SAP) atau database server lainnya dengan menggunakan program Microsoft Excel.

Informasi yang diinginkan selama ini secara umum adalah laporan analisa data tahunan mengenai sales, finance, production, dan lain-lain berdasarkan kriteria dan fungsi analisa data tertentu dengan tampilan graphic yang menarik, dinamis dan interaktif. Pengolahan data seperti itu tentunya tidak dapat dikerjakan oleh Ms.Excel XP, 2002 dan 2003.

Sedangkan di Excel 2007 masalah-masalah tersebut semua dapat di atasi secara cepat dan tepat. Anda tidak perlu lagi membangun aplikasi program untuk menganalisa data dan membuat report dengan bahasa progam computer tertentu, yang membutuhkan waktu dan biaya yang tidak sedikit, karena semua hal tersebut di atas dapat dikerjakan dengan Excel 2007.


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

  1. Membaca dan memasukkan berbagai macam data : text file dan database yang lain yang jumlah record lebih dari 65.000 record ke dalam Excel 2007.

  2. Melakukan disain, summary database dan query data.

  3. Memanfaatkan fungsi-fungsi Excel untuk berbagai macam kebutuhan analisa data

  4. Melakukan berbagai teknik analisis data.

  5. Membuat laporan yang menarik, dinamis dan interaktif



Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode interaktif, dimana peserta dikenalkan kepada konsep, diberikan contoh aplikasinya, berlatih menggunakan konsep, mendiskusikan proses dan hasil latihan.

  1. 25% Theory

  2. 75% Practices (Case study of Finance, HRD, Marketing, Production, Purchasing problems)

  3. Dynamic and interactive training presentation.



  1. What's New in Excel 2007

  2. Read of Ribbon menu

  3. Read & writing external data

  4. Data sort, Filter and Query

  5. Conditional Formatting

  6. Using data analysis tools ( What If Analysis - Data table, Goal Seek and Scenario manager )

  7. Make and using PivotTable and PivotChart

  8. Make and using dashboard reporting

  9. Case study implementation

  10. Training evaluation



Staff, Leader, Supervisor, Manajer yang sering menggunakan aplikasi Ms. Excel ( Basic to Intermediate level )




Praktisi & trainer yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun menjadi instructor / trainer di beberapa lembaga pelatihan swasta, instansi pemerintah / swasta di Jakarta, mulai tahun 1992 - 2003, antara lain di PT. Asiana IMI Industries, Tbk., PT. COMBIPHAR, di PT. LG Philips Display Devices Indonesia, PT. LG Electronics Indonesia, PT. LG Innotek Indonesia dan PT. Harita Prima Abadi Mineral (Mining Company). Pernah menjabat sebagai Manager EDP dan Manager Training & Development di perusahaan swasta dan perusahaan jasa konsultan. Jabatan terakhir beliau adalah sebagai Direktur di PT. Target Digital Solusindo. Beliau juga pernah memberikan pelatihan sebagai berikut : Mastering Microsoft Excel 2007 : Beyong Basic For Office Automation, Powerfull Data Analysis & Dashboard Reporting with Ms. Excel 2007, COBOL Programming, RPG Programming, FORTRAN Programming, RDBMS With SQL 2000, System Analyst and Design, VB6 Database programming, VF9 Database Programming, IT Security, ITIL, COBIT, dan lain-lain. Selain itu juga beliau adalah praktisi pelatihan dengan metode quantum teaching, quantum learning, mind mapping dan NLP di bagian pengembangan sumber daya manusia (HRD Training & Development) selama lebih dari 7 tahun. Dengan perpaduan metode pelatihan seperti itulah, pelatihan seberat apapun selalu dibawakan secara ringan, jelas dan tuntas. Sehingga proses pelatihan berlangsung dengan menyenangkan dan mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan oleh peserta pelatihan.



27 – 29 October, 2010 | 08.30 – 16.30


Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Santika Hotel Jakarta


  • Rp 3.750.000,-/person

  • Early Bird : Rp 3.600.000,- (Paid 5 days Before 2 November, 2010)

  • Group Price : Rp 10.500.000,- (3 participants from the same company)



Estubizi Business Center, Jakarta | 21-22 Oktober 2010 | 08.30 – 16.30 WIB | Rp 2.200.000,-


Penjelasan Umum

Program pelatihan ini dirancang untuk memperlengkapi para pemimpin proyek dan anggota proyek dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan rasa percaya diri yang membuat mereka mampu mengelola dan memimpin proyek secara sukses.


Siapa harus hadir :

  • Project Managers/Engineers/Officers

  • Site Managers

  • Contract Administration Managers/Officers

  • All other Managers

  • Those who are groomed for above positions



Hari : Ke 1


  • Proyek

  • Management Project

  • Mengenal MS Project

  • PERT

  • CPM

Mengenal Struktur MS Project 2007

  • Keperluan Hardware

  • Install MS Project

  • Mengenal Menu MS Project 2007

Memulai kerja dengan MS Project 2007

  • Lembar Kerja MS Project 2007

  • Memulai Proyek Baru dengan MS Project (Sample)

Gantt Chart

  • Mengenal apa itu Gantt Chart

  • Mengisi Task

  • Durasi

  • Mailstone


  • Merancang Task di Balok

  • Edit Task


  • Edit Pekerjaan

  • Daftar Pekerjaan

  • Filtering


Hari Ke : 2

Work Breakdown Struktur

  • Tentang WBS

Network Diagram

  • Hubungan Antar Pekerjaan

  • Milestone dan Constraint

Membuat Jadwal Kerja

  • Membuat Jadwal Kerja

Sumber Daya (Resources)

  • Menyusun Daftar Reources

Membuat Laporan Proyek

  • Jenis Laporan

  • Membuat Laporan Dalam Tabel

  • Membuat Laporan Dalam Grafik

Memantau kemajuan Project

  • Informasi Project

  • Pekerjaan dan Biaya

  • Task

  • Tracking

  • Progress

Earned Value Analysis

  • PV (BCWS)

  • EV (BCWP)

  • AC (ACWP)

  • CPI

  • SPI

  • SV

  • CV

Create macam-macam tampilan


Instructor :

Ajat Sudrajat

He has experience more than 15 years in Information of Technology (IT) and Telecommunication. He worked in a state owned strategic industry in telecommunications and others as System Engineer, Hardware development, Software development, Network Admin, trainer, account manager, and project manager. He involved in developing some project, such as development Software applications, Computer networking design and Implemented.He has trained over 5 sessions in the various knowledge area of Project Management and over 8 sessions in various knowledge areas of Programming and Computer Applications.



  • Rp. 2.200.000,- / peserta.

  • Peserta Non-Residential.

  • Sudah termasuk Meeting Package, Training Kits, Modul Pelatihan dan Sertifikat.


Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010



Hotel Sensa - Bandung | 8 s.d 13 November 2010 | 08.00 – 16.00 | Rp 12.500.000,?



PERMEN ESDM No. 20 Tahun 2008 tentang Pemberlakuan Standard Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia di Bidang Kegiatan Usaha Minyak dan Gas Bumi Secara Wajib



Pelatihan bertujuan agar peserta lebih mampu, mengerti dan memahami serta menguasai aspek – aspek K3 dengan lebih baik


Materi Pelatihan

  1. Peraturan Per UU K3

  2. Kimia Api

  3. Dasar K3

  4. Breathing apparatus

  5. APAR & teknik pemadaman

  6. Peralatan Pemadaman

  7. Safety permit

  8. Inspeksi K3

  9. Gas Detector

  10. Industrial Hygiene

  11. Safety Equipment (SLM & PPE)


Persyaratan Peserta

Minimal SMA dan pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang K3



Instruktur yang akan memberikan pelatihan ini berasal dari Pusdiklat Migas ? Cepu


Tanggal & Tempat Pelatihan

Tanggal  : 8 s.d 13 November  2010
Jam          : 08.00 – 16.00
Tempat   : Hotel Sensa - Bandung


Biaya Pelatihan

  • Rp 12.500.000,? (Dua Belas Juta Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah).

  • Biaya tersebut sudah termasuk Fee Instruktur, Penggandaan materi, Training kit, 2X Coffee Break, Lunch dan Uji kompetensi.

  • Tidak termasuk pajak – pajak dan akomodasi penginapan.


Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010



Hotel Vue Palace,  Bandung | Senin - Selasa, 15-16  November  2010 | 08.30 s.d 16.00 Wib | Rp.3.000.000 ,-



Sampai saat ini belum ada aturan secara khusus tentang Standar Akuntansi untuk Perusahaan Textile dan Garment, oleh karena itu Standar akuntansi yang di pergunakan oleh kedua jenis usaha tersebut  adalah akuntansi yang berlaku secara umum.  Hal ini berbeda dengan jenis usaha lainnya seperti Rumah Sakit dan Perbankan,  bahkan jasa perbankan sendiri telah memiliki standar akuntansi  keuangan yang telah dibakukan beserta pedoman akuntansinya, yaitu PAPI (Pedoman Akuntansi Perbankan Indonesia) dan PAPSI (Pedoman Akuntansi Perbankan Syariah Indonesia) dan Asosiasi rumah sakit yang tergabung dalam PERSI (Persatuan Rumah Sakit Seluruh Indonesia) telah berhasil menyusun Pedoman Akuntansi Rumah Sakit Indonesia (PARSI), Bagaimana dengan Perhimpunan / Asosiasi Textile dan Garment ?.

Bagaimanakah Perlakuan Akuntansi dalam dunia usaha Textile dan Garmen yang sesuai dengan Pedoman Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK)?, dan  Jika perlakuan akuntansi dikaitkan dengan ketentuan perpajakan, bagaimana ketentuan pajak yang mengatur usaha textile dan garmen, serta aspek pajak apa sajakah yang melekat pada dua jenis usaha tersebut? Bagaimana pulakah Mekanisme Audit (pemeriksaan) pada perusahaan tekstil dan garment? Serta apa perkembangan Pedoman Standar Akuntansi Keuangan dan peraturan perpajakan juga metode audit untuk perusahaan tekstil dan garment yang terbaru?

Untuk mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, jangan lewatkan Workshop 2 hari yang diselenggarakan dengan topik Akuntansi, Perpajakan dan Audit Untuk Perusahaan Textile dan Garmen ini.



  • Praktisi dan akademisi di bidang akuntansi, audit dan pengendalian internal.

  • Beliau lulus Pendidikan Profesional Akuntan, Sertifikasi Profesional Internal Audit & Information System Audit,

  • Spesialisasi di bidang Manajemen Resiko dan Analisa Keuangan.

  • Bersertifikat Diploma International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS).

  • Senior Officer Financial Reporting Manager di PT. Telkom Indonesia.

  • ex auditor Pricewater House Coopers(PWC)

2. Junainah Mahdar, SE., Ak., CPA

  • Praktisi dan akademisi di bidang akuntansi, audit dan pengendalian internal.

  • Mempunyai CPA (Certified Public Accountant)

  • Spesialisasi di bidang Audit

  • Praktisi di PT. Telkom Indonesia.

  • ex auditor Pricewater House Coopers(PWC)


Rp.3.000.000 ,- / Peserta dengan Fasilitas sebagai berikut :

  • Materi Pelatihan

  • Training Kit

  • Makan Siang

  • 2 Kali Coffee Break / Hari

  • Sertifikat

Keterangan :

  • Diskon Rp.500.000 bagi pendaftar sebelum tanggal 1 November 2010

  • Diskon 10 % Bagi pendaftar yang mendaftarkan minimal 3 orang peserta

  • Bagi yang ingin termasuk Akomodasi (Penginapan) di kenakan biaya tambahan sebesar Rp. 1.000.000 untuk 2 malam (Termasuk sarapan Pagi & Makan Malam)



Hari             :   Senin - Selasa

Tanggal    :   15-16  November  2010

Pukul          :   08.30 s.d 16.00 Wib

Tempat     :   Hotel Vue Palace, Jl. Otista No.126 Bandung

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010



Hotel Amaroossa, Bandung | 8 – 12 november 2010 | Rp 6.000.000,-

Tujuan Pelatihan

Pelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan, pengetahuan dan keterampilan secara komprehensif mengenai PLC. Pelatihan ditekankan pada PLC SLC 500 yang meliputi perancangan program menggunakan RS Logix 500, pemilihan peralatan I/O dan komunikasi serta penggunaan beberapa fungsi khusus seperti Timer, Counter, dan pengendalian sinyal-sinyal Analog yang umum digunakan pada sistem kendali otomatis.

Course contents

  • Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller

  • P L C Hardware (Types of PLC, CPU, Digital I/O, Analog I/O, I/O Devices, SLC 500/Micrologix 5555 System )

  • Wiring and Trouble Shooting (I/O Addressing, I/O Wiring, Expansion Modules)

  • PLC Software (RS Logix 500/5000, Ladder Diagram, Function Block Diagram, STL, Addressing, Program Simulation)

  • Basic Programming (Sequential, Interlock, Timer and Counter Programming)

  • Application Programming (Level Controller, Automatic Main Failure, Electrical Motor Controller)

  • Mathematics Programming (Add, Sub, Mul, Div,)

  • Data Manipulation Programming (Tod, Frd, Deg, Mov, Compare, Application to Filling System)

  • Program Control Instruction (JMP, LBL, SBR, RET, Forcing I/O)

  • Analog Programming (Analog I/O, PID Controller, Application to Temperatur Controller)

  • Safety Circuitry

  • Case Study and Development System

Peserta Pelatihan

Pelatihan ini diberikan pada para operator, teknisi, engineer, supervisor dan lainnya yang ingin memahami/mendalami konsep dasar, pemrograman dan penggunaan PLC serta teknik perawatan dan perbaikan PLC.


Ir  Hasan Surya, MT & team

Tanggal  & Tempat Pelatihan

Tanggal                                 :  8 – 12 november 2010
Tempat Pelatihan            :  Hotel Amaroossa – Jl. Aceh no. 71A, Bandung
Jam                                        : 08.00 – 16.00

Biaya Pelatihan

  • Rp 6.000.000,- (Enam Juta Rupiah).

  • Biaya diatas termasuk Fee Instruktur, Handout, Training kit, 2X Coffee break, Lunch dan Sertifikat.

  • Tidak termasuk pajak-pajak.

Keterangan :

Setiap peserta diharapkan membawa laptop untuk praktek

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Variable Speed Drives

Variable Speed Drives

Select, Operate, and Maintain Your Variable Speed Drives Properly

Banana Inn Hotel, Bandung  | November 02-04, 2010  | US$ 880.00/person

The main aims of the course are to prepare engineers and technicians that having knowledge on the principles, applications, and troubleshooting of variable speed drives. The course is dedicated for engineers and senior technicians from various industries such as petroleum, petrochemical, textile, cement, and steel industries.


Course Content

The course is conducted through combination of class lectures and experiments by using computer software. The followings are the topics that going to be discussed:

  1. Introduction to Variable Speed Drives

  2. Electric Motors

  3. AC-DC Converters (Rectifiers)

  4. DC-AC Converters (Inverters)

  5. AC-AC Converters

  6. Variable Speed Drive System

  7. Maintenance and Troubleshooting


Experience Instructor:

Dr. Pekik Argo Dahono

Pekik Argo Dahono is a Doctor of Enginering Degree from Department of Electrical an Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Prior to receiving Doctor Degree, he completed his Master Degree in the same university in 1992. He finished his Bachelor Degree at Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) in 1985.

Besides formal education, he also followed non degree programs: Power Quality, EDSA Short Course Program in Detroit, Transient Analysis of Electric Drives Short Course in Singapore, Electric Traction Engineering, IEEE Short Course in Hongkong, Demand Side Management, AIT Short Course in Bangkok, Multilevel Conventers, IEEE Short Course in Aachen.

Pekik Argo Dahono conducts major teaching and research programs in Power Electronics, Application of Electrical Machinery, Control of Static Power Converters, Control of Electrical Machinery, Signal and System, Power Quality etc. He is a Head of Electrical Energy Conversion Research Laboratory, Institute of Technology Bandung since 2001.

He has a numerous experience as a Project Director and Consultant, such as Power System Study at Petrochina Ltd, Life Assessment of Synchronous Generator at PT. Geodipa Energy, Electric Fire, Investigation at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Industrial Power System Study at PT. Pertamina Tanjung, Variable Speed Drives Problem Assessment at PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia, etc.

He has received numerous awards both Domestic and outside the country: Conference Paper Awar from IEE Japan in 1992, scientific writing competition winners among Indonesian students in Japan in 1994, Japan Society for Promotion of Science Research Awards in 1997, Hitachi Kimmai Fellowship Awards in 1997, Toray Research Fellowship Awards in 1998, Asahi Glass Research Awards in 1998, PII Engineering Awards in 2006, ASEAn Engineering Achievement Awards in 2006 and recently he got STEI Awards. He is also a membership of IEEE and IEE Japan.


About The Tuition Fee

  • US$ 880.00/person from 1 (one) Company (Deadline until October 25, 2010)

  • Special discount if you register more than 3 (Three) Participants from 1 (one) Company




Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung | 25 – 29 October 2010 | Rp 8.250.000/person



a.    To learn Codes, Standard and Regulations for Pipeline
b.    To learn Technical Pipeline Documentation
c.    To learn flow characteristic inside pipeline
d.    To learn optimization of the pipe size selection
e.    To learn pipeline design loads and be able to conduct stress analysis
f.    To understand the ANSI Codes and ASME Codes for pipeline
g.    To learn pipe support analysis & design


  1. Piping System

  2. Materials

  3. Fabrication, Assembly, Erection, And Maintenance

  4. Piping Documentation Technique System

  5. Pipe Fluida Failure

  6. Optimasi Pemilihan Diameter Pipa

  7. Sistem Kontrol Pada Instalasi Pipa : Valves

  8. Piping Design Loads

  9. Pipe Stress Analysis

  10. Pipe Stress Requirements

  11. Design Of Pressure Components

  12. Pipe Span Calculation

  13. Expansions Loops, Expansions Joints And Flanged Joints

  14. Pipe Support Systems

  15. Case Studies



The course is intended for Piping engineers, mechanical engineers, maintenance engineers & supervisors, Service engineers & supervisors, technicians and inspectors responsible for the design, work over engineers & supervisors, plant Engineers and Petroleum Engineers.


Prof. DR. Ir. IGN. Wiratmaja Puja has 16 years continuous mechnanical engineering experiences in failure and stress analysis, mining machinery and design as well as mechanical drawing and has been a consulting engineering expert in machinery and equipment maintenance for PT. Tambang Batubara Tanjung Enim, KONDUR Petroleum and PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. He also has served as an in-company training instructor for several major oil and gas companies such as PT. Badak LNG, PT. Freeport Indonesia, VICO and PT. Timah Tbk.  Mr. Wiratmaja has authored numerous publications and presentations related to mechanical engineering and mining machinery. He holds a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kentucky, USA. His this much experience is ready to be shared through interactive discussion training class.



Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung


5 days


25 – 29 October 2010


1.    Rp 8.250.000/person (full fare)  or
2.    Rp 8.000.000/person (early bird, payment before 18 October 2010) or
3.    Rp 7.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module

  2. Training CD Contains Training Material

  3. Certificate

  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint

  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt

  6. Bag or Backpackers

  7. Training Photo

  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia

  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training

  10. Qualified  instructor

  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)



Senin, 04 Oktober 2010


The Majesty Hotel, Bandung | 28 - 30 October 2010 | Rp. 5.000.000,-/participant

The overall aim of the program is to make the participants understand the various aspects Oil & Gas Industries and will be able to improve delegates’ knowledge of:

finance personnel, human resource professionals, information systems specialists, secretaries, administrative and technical support staff, New Hire Engineer & Managers, Finance/ HR personnel, Procurement / Logistic  personnel, Staff and Senior staff at all business functions development, consulting,



  1. The Origins of Oil & Gas

    • The formation of petroleum

    • Different kinds of reservoirs

    • Reservoir characteristics

  2. World Energy Demand & Supply

    • Petroleum reserves

    • Classification of reserves

  3. Products from Petroleum

    • Refining

    • Petrochemicals

    • Hydrocarbon pricing

  4. Control of Petroleum Exploitation

    • Ownership of reserves

    • The control and award of petroleum concessions

    • Unitisation

    • Production Sharing Agreements

  5. The Reservoir Life Cycle

    • Exploration

    • Appraisal

    • Development

    • Production

    • Abandonment

  6. Petroleum Economics

    • How exploration, appraisal and development decisions are made

  7. Drilling

    • Drilling a well

    • Drilling time depth/cost curve

    • Drilling equipment

    • The mud system

    • Casing and tubing

    • Cementing

    • Directional drilling

    • Side-tracking

    • Dual completions

    • Multilateral and horizontal wells

  8. Production

    • Reservoir drive mechanisms

    • Artificial lift systems

    • Well treatment and work over - fracturing, sand control, acidising

    • Surface treatment - separation, compression

    • Storage and transportation

  9. Maintenance Activities

    • Different kinds of maintenance - reliability, condition based, planned, breakdown

  10. Logistics

    • Materials management and warehousing

    • Air and marine transportation

  11. Crude Storage

    • On Shore & Off Shore

  12. Finance

  13. Support Function


Ir. M Mansyur

Mohammad Mansur, has 11 years experience as consultant and training instructor in various oil and gas companies area. Mansur has Sarjana Degree of Petroleum Engineering ITB – Bandung.  He spent 30 years at PT. Stanvac Indonesia (PTSI) as Production Engineering Supervisor, and 3 years as VP/Sr. Manager of Technical Division at PT. Ustraindo Petrogas and 10 years as a Lecturer of Petroleum Engineering Department at Trisakti University. Some clients that have been served by Mansur are Expan, Vico, Kondur, Total Fina-Elf, Premier Oil Natuna Sea, Caltex-Indonesia, Pertamina,  Kodeco, Conocco Phillips, Unocal, Medco EPI, etc.  His experiences in consulting about Comprehensive IDP program for  staff & Managerial positions and TNSA for Vico, Training Need Survey (Skill gap Analysis) for Premier Oil, Developing Training  Matrix for Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), developing training matrix for PT. A.S.E.I, Job description & Organization Structuring  for PT. Dos Ni Roha, Job Description & Evaluation for Staff and Managerial Positions for EMP Kangean Ltd., EMP Kalila Ltd. and  Geo Energy Ltd. From 2002 – now Mansur as Class mentor for Graduate Engineering Trainee (GET) programs, for PT. Medco E&P Indonesia in Jakarta and oil & gas fields.


The Majesty Hotel Bandung


Rp. 5.000.000,-/participant

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Training Ahli K3 Kimia (Sertifikat Depnaker)

Training Ahli K3 Kimia

Hotel Ambhara (Blok M), Jakarta | 18 - 29 Oktober 2010 | 08.00-17.00 WIB | Rp. 8.500.000,-

Pelatihan ini peserta dilatih untuk menjadi calon Ahli K3 Kimia di tempat kerjanya seperti yang dimaksud UU No.1 tahun 1970 dan peraturan pelaksanaannya tentang pengendalian bahan kimia berbahaya di tempat kerja sesuai Keputusan Menaker No.KEP.187/MEN/1999 dengan waktu penyelenggaraan selama 120 jam pelajaran.


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan Ahli K3 Kimia ini, peserta mampu mengetahui dan memahami:

  1. Peraturan perundangan K3 Kimia dan Lingkungan

  2. Identifikasi, evaluasi dan pengendalian bahaya potensial dalam menyimpan, mengangkut dan menggunakan bahan kimia berbahaya

  3. Cara kerja yang aman dalam menangani bahan kimia berbahaya, akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh kecelakaan pada industri kimia dan upaya untuk menanggulanginya

  4. Metode pengukuran bahan lingkungan kerja dan cara pengendaliannya


1. Kebijakan K3 Nasional
2. Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1970 dan peraturan yang terkait
3. Lembar Data Keselamatan Bahan
4. Penanganan dan Penyimpanan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya
5. Penyakit Akibat Kerja oleh Paparan Bahan Kimia
6. Pengantar Toksikologi
7. Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan
8. Teknik Pengendalian Bahan Kimia Berbahaya
9. SMK3 dan Audit SMK3
10. Prosedur K3 di Ruang Tertutup
11. Pengendalian Bahaya Besar
12. Prosedur Tanggap Darurat
13. Pengelolaan Limbah
14. Monitoring dan Pengukuran Pemaparan
15. Manajemen Alat Pelindung Diri
16. Analisa Laporan Kecelakaan
17. Pengenalan Bahaya dan Penilaian Resiko
18. Pencegahan Kebakaran & Peledakan
19. Plan Visit dan Seminar
20. Evaluasi



  1. Pendidikan Sarjana (S1) dengan pengalaman kerja sesuai bidang keahliannya sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun;

  2. Sarjana Muda atau sederajat dengan pengalaman kerja sesuai bidang keahliannya sekurang-kurangnya 4 tahun, lulus seleksi dari Tim Penilai;

  3. Menyerahkan photo copy ijazah terakhir;

  4. Photo copy Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)

  5. Menyiapkan pas photo ukuran 4×6 dan 2×3 masing-masing 3 lembar

  6. Mengisi biodata



  • Pelatihan K3 bagi Calon Ahli K3 Kimia diselenggarakan selama 11 (sebelas) hari dari tanggal 18 - 29 Oktober 2010, pukul 08.00 s/d 17.00 WIB


Intruktur yang akan memberikan pelatihan adalah instruktur Senior dari DEPNAKERTRANS dan Instruktur yang berkompeten dan berpengalaman di bidangnya.


Peserta yang lulus pada pelatihan ini akan diberikan sertifikat dan penunjukan Ahli K3 Kimia yang di keluarkan oleh DEPNAKERTRANS


Training Ahli K3 Kimia diselenggarakan bekerjasama dengan Depnakertrans pada tanggal

  • 18 - 29 Oktober 2010, pukul : 08.00-17.00 WIB


Hotel Ambhara - Jakarta (Blok M)


  • Pendaftaran per peserta                                                                                         Rp. 8.500.000,-

  • Pendaftaran & Pelunasan 2 minggu sebelum training                                Rp. 8.250.000,-

  • Investasi termasuk Modul, Training kit, Soft copy materi, Sertifikat, SK Penunjukan Ahli K3  Kimia, Lencana dari Depnakertrans RI, Rehat, Makan siang dan Souvenir